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AU 504 - Dar 2: 2150BC-1000BC

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  • #46
    Deity - Stock

    1. The lone Warrior that I had built by 2150BC went South, exploring along the western coast of that big lake and down into Chinese lands. After a short while (and a couple of Roads pillaged!) I called him back up North to try and explore Persia. I did this because I had explored all I could with the Warrior without entering Chinese territory (I did not want irritable Deity Mao to get angry with me), and because I figured there were no more civs to contact down South (this is why it took me so long to contact the Persians in my first "attempt"). The Warrior, of course, saw the second chokepoint, and my next two Settlers were sent to claim each of these.

    2. In terms of city development, here's a rough outline (see the screenshots for city locations):

    Delhi: Setters every 4 turns
    Bombay: Worker every 5 turns (without Granary)
    Madras: Workers until enough, Granary, Settlers every 6 turns
    Bangalore: Temple, Granary, Wonder prebuild
    Lahore: Workers until enough, Temple, Barracks

    All other cities built Temples first, via poprush if they were very far from the core (i.e. the two bordering China). I'm now in the midst of getting Barracks up in my productive cities that are not busy doing something else (see Lahore, Kohlapur).

    3. The tech race has been going very well for me: I got to Philosophy first, and as of 1000BC the Persians and Chinese only have Horseback Riding over me, and I yet to give them Philo. Here's the exact sequence:

    Writing (China got it the turn before I did, making it cheaper - thanks!)
    Code of Laws (free - thanks!)

    I debated whether I should head straight for Republic after Philosophy in order to guarantee myself some trade bait and a government change, or Literature for the Great Library gambit. I ended up choosing neither of these, opting instead to turn "back" for Math. for the Statue of Zeus. As you can see from the screenshot, the timing is just great as I will accumulate 200 Shields the turn after I disover the tech. I'm not sure if this was the best choice among the three options, but there's definitely something to be said for the security of those 4HP Ancient Cavalry.

    4. REXing was relatively interesting: the AIs sent a lot of Warrior/Settler pairs into my lands, but some judicious "blocking" kept them away from the sites I knew they were going for, and allowed be to settle the middle of the continent to my satisfaction. This was more of an issue with the Persians than the Chinese because I had the Chinese effectively blocked off down South. Incidentally, doing this little REX dance is one my favorite parts of playing Deity. Then the AIs felt they should walk through my territory to the western lands, which I had yet to explore (but assumed were small due to the Continents setting). So I had to place some cities and a Worker (mining the Iron Mountain - 18 turns!) to discourage them. I like my AIs nice and malleable.

    5. Plans for the future include securing the continent, because that's what Brian Boitano would do. Seriously now, it's pretty clear this is the right course, but the devil is in the details. I guess after REX is officially over my cities will build horses, which my magicians will transmute into elephants, and I'll go from there. The interesting part of the game will be trying to keep the AIs off my back long enough, and getting them to go to war with each other. Somehow I need to avoid taking the brunt of the attack from the civ I declare war on, which will be interesting given the sandwich-type geography.

    6. China built the Pyramids in 1250BC...

    7. Following Aqualung's example, here are some stats:

    Population: 43
    Settlers: 0 (one next turn)
    Workers: 14 (one next turn)

    Warriors: 8

    Barracks: 1
    Granaries: 3
    Temples: 7
    Wonders: 0 (Statue of Zeus in 2 turns)

    Culture: 420/100000
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Dominae; October 3, 2004, 23:59.
    And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


    • #47
      Not much to tell... rex, rex and rex again. the mad rush for Philosophy, then the switch to Republic.

      Our 1st temple is completed.

      Writing researched. Now it’s Philosophy at max. speed.

      Bangalore, our 4th city, is founded.

      Calcutta, our 5th city, is founded.

      Traded Alphabet for IW with China, then Alphabet and 15 gold for The Wheel with Persia.

      With Philosophy, we took Mathematics for free and now it’s CoL.

      Lahore, our 6th city, is founded.

      Karachi, our 7th city, is founded.

      Kolhapur, our 8th city, was founded. Traded Writing for HR and 23 gold with China. Established embassies with Persia and China.

      Jaipur, our 9th city, is built. After CoL, it’s time to research The Republic.

      My rexing is going well. I am ahead in techs and will switch government asap. My neighbours are lying low for now, but I am weary of Persia. Maybe it’s time to crank out some more military.
      My screenshots are from 800BC, I forgot (again) to save in 1000BC…
      The chokepoints with China are well manned (1 warrior each). I trust them...
      Attached Files
      The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


      • #48
        Our glorious culture. We are the Champions!
        Attached Files
        The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


        • #49
          The rest of the Ancient Times:

          We completed the Statue of Zeus. Traded Mathematics with China for 80 gold and 2 workers and with Persia for 26 gold. The Spanish completed the Oracle.

          Chittagong, our 10th city, is completed.

          Punjab, our 11th city, is founded.

          The Celts completed the Colossus and the Carthaginians the Great Lighthouse.

          Dacca, our 12th city, is founded. Traded CoL with China for Mysticism and 96 gold and for Map Making with Persia.

          Indus, our 13th city, is founded.

          The Mausoleum of Mausollos completed.

          We switched to Republic.

          Ganges, our 14th city, is founded.

          Arabia completed the Hanging Gardens.

          Pune, our 15th city, is founded.

          The Celts completed the Temple of Artemis.

          China completed the Great Wall.

          With Polytheism, we entered a new age and are the 1st one on our continent.
          Our goals are quite clear: built all wonders and keep ahead in techs. If some neighbour gets bothersome, kill it. Ghandi is a simple man who likes simple concepts…
          The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


          • #50
            Not much happened in this second block. Here are my notes, but I got lazy and probably missed some events...

            2190BC: Writing Completed, going for Philosophy
            1990BC: Settler done in Bombay. To set on the hill on the eastern chinese chokepoint
            1830BC: Calcutta Founded
            1725BC: Trade Alphabet to both tribes in exchange for Mas, WC, BW and The Wheel and 20 gold.
            1675BC: Lahore settled near the dyes.
            1250BC: Karachi founded.
            1200BC: Kolhapur founded on the other chinese chokepoint. Colossus started in Calcutta
            1150BC: Jaipur founded in attempt to steal dyes from the Persians by Culture. 
            1025BC: Hyderabad founded. Bengal founded
            In 975bc, I have 670 culture points, 360 in Delhi alone... My closest competitor, China has 144.

            I made a big mistake. When I started philo, I saw that there was nothing to gain to research at 100%, so I researched at 10% because the number of turns estimated was the same. Now that I have woke up, it's too late, as even my 100% science right now won't do a thing. I