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AU302: One City - Strategy, Spoilers and Comments

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  • Oh, and thank you for the cheerleading!!


    • Deity Spaceship with Persians

      I noticed that all the rivals were commercial so I tried replaying with the Persians so that I could use the Pyramids as a lead item for the Great Library. That part worked great, but the Barbarian Uprising almost did me in. I was down to only 4(!) developed tiles at the end of my Golden Age. Heh.

      Still managed a 1848 AD launch.

      - TT

      Here's the log and I've attached the last save game.

      Note: This is a replay. I played once with the Greeks and achieved a Space Race Victory in 1840AD. I thought I would try again with the Persians to see how things differed.

      Note: This is a Space Race only game. No other Victory Conditions are enabled.

      Ancient Times Turn Log:

      3950BC: Founded Portland. Thirteen rivered tiles(!), one Wheat, one Flood Plain, one Gold, four Ivory, and one Fish. Plus four shielded grasslands and a couple of hills and mountains. 100% research for Alphabet.
      3750BC: Warrior, exploring.
      3600BC: Size 2.
      3550BC: Forest cleared. Spearman.
      3450BC: First Ivory connected.
      3250BC: Size 3.
      3200BC: Deserted hut. Heading home.
      2900BC: Size 4.
      2800BC: Alphabet. Writing in 25.
      2590BC: Size 5.
      2310BC: Size 6.
      2150BC: Colossus.
      2030BC: Size 7. Spearman. Using Pyramids as lead item for Great Library. Using Spearman to make contact.
      1910BC: Writing. Literature in 21.
      1675BC: English build Oracle.
      1600BC: Contact with Korea. Size 8.
      1475BC: Lost a Warrior fending off Barbs.
      1350BC: I have developed my 12 tiles. Joined Worker to make size 9. Pyramids in 7. Literature. Killing Research.
      1300BC: Contact with India. Celts build Pyramids.
      1275BC: Indians build Great Lighthouse.
      1200BC: Sold Literature to Korea for World Map and 128 gold. Sold Literature to Indians for World Map and 3 gold. Great Library.
      1175BC: Pottery, The Wheel, Warrior Code, Ceremonial Burial, Iron Working, and Map Making from Great Library.
      1150BC: Galley.
      1050BC: Library.
      1025BC: Galley lost at sea. Galley.
      0975BC: Code of Laws from Great Library.
      0925BC: Galley crossed the ocean. Contact with Celts. India will be crossing soon. Trade Contact with Korea for World Map and 26 gold to Celts. Trade World Map to Korea for World Map, 46 gold, and a Worker. Sell Contact with Celts to India for World Map and 14 gold.
      0925BC: Mysticism from Great Library. Temple.
      0900BC: Contact with England. Sold World Map for 32 gold. Mathematics, Philosophy, Horseback Riding, and Construction from Great Library.
      0875BC: Fending off more Barbs. Great Wall in 16. Size 10.
      0825BC: The Republic.
      0800BC: Contact with Romans. Disbanding Galley.
      0775BC: Sold Mathematics to Korea for World Map and 28 gold. Sold Construction to India for World Map and 18 gold.

      Note: Still a couple of huts to tip. Sending my Elite Spearman to do the job. J

      0670BC: Sold Construction to Koreans for World Map and 56 gold.
      0650BC: Hut produces Settler! Escorting him home. J
      0630BC: Polytheism from Great Library. Massive Uprising! Currency from Great Library. Monotheism is the freebie. Sold Currency to India for World Map, 29 gold, and Worker. Great Wall. Golden Age.

      Note: Uprisings are Fun! I have one Spearman at home, one escorting a Settler back home, and two foreign Workers with freshly minted Green Cards taking…oh…so…long…to mine the surrounding hills and mountains. In most games, Uprisings are a minor nuisance. In OCC, they are a major challenge.

