I played it too. I am in the industrial age with all other civs in the game, no one eliminated. Second civ is probably America.
The interesting thing I did is that I got a winning position by doing absolutely nothing Ok, the starting position was... well, what to say, magnificent? once in a lifetime? In any case I never had such a nice start in any of my games.
Nice starting position and Monarch level that's a combination that makes a game really easy. I started by building a temple and since the city was growing very rapidly I rushed the temple. Then a warrior and a settler, and more settlers. By 250 BC I had 14 towns.
Since it was a lower level than I normally play I thought I would experiment with great wonders and I builded the great library. I met the Americans early and later the Indians and although the Indians were a little behind in technology I finally got 5 techs. I would have gotten a lot more if I could make contact with the other civs but they were far away. Lincoln with his great lighthouse didn't manage to find them. In the end it was I who found the others but after Navigation ! That's rare I think. Anyway, the other civs were not scientifically advanced or anything. Mao had Metallurgy when I met him and I had two technologies that he didn't have.
I started a short war with Lincoln at about 1000 AD. I did that just for the GA. I would have done it earlier but I had no Chivalry. I got my golden Age but Lincoln was stronger than I thought. My idea was that my army would be enough for the war. Instead I had to build more Samurai during the war. In the end I destroyed three American cities and builded two of mine there. I got a GL too. I used him to rush the Theory of Evolution.
At 1080 AD I signed a peace treaty getting Astronomy, the only tech I didn't have but paying some money ( 40 gold ). Then changed to Democracy.
I made contact with the other civs (aside from America and India) at 1200 AD. A little after I discovered Navication. I didn't sell any contacts I let them find each other by themselves.
I had in mind to play peacefully till the end but... I had no coal ! When this happens my style changes completely. I become a bloodthirsty barb. I looked at our continent, there was no coal in Lincoln's territory. So it was India's turn... I attacked India immediately, dragging the Americans in the war. Not that I needed them much but they had a colony on India's continent which I hoped they would lose. They didn't! Now it's the only foreign town on my second continent. This war lasted for 20 turns ( I always respect treaties) and in the end I had to put luxuries at 40% to keep my people content. When the war was over I got all the continent, a lot of corrupted cities etc but I don't mind that. I got two tiles with coal and two luxuries.
Something I forgot to mention is that at some point I had more than 10000 gold. In the war I wasted 4000 gold building temples and having high tech and luxury rates. War is bad for business
Now we are well into the Industrial age, I am 3 technologies ahead and I am building hospitals. I already have factories. I managed to build the theory of Evolution with the GL and also the Universal Suffrage manually. I have a city building Hoover Dam, the other civs don't even have Atomic Theory.
I said earlier that I experimented with wonders. I builded many of them. GL was the first, then the Colossus in the same city and in the middle ages Sistine and Bach's. I also managed to build Newton's in the same city with the Colossus.
That's all. Now I will continue with my research and my industrialization and I will probably launch before the others build any spaceship parts.
I think it was a little bit too easy.
The interesting thing I did is that I got a winning position by doing absolutely nothing Ok, the starting position was... well, what to say, magnificent? once in a lifetime? In any case I never had such a nice start in any of my games.
Nice starting position and Monarch level that's a combination that makes a game really easy. I started by building a temple and since the city was growing very rapidly I rushed the temple. Then a warrior and a settler, and more settlers. By 250 BC I had 14 towns.
Since it was a lower level than I normally play I thought I would experiment with great wonders and I builded the great library. I met the Americans early and later the Indians and although the Indians were a little behind in technology I finally got 5 techs. I would have gotten a lot more if I could make contact with the other civs but they were far away. Lincoln with his great lighthouse didn't manage to find them. In the end it was I who found the others but after Navigation ! That's rare I think. Anyway, the other civs were not scientifically advanced or anything. Mao had Metallurgy when I met him and I had two technologies that he didn't have.
I started a short war with Lincoln at about 1000 AD. I did that just for the GA. I would have done it earlier but I had no Chivalry. I got my golden Age but Lincoln was stronger than I thought. My idea was that my army would be enough for the war. Instead I had to build more Samurai during the war. In the end I destroyed three American cities and builded two of mine there. I got a GL too. I used him to rush the Theory of Evolution.
At 1080 AD I signed a peace treaty getting Astronomy, the only tech I didn't have but paying some money ( 40 gold ). Then changed to Democracy.
I made contact with the other civs (aside from America and India) at 1200 AD. A little after I discovered Navication. I didn't sell any contacts I let them find each other by themselves.
I had in mind to play peacefully till the end but... I had no coal ! When this happens my style changes completely. I become a bloodthirsty barb. I looked at our continent, there was no coal in Lincoln's territory. So it was India's turn... I attacked India immediately, dragging the Americans in the war. Not that I needed them much but they had a colony on India's continent which I hoped they would lose. They didn't! Now it's the only foreign town on my second continent. This war lasted for 20 turns ( I always respect treaties) and in the end I had to put luxuries at 40% to keep my people content. When the war was over I got all the continent, a lot of corrupted cities etc but I don't mind that. I got two tiles with coal and two luxuries.
Something I forgot to mention is that at some point I had more than 10000 gold. In the war I wasted 4000 gold building temples and having high tech and luxury rates. War is bad for business
Now we are well into the Industrial age, I am 3 technologies ahead and I am building hospitals. I already have factories. I managed to build the theory of Evolution with the GL and also the Universal Suffrage manually. I have a city building Hoover Dam, the other civs don't even have Atomic Theory.
I said earlier that I experimented with wonders. I builded many of them. GL was the first, then the Colossus in the same city and in the middle ages Sistine and Bach's. I also managed to build Newton's in the same city with the Colossus.
That's all. Now I will continue with my research and my industrialization and I will probably launch before the others build any spaceship parts.
I think it was a little bit too easy.