Originally posted by alexman
In order to get 5 colosseums give 50 gpt by 1000 AD, you would have to have them all complete by 1250 BC.
In order to get 5 colosseums give 50 gpt by 1000 AD, you would have to have them all complete by 1250 BC.

Originally posted by alexman
OK then, what would you rather have by 1000 BC as a militaristic civ? 5 Colosseums or 10 extra Swordsmen? At the very least, it's an interesting choice.
OK then, what would you rather have by 1000 BC as a militaristic civ? 5 Colosseums or 10 extra Swordsmen? At the very least, it's an interesting choice.
Originally posted by alexman
And since when is Smith's dangerous? It's a nice Wonder, but not dangerous. With the changes to Armies, Militaristic civs might need such a boost in the AU mod. And it's not really free, you still have sacrifice something significant to build those early Colosseums.
And since when is Smith's dangerous? It's a nice Wonder, but not dangerous. With the changes to Armies, Militaristic civs might need such a boost in the AU mod. And it's not really free, you still have sacrifice something significant to build those early Colosseums.