      Note: One I will ignore for now. Heh. Business as usual; gotta play to win, right? J

      Middle Ages Turn Log:

      0550BC: Monarchy. Stupid Barbs are trashing my improvements. Switching to Hanging Gardens. Spearman/Settler are almost home.
      0470BC: Joined Settler to make Size 12. Barbs damage is growing. Hanging Gardens in 7.
      0370BC: Lost a Spearman fending off Barbs.
      0350BC: Engineering from Great Library. Hanging Gardens.
      0330BC: Spearman.
      0310BC: Archer.

      Note: Barbs are finally retreating. Only four tiles remain developed. That was a Golden Age???

      0250BC: Monarchy to Celts as tribute.

      Note: Time to re-improve my tiles. Despite the damage, Marketplace, Cathedral, and Colosseum will only require 20ish turns to complete.

      Note: Need to switch Governments soon. Can’t trade away techs until Cathedral and Republic are in place.

      0150BC: Tribute of Territory Map and 100 gold to Romans.
      0130BC: Cathedral.
      0110BC: Revolt.
      0090BC: New Government: Republic.

      Note: Time to speed things up.

      0070BC: Sold Engineering to Celts for World Map, 6 gpt, and 15 gold. Sold Engineering to Koreans for World Map and 37 gold. Sold Engineering to Indians for World Map and 9 gold. Gave Monotheism to Indians.
      0010AD: Feudalism from Great Library. Marketplace. Building Sun Tzu’s as lead item to something.
      0030AD: Sold Feudalism to Celts for World Map, 1 gpt, and 23 gold. Sold Feudalism to Romans for World Map and 3 gold.
      0230AD: Theology from Great Library.
      0260AD: Invention from Great Library.
      0300AD: Chivalry from Great Library.
      0310AD: Sold Chivalry to Celts for World Map, 1 gpt, and 28 gold.
      0330AD: Education from Great Library. Astronomy in 28.
      0370AD: Tribute of 100 gold to Rome.
      0400AD: Sistine Chapel. Using Leo’s as lead item for Cope’s.
      0430AD: English build Sun Tzu’s.

      Note: I can get a University this turn or hope no one builds Leo’s (my lead item) before I get Astronomy. Time to investigate some cities:
      Calcutta – Leo’s in 1
      Pyongyang – Leo’s in ??? (never got that far)
      Camulodunum – Leo’s in ??? (never got that far)
      Pompeii – Leo’s in ??? (never got that far)

      Note: That cost me a total of 99 + 156 = 255 gold. Switching to University.

      450AD: University. Astronomy in 9. Indians build Leonardo’s Workshop.

      Note: At least no one has a big lead item going towards Cope’s.

      0480AD: Korea declared war on the Indians.
      0490AD: Harbor. Using Colosseum as lead item for Cope’s. Indians building JS Bach’s.
      0540AD: Astronomy. Cope’s in 13.
      0550AD: Traded Astronomy to Korea for Wines, Gunpowder, World Map, 78 gpt, and 19 gold. Chemistry in 18.
      0600AD: Indians build JS Bach’s.
      0660AD: Copernicus’ Observatory.
      0680BC: Korea and India make peace.
      0700AD: Traded Astronomy and 340 gold to England for Banking. Chemistry. Physics in 13.
      0710AD: Colosseum.
      0750AD: Traded Ivory to Korea for Music Theory, World Map, 3 gpt, and 5 gold. Sold Banking to Celts for 23 gpt and 30 gold. Traded Ivory to India for Silks, Wines, World Map, and 97 gold. Courthouse.
      0770AD: Sold Chemistry to Korea for 41 gpt and 50 gold.
      0780AD: Sold Chemistry to English for printing Press, World Map, and 91 gold.
      0860AD: Tribute of Ivory to Celts. Worker.
      0870AD: Size 12 again.
      0890AD: Using Bank as lead item for Newton’s University. Indians build Smith’s Trading Company.
      0950AD: Roaded the other Iron. Traded Iron and 455 gold to Korea for Democracy.
      0960AD: Theory of Gravity. Metallurgy in 14. Newton’s University in 10 turns.
      0970AD: Indians build Magellan’s Voyage.

