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AU 504 Glory of Culture DAR 4 - Contact with All Civs

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  • #16
    AU 504, DAR4:

    In the immediate period after DAR3 I did not take any notes. I played along as normal and captured Persopolis. The collapse of Persia begins to accelerate...

    500AD, China declares war and takes Teintsin. Like I care.

    510AD, Capture and raze Parsagadae with 3 ACs and a lone Horseman. The AI does a smart manoever and settles a new town, placing my now injured fastmovers in its' culture

    But it probably did it to reclaim the ivory...

    520AD, finish Feud, and upgrade all my units in the now threatened chokepoints to pikes and MI...China is going down as soon as I am finished with Persia. I will cut iron and stockpile the chokes, but China does not scare me.

    560AD, Persia no longer lives on the mainland. I have the boats to wipe them out, but make peace for everything they have: three cities and 42 gold. then I disband one city since there is a chinese sword standing right outside it...My army starts marching down to the chokepoints. Whether they will arrive in time is yet to be seen...

    590AD, 1400g in the bank, I start research on Engineering, @ -3gpt, in 7 turns. I want get leos asap, so I start a nice prebuild (somewhere)

    China does scare me now. The thing about choke points is that you know exactly where your opponent is going to attack you...the problem is that you never know the amount of force they are going to bring to bare:
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    You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


    • #17
      But sometimes you never know what is going to what should I do with that MGL??

      I only lost one vet pike. China lost 14 swords and 2 archers.

      That is 1 shield:16 shields loss ratio. Not an effective attack, really...
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Krill; September 26, 2004, 18:12.
      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


      • #18
        Have you built the FP yet? If not...

        Do you need to relocate the Palace? If so...

        If the above don't apply, just give the Chinese a glorious Indian army to behold. And I mean an offensive one.
        Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


        • #19
          I don't need an army. I have abou 25 MI, 10 pikes and 20 cats moving down to hit China. A nice pike army would stop him hitting me, but since it seems that he has thrown all his offensive units at me, there is little reason in doing that.

          I think I will go for the overkill option that you just suggested, and make a 3xMI army. That will really hurt the pikes...

          (BTW, the FP is in Bengal, the palace has already been moved. As soon as I have finished cutting all that jungle i will have a nice productive piece of land to the north east of the capital. When China is gone I will downsize the army and go to REP.)

          edit in response to the below post: oh, I forgot about that...I'll build pike army to protect the future WE I'll have.
          Last edited by Krill; September 27, 2004, 11:50.
          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


          • #20
            In this game the AU rules have been modified, so the army will hold only 1 unit. It will only add a little to your forces, since they are already very strong. The main point is allowing the Heroic Epic to be built - more culture. And scaring the crap out of the Chinese, of course.
            Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


            • #21
              What a wonder of good luck! I second Modo - build an offensive army. For Heroic Epic, of course, and also for raw power of army. Even it can only load one unit now, +4 hp bonus should not be overlooked. Imagine a 10hp war elephant army...


              • #22
                AU504, Emperor, AU Mod

                370ad: Regrouping didn't cost much of time. 60 years after the first Indo-Persia war, we are ready to kick Chinese once again. Just the same old trick, I asked them out and they declare war for me.

                390ad: Beijing, together with its magnificant Pyramids, became part of Indian Kingdom! Many of my troops, including the ancient cavalry army, died outside the city, though.
                After quelling the resistance, Beijing's building queue was set to temple (rushed), courthouse, forbidden palace.
                But that was the farthest place I captured in this war. Chinese offered some respectable counter attack that tied up many of my forces, and guarding Beijing from flipping wasn't an easy job either. Moreover, as my cities were busying building infrastructures, I didn't have reinforcement by hand. When several Chinese swordsmen approached to relatively weak defended town of Dacca, we told them the war was enough, it's time for peace.

                420ad: The Great Wall was built in Bombay.

                550ad: Idea of monotheism spreaded the whole India. We even let it influence Persian, for a price of engineering knowledge. Of course we'd like to know about feudalism instead, but they wouldn't give it up. So we researched it ourselves.

                600ad: A flood of Persian immortals ran into my territory, seemed to ingore my most outside city of Bactra. What were they for? My weak defended heartland cities? Or China? I order my troop to beware, and see what would happen.

                640ad: Feudalism was well studied by Indian sages. We were now technically equal to Persian. What was next? My military advisor cried for some workshop to upgrade our troops. So invention. Two prebuild were started shortly after that.

                680ad: It seemed like Persian's aim was China. Good, so long as they wouldn't backfire me.

                760ad: Invention skill of our technicians was proper trained. Leo's Workshop progressed well.
                Persian army reached China at last. War broke out.

                820ad: Forbidden palace was established in Beijing.

