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AU506 - DAR4: Four AI civs remaining

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  • AU506 - DAR4: Four AI civs remaining

    This is the DAR4 thread for AU506: The Power of Early Warfare. This DAR covers your elimiation of the third AI civ (7-3=4). Use this thread to discuss your warmongering strategy, and recount your exploits.

    Yet more questions:

    1. Have you been warmongering all along, or did you take a break?
    2. Do you miss be a "builder"?
    3. What factors are affecting your choice of which civ to conquer next?
    And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...

  • #2
    Re: AU506 - DAR4: Four AI civs remaining

    Originally posted by Dominae
    1. Have you been warmongering all along, or did you take a break?
    I took a brief break after the Mongols were destroyed. I didn't have enough units to go for France, so I decided to build some, before declaring war.

    Originally posted by Dominae
    2. Do you miss be a "builder"?
    Only a bit. What I do miss, is doing research. I'm not used to a tech lag in the Medieval Age on Emperor. ANY lag, I mean.

    Originally posted by Dominae
    3. What factors are affecting your choice of which civ to conquer next?
    The Aztecs are a 2-city civ, and can do no damage now. So, their use as a buffer, a helper, or even a resource client is near to nothing. They go.

    AU Mod, Emperor level

    I have set restrictions for myself, to force war. I am not build any Wonders, nor science buildings (Libraries, and on). Also, research is at minimum (a scientist, or 10-20%) all the time.

    With available luxuries, no Colosseums, or Cathedrals were built either.

    670 AD
    Both Aztec cities were easy to reach in 1 turn. I sent Knights, then I let them loose, and the Aztecs vanished. On of their cities was immediately turned over to the Babylonians, because it would be hard to defend, if the Indians attacked.

    This was 4 turns after DAR 3, so no big changes. Not in status, nor in plans.

    Diplomacy: Everyone at peace. Well, the five four ones left.
    Cities owned: 41
    Military: 19 Pikemen, 22 Knights (1 in Army), 16 Impi, 10 Musketmen, 3 Horsemen (1 in Army), 4 Medieval Infantry, 1 Swordsman, 1 Longbowman
    Workers: 15 native, 33 Slaves
    Science: We lack Banking. Running a lone Scientist, pro forma, to Chemistry.

    Going to take France. This time, maybe, for good. They have no Iron, no Saltpeter, no Horses. They have Leo's, which Zululand needs badly to do all upgrades. The only French strong units are left over Knights, that will be dispatched quickly. Next are the Maya, to get the Pyramids, and Wines. I want to delay a war with India, because attacking Muskets behind Walls (they have the Great Wall, and Saltpeter) without bombard units is kind of not my thing. Started building Trebuchets, and Muskets now.

    Glory pic of the Aztec downfall, 670 AD:
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Modo44; February 3, 2005, 10:02.
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • #3
      Part IV: The Age of Strife

      To our great shame, we had to sign a peace treaty with India for 80 gold. ‘Those War Elephants are a real match for our Knights’ (Alexander dixit).
      We are still at war with China, but they are only a minor nuisance.

      We completed Smith Trading Co. and the Indians completed Shakespeare’s Theatre.

      The Indians declared war on us again. This time, we are ready to meet them…

      Babylon declared war on us. Moral of the game: gifting luxuries is not enough…
      We allied ourselves with Maya against them.

      Babylon allied itself with India against us.

      Jaipur was the 1st Indian city to fall into our hands.

      India declared war on the Mayans.

      China and Maya signed a peace treaty.

      We made peace with China (almost forgot we were at war with them).

      Maya and India signed a peace treaty. We made peace after the fall of Bombay and the capture of Sun Tsu and 160 gold, but its citizens immediately deposed our Governor. Lost 6 military units and 1 Army…

      Babylon and Maya signed a peace treaty. China and India signed a military alliance against Maya.

      China and Babylon signed a mutual protection pact.

      Babylon declared war on the Mayans.

      And the Great Trans-Continental High railroad began…

      China declared war on us!

      We completed Newton’s University.

      China declared war on the Mayans.

      The last Babylonian town fell to our mighty armies . Only 3 alien civs standing.
      1310gold, Industrialization in 4 turns. India has Nationalism and Medicine.

      The Master’s Questions:
      1. warmongering all along: well, almost, yes. From the Middle Ages on, the other civs were the ones to declare war on us. Keeps people happy, but it’s bad for military planning. I was wondering how high Dominae put the settings on ‘AI Aggression’.
      2. Builder mode: YES! Not building Libraries, Colosseums etc, just because you have to churn out only military units is a real pain. Everybody knows I just HATE those extended military expeditions…
      3. The next civ? India of course. All those 4-legged ivory carriers.
      Attached Files
      The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


      • #4
        Jon's DAR : Monarch AU Mod Dar 4 Part 1 of 2

        The following restrictions taken upon myself to encourage war mongling:

        1. I will not be in a representive form of govt nor may I pick Monarchy.

        2. I will not build any libaries. [I may still try to reserach, but it may become less effective as time goes on.]

        3. I will not build any great wonders unless I get and use a SGL. Any SGL may only be used for building wonders that are Military.

        4. I will not build any small wonders unless I get and use a MGL.

        Babylonians chosen as the next target for Dye, Gems, and the Temple of Artimess. Orders given to mass my Horses at Ironton (along with 1 Impi to be brought along) as a staging city.

        270 BC Spice connected

        250 BC French build Colosus

        230 BC Irrigation Chain reaches Oasis in the Desert

        150 BC India finishes paying for that tech.

        150 BC Notice India & China have entered Middle Ages

        150 BC Declare War on Babylon!

        130 BC Capture Babylon Dye

        110 BC China builds Great Libary

        110 BC Maya builds Great Wall

        90 BC Capture Babylon Iron

        90 BC Trigure GA by attacked red-lined Bab Spear with Impi.

        90 BC Raize Eradu both by Volcano and rather close to Babylon to the ground.

        70 BC India builds Musieum

        70 BC Monotheism discovered. Researching Chivary @ 90 in 6 turns

        30 BC Ft Mountain disbanded by building Settler. Relocating to 1-1-1 Aztec Cow

        30 BC Northern Hill built.

        30 BC Babylon city 9-9 of Northern Hill raized to the ground.

        30 BC Capture Babylon and Temple of Artemis. We now have Temples in every city!

        30 BC Contact Babylon to see if they'll surrender, they'd consider it an insult to turn over their wine city. I consider that an insult and so the war continues!

        30 BC Build Infill Harbor between cities in ex-Aztec lands

        30 BC Babylon trigures their GA by successfully attacking an exposed horsemen.

        10 BC Ft Monpo Abandoed via building worker.

        10 AD Western Grassland founded

        30 AD Western Fish Harbor founded

        50 AD Discover Chivary. Most AIs now have Republic. Reseraching Enginnering @ 60 in 9 turns. (Ongoing upgrading of non-Elite Horses to Knights)

        50 AD Notice via Military Advisor that the Babs are now running Fedualism. Guess they were granted it when they reached middle ages.

        70 AD Massive cultural boundary expansions

        70 AD Generate a new MGL with Elite Horsemen. Capture Babylon Tobacco. Form an Army with MGL in Babylon Tobacco. A call goes out for a volunter to join this army.

        Babyloians would still consider it an insult to hand over their wine/horse city for peace. I consider that an insult and war continues!

        90 AD Irrigation reaches Yet Another Horsetown

        130 AD Horsemen Army defeats Babylon Spear. People now want to build Heroic Epic

        130 AD Elite Horsemen generates MGL defeating Babylon Spear. Babylon Horse Wine captured. MGL rushes Heoric Epic in Babylon Horse Wine

        130 AD Babylon surrenders Hills of Babel, their worker in their capital, and all their gold in exchange for a 20 turn ceasefire.

        End of 1st Babylon war.

        130 AD Investigate sole Babylon city, effectively exploring the terrign there.

        Zip of too big 1024 X 800 screen shots For Dar 4 Part 1
        Last edited by joncnunn; February 15, 2005, 21:04.
        1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
        Templar Science Minister
        AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


        • #5
          Jon's DAR : Monarch AU Mod Dar 4 Part 2 of 2

          The following restrictions taken upon myself to encourage war mongling:

          1. I will not be in a representive form of govt nor may I pick Monarchy.

          2. I will not build any libaries. [I may still try to reserach, but it may become less effective as time goes on.]

          3. I will not build any great wonders unless I get and use a SGL. Any SGL may only be used for building wonders that are Military.

          4. I will not build any small wonders unless I get and use a MGL.
          130 AD Chinese chosen as next target; I don't want to see Chinese Riders later

          150 AD Notice China has a settler-unit pair in my territory and ask them to leave in hopes that they'll declare war.
          China declares war. 2 slaves captured immedately. Chinese Desert Harbor captured.

          170 AD India builds Great Lighthouse

          190 AD Chinese Sugar Water Taken (and two slaves)

          210 AD Enginnering discovered. Researching Invention @ 60 in 9 turns. [Several horses left to upgrade]

          210 AD Desert Fish Harbor founded.

          250 AD Elite Knight generates MGL defeating Midevil Inf. Army created with Knight that generated it.

          250 AD France builds Sun Tzu War Academy

          280 AD Capture Chinese Library of Fish. We now control the Great Library! 3 Slaves captured

          280 AD Trade route with India established

          290 AD Golden Age Ends. Great Library gives us Republic. Several Market Places under construction switched to Baracks & Knights

          300 AD Chinese River Plains captured

          300 AD Chinese Western Hills captured

          310 AD Chinese Whales captured. Very tough battle, 9/9 Horse Army reduced to 1/9 before beating Pikemen.

          320 AD Babylon Dye connected to empire

          320 AD Chinese Iron captured (and 2 slaves)

          Chinese will not surrender their Gem city (and only have two cities left) so war will continue until Chinese are wiped out!

          330 AD Chinese Gems captured (and 1 slave)

          330 AD Chinese Folly captured (and 2 slaves). We have wiped out the Fledging Chinese!

          End of DAR 4


          1. Have you been warmongering all along, or did you take a break?
          Short breaks have mostly been to allow redepolyment of military forces, but in the previous DAR, a break lasted a bit longer both to allow a cease fire deal to expire and also to allow anarchy to end.

          2. Do you miss be a "builder"?

          3. What factors are affecting your choice of which civ to conquer next?
          Babs were attacked at the begining to aquire ToA.
          Chinese were then attacked as much for denying them the ability to ever build Riders as it was aquiring the GL.

          Zip of too big 1024X800 screen shots for this section of the DAR

          Last edited by joncnunn; February 15, 2005, 21:08.
          1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
          Templar Science Minister
          AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


          • #6
            Re: Re: AU506 - DAR4: Four AI civs remaining

            Originally posted by Modo44

            This was 4 turns after DAR 3, so no big changes. Not in status, nor in plans.
            My Dar 5 will probably be a similar length to your Dar 4.
            China who I'm currently attacking is now down to a two city empire but wouldn't surrender their Gems and so are going to be wiped out without a break.

            Meanwhile, there are 8 turns left in the ceasefire with the one city Babylon empire. [No resources]

            The only thing that would significantly delay annexation of the last Babylon city after the cease fire expires is if France or Maya has sold them an Iron at a big discount and my trade network hasn't reached the staging city. (India has no contact with anyone other than myself and soon to be dead China; FM screen)

            I'm comfortable using obsolete Horses against obsolete Spears & Bow Men, but I'd want Knights going up against Pikes.
            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
            Templar Science Minister
            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


            • #7
              My too big screen shots for this forum (1024X800) was in turn too big ziped together in one file [5 MB limit] so has been split.

              Thru end of 1st Babylon War [Babylon reduced to one city]

              Thru end of DAR 4

              Last edited by joncnunn; February 16, 2005, 12:38.
              1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
              Templar Science Minister
              AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


              • #8
                AU 506 – DAR4: Four AI Civs remaining

                AU Mod, Emperor

                Not applicable.
                The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