      Note: Here’s a little trick. You can sell a resource even if you don’t have any extra. I have two Iron, but won’t have a need for it until Steam Power. So, I traded one to Korea and I can still trade the other even though it shows up as “Iron (0 extra)” in the diplomacy screen.

      1050AD: Traded Iron and 210 gold to Celts for Magnetism. Newton’s University.

      Note: Suddenly! Everyone except England is out of the Middle Ages. Hmmm…

      1060AD: Give Democracy and Physics to England. India and Rome have military alliance against Celts. Metallurgy. Nationalism is the freebie. Gave Metallurgy and Magnetism to England. Sold Nationalism to Rome for Iron, Saltpeter, Horses, Free Artistry, World Map, and 99 gpt. Sold Nationalism to India for World Map, 87 gpt and 476 gold. Sold Nationalism to Celts for 52 gpt. Medicine in 16.

      Industrial Ages Turn Log:

      1080AD: Indians build Shakespeare’s Theater.
      1120AD: Bank.
      1130AD: Worker.
      1150AD: Size 12 again.
      1170AD: Rifleman.
      1180AD: Sold Iron to India for World Map, 38 gold, and 2 gold.
      1200AD: Medicine. Sanitation in 12. Sold Nationalism to England for World Map and 44 gold. Traded Medicine plus 1358 gold to Korea for Steam Power. Traded Medicine to Rome for Gems, Furs, 21 gpt, and 1 gold.
      1210AD: Rifleman.
      1260AD: Sold Medicine to Celts for World Map, 12 gpt, and 15 gold.
      1275AD: Romans destroy Celts.
      1280AD: Iron Works.
      1285AD: Sanitation. Gave Steam Power and Medicine to English.
      1295AD: Hospital.
      1300AD: Bought Industrialization from Korea for 2209 gold. Established Embassy with Korea and investigated Kaesong. Korea will build Universal Suffrage in 40 turns. Universal Suffrage in 13. Size 13.
      1325AD: Sold Sanitation to English for World Map, 3 gpt, and 57 gold.
      1340AD: Tribute of Territory Map and 100 gold to Romans.
      1350AD: Romans destroy English. Universal Suffrage.
      1355AD: Electricity. Scientific Method in 13. Bought Corporation from India for 1670 gold.
      1365AD: Joined two foreign Workers to make size 15.
      1370AD: Size 16. Factory.
      1380AD: Stock Exchange.
      1385AD: Granary.
      1395AD: Coal Plant.
      1410AD: Scientific Method. Atomic Theory in 23. Traded Scientific Method and 3365 gold to Indians for Refining and Replaceable Parts. Sold Scientific Method to Koreans for 73 gpt, and 122 gold. Theory of Evolution in 5.
      1430AD: Theory of Evolution. Atomic Theory. Electronics. Radio in 21. Hoover Dam in 6. Size 17.
      1440AD: Sold Atomic Theory to Koreans for Steel, Espionage, Communism, 64 gpt and 19 gold. Sold Atomic Theory to Indians for Military Tradition and 904 gold.
      1445AD: Sold Electronics to Korea for 221 gpt and 230 gold.
      1455AD: Size 18.
      1465AD: Hoover Dam.
      1480AD: Size 19.
      1485AD: Intelligence Agency.
      1505AD: Radio. Traded Electronics and 160 gold to Romans for Combustion. Flight in 18.
      1515AD: Rome declared war on Indians. Size 20.
      1555AD: Tribute of Territory Map and 100 gold to Romans.
      1580AD: Flight. Bought Mass Production from India for 1873 gold. Bought Motorized Transport from India form 1872 gold. Space Flight in 37.