                950ad: We learned about Theology that year, 100 years after we adored Chivalry. Two wonder projects were already finished, too. One is Knight Templar in 850ad. the other is Leo's Workshop in 920ad. Now it's the right time of upgrading my forces and teach Persian to respect other's border.

                980ad: China got an upper hand in Persia-China war, likely because of shorter supply line. Our war elephants entered service just right time. I blocked the chockpoint of south mountain barrier, told Persian they would be consider hostile if they wouldn't withdraw their force. Obviously they refused. Of course, our war elephants gladly trampled those fragile immortals. Historians mark this day as the beginning of our golden age!

                The war didn't go well enough, however. Building universities diverted some of our efforts from supplying the front line. More important, much land of Persia is hiding behind a chain of mountains and hills, which seriously hampered our war elephents' movement. The assualt on Persepolis was not started until about 1200ad, and the first assualt was, unfortunelty, failed, by the last pikeman with the last hp left guarding the city.The second assualt in 1255ad succeeded, granting Indian the control fo Great Library. Of course, knowledges inside the library were all out-dated by the time.

                The war didn't slow my tech rating any more, thought. I got education in 1070, astronomy in 1150, music theory in 1200, banking in late half of 13th century, all were first of the world. Therefore, there were no competitors to Copernicus's and Bach's.

                1310ad: An ambassador of Iroquis arrived in Delhi. I checked my map, there's no galley of them near our shore, so he must come from China. They seemed to be obsessed by our music, willing to gave us knowledge of printing press and republic, together with communication with Spain, Ottoman, and Arabia. Since Bach's Cathedral is only 5 turns to complete, I gladly agreed the trade.
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  By the time, India was tech leader, the only nation that knew astronomy and banking. Iroquis and China were second tier. Arabia and Persia were third tier. They're both lack of music theory and printing press. Ottoman was sixth. Spain was the last - they hadn't even a middle age tech.

                  The culture graph:
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    I made some mistakes in this stage, once agian.

                    First, I should attack China first, for my Fobbiden Palace is located at Beijing. Also, Persia with chivalry is the same Persia without it, since they don't have horses. China, on the other hand, will be much more dangerous with their rider. One more point, China have no barrier to slow down my war elephants. Sigh, I was too single-minded when playing...

                    Second, as you see in above picture, I left luxury slider at 20%, which is too high, for I've already set up Sistine Chapel. It didn't hurt too much, but nevertheless it is a mistake.

                    Top 5 cities of the world:
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Krill
                      I only lost one vet pike. China lost 14 swords and 2 archers.

                      That is 1 shield:16 shields loss ratio. Not an effective attack, really...
                      Krill, if you had been on the other end of that statistic, you would be seriously p****d off, and reviving the "Spearman vs Tank" thread
                      So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
                      Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

                      Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


                      • #26
                        Carthage contacted. They are a backwards civ… With our 1st MGL, we created a Sword Army.

                        The Celts completed the Great Library.

                        Traded Theology and 100 gold for Feudalism with China.

                        Arabia destroyed the Ottomans. Arabia was becoming a real powerhouse , having conquered a big chunk of the other continent. Further, they were catching up very strongly in culture, even if we were far ahead in techs. The logical implication was that we had to conquer Arabia to prevent them to win the game before us, and I just hate conquests…

                        Our (1st) war with Persia ended. They had lots of Immortals and we did not manage to get more than 2 cities. Fact is, I was building more city improvements than military…

                        We completed the Sistine Chapel.

                        The Arabs declared war on us when we refused to give them Engineering. The Celts and Carthage joined our alliance. China completed Sun Tsu.

                        The Arabs destroyed the Spanish. The Celts completed Knights Templar. This

                        We declared war on Persia and entered our GA with our War Elephants.

                        We completed Leo’s Workshop.

                        We completed Copernicus’ Observatory.

                        Our GA ended but we completed our FP in the ancient Persian capital Persepolis. The war with Persia ended and we are master of their continental land. We are still at war with Arabia (good for our happiness!).
                        Attached Files
                        The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


                        • #27
                          China is ahead of us in culture, the price we're paying for bad choices...
                          Attached Files
                          The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


                          • #28
                            And Arabia still leads
                            Attached Files
                            The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


                            • #29
                              Smith Trading Co. completed.

                              We entered a new age, but completed Military Tradition before (wonder why? )

                              J.S. Bach cathedral completed.

                              Arabia completed Newton’s University 2 turns before us. Damn!

                              We completed the Military Academy.

                              Arabia declared war on Carthage. We’re going to help them (Carthage, that is). Arabia is now a real KAI.

                              The Time Of Factories:
                              Attached Files
                              The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


                              • #30
                                The same old story...
                                Attached Files
                                The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps

