I'm thinking about resigning from my position of AU Dean. I just feel that I'm not needed, and that the members of the Apolyton University would rather just leave the AU as it is, instead of trying new things with it. I head the organizational/creative front for the AU, yet whenever I post an idea, I don't even get a response. Am I really needed?
No announcement yet.
Possibly Resigning
That is not for me to say, but offering ideas and them not being accepted or acted upon is not conclusive.
To some degree the age of the game has cause a large reduction in attendance and activity.
CivIV is not far away and may spark renewed interest in Civ at poly and in the AU in particular.
Not to mention you were not active for a long period, but things change.
Originally posted by vmxa1
That is not for me to say, but offering ideas and them not being accepted or acted upon is not conclusive.
To some degree the age of the game has cause a large reduction in attendance and activity.
CivIV is not far away and may spark renewed interest in Civ at poly and in the AU in particular.
Not to mention you were not active for a long period, but things change.
That was probably a year ago, and I was only AWOL for a few months, IIRC.
Well, I don't know what to say, but basically, I don't think it's personal. I often feel the same way, I bring up issues that either simply don't get responded to or die quickly anyway. And I think vmxa highlights some key problems. Civ3 is old now, many a new game has replaced it for many people. I read every post in the AU (unless it's a DAR I shouldn't be reading, of course) and almost never respond because I just don't have anything to say about it. I still am somewhat interested in discussing Civ3, but I no longer play it outside of PBEM. For example, I couldn't respond to joncnunn's threads because I simply don't have the experience to make a worthwhile post. Even for this post, it has taken me some time to decide to say anything at all, and it islargely motivated by the fact that vmxa has made my argument for me and the fact that no one else is responding. I saw this thread originally more than 24 hours ago, I think."I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
-me, discussing my banking history.
I have also been a bit inactive in recent months, but have tried to follow the discussion on poly and have noticed the general reduction in activity here. As vmxa1 has said, in many cases this is the result of reduced interest in the game. (In my case, it's more due to the fact that my son was born a few months ago, greatly reducing my free time. In a battle between poly and sleep, it's not even close)
Speaking for myself, I'm open to new suggestions, game ideas, etc., but I'm not sure I can commit to actually participating. The last AU game I played was the Culture victory one, which I never bothered to finish (victory was a foregone conclusion and I was preoccupied). In theory, I'd be open to a new game, provided it was a topic which interested me and sounded fun. I just can't promise much.
That's a long way of saying that I don't think you should take the lack of response to some of your ideas as a personal rejection. As far as I'm concerned, while I haven't always agreed with your ideas, you've done a great job and you have my vote for remaining in this position.They don't get no stranger.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
"We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." George W. Bush
Nah, NM, it's just things slowing down in general 'cause of the aforementioned reasons. And not every good idea gets taken up!!! (says the creator of the AUAC Mod)
Keep on it... there are a number of good ideas that have been thrown out there and never really pursued.
As a tip for an area of focus, I'd say the one aspect of Civ3 on 'poly that is still going strong is PBEMs.The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
It's kind of disheartening when a game you love and play ferociously and avidly slowly seems to get less and less attention at your favorite forum.
But I can't think of a better franchise game to become the Dean of the University!
Don't lose heart just yet, I just bought Civ 3 complete and came straight here to Apolyton to find out all I could about it because I knew from experience ( moo3 and gal civ) that I could come here and find the most comprehensive information about the game that is available.
I found everything I was looking for about Civs 3 here. As Dean you must be responsible for that, at least partly.
If that's the case, then thank you for your prior work, and I look forward to seeing what you have in store for Civs IV!Last edited by uberloz; March 9, 2005, 17:46...there are known ‘knowns’ There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. ~~Donald Rumsfeld
Don't, please.
And keep posting new ideas. It's true that by now we know he game inside out, have played all the possible scenarios, have won at any level and are waiting for Civ IV to come out.
But this is exactly the reason why we need some fresh ideas.
Also from you.
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
Hang in their Lord Nuclear
I now things look down. Personally for mw its my work schedule, 5..10hr days. So participation for the summer will be down some.
But the AU is what keeps me trying things I have never done before, and I thaank all those who but the effort foward to teach and have us push the envelope of our game play.
Keep the wicked juices flowinganti steam and proud of it
CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be