      Modern Times Turn Log:

      1590AD: Commercial Dock.
      1625AD: Korea and India declare War on Rome.
      1705AD: Sold Rocketry to Romans for World Map, 74 gpt, and 180 gold.
      1715AD: Indians build Manhattan Project.
      1735AD: Space Flight. Traded Space Flight to India for Fission and 313 gold. Superconductor in35. Traded Fission to Romans for Aluminum, Spices, Oil, Amphibious Warfare, World Map, and 110 gold.
      1740AD: Korea and Rome sign Peace Treaty.
      1750AD: Apollo Program. Rome and India sign Peace Treaty.
      1758AD: Traded Space Flight to Romans for Uranium, Saltpeter, World map, 81 gpt, and 309 gold.
      1760AD: SS Engine.
      1764AD: SS Docking Bay.
      1766AD: Korea has Computers. Stole Computers (safely) from Korea for 2944 gold. Traded Computers and 1080 gold to Korea for Superconductor. Nuclear Power in 33. SETI in 7.
      1778AD: SETI.
      1780AD: Research Lab.
      1786AD: SS Cockpit.
      1792AD: SS Life Support System.
      1796AD: SS Fuel Cells.
      1798AD: Tried planting spies in Korea and India. Both were caught. Stole Satellites (safely) from India for 3090 gold. Sold Satellites to Romans for Uranium, World Map, 92 gpt, and 50 gold.
      1802AD: SS Thrusters.
      1804AD: India declares war on Korea. J
      1808AD: Rome declares war on Korea. J
      1818AD: Size 20 again. (Lost one to starvation somewhere along the way). Nuclear Power. Traded Nuclear Power to Korea for Ecology, Advanced Flight, World Map and 49 gold. Traded Nuclear Power and 4950 gold to India for Synthetic Fibers. Traded Ecology to Rome for Aluminum, Gems, Spices, Incense, Furs, 81 gpt, and 40 gold. Laser in 23.
      1822AD: SS Stasis Chamber.
      1824AD: Sold Nuclear Power to Rome for Rubber, Oil, World Map, 69 gold and 8 gold.
      1826AD: SS Storage/Supply.
      1830AD: Korea and Rome sign Peace Treaty.
      1836AD: SS Exterior Casing.
      1840AD: Mass Transit.
      1846AD: Indians have Laser. Stole in carefully for 3290 gold.
      1848AD: SS Planetary Party Lounge. Launching!

      Xerxes the Fair
      Score: 1594
      Culture: 21272
      Attached Files


      • Ok, my game definitely fits into the category, "if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all."

        I am cruising along to an easy Emperor space race victory. I've (Greece) built 5 of my components, and Korea has only started building it's first component. So I'm about 12 turns away from victory.

        But wait, I lost my supply of Aluminum. How can it by I ask? I had plenty of turns left on my trade agreement with England. Well England is at war with Korea. Korea has destroyed all of it's harbors and I have no trade route. I'm am stuck.

        Korea and England make peace about 2 turns later. So does England ever build a harbor? Of course not, that would be to smart. England has 16 harbor cities, but no harbor. So I watch as Korea catches up, passes me up, and then wins by space race.



        • Ahhhh!!!!!

          I can't find a smile that truely represents my feelings.


          • FINISHED!!!

            I actually won by cultural victory in 1890AD, but played out to being the first to complete all SS components in 1973AD.

            I kept my continent almost completely clean of AI cities, except for the SW tip, ending the game fully encircled by Infantry in forts (does anybody know if forts protect against Marines? Never happened, but it's a good question). Having the extra resources and luxuries made quite a difference.

            Rome became the KAI (!!), and up until declaring war on me for no reason (maybe gold) towards the very end, was polite or gracious throughout.
            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


            • In my second AU302 game (babs/emperor) I was invaded near the end by the silly Indians by sea. What is worse, they invaded me with an infantry army! Well, since I really had no major attacking units I built some cruise missles to take out the army, it worked.

              Btw, the space race with the AU mod is so much more frantic, your heart almost pounds when you get to the last turns... three... two.... one.... LAUNCH!!! (pheww... :relieved: )
              A true ally stabs you in the front.

              Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)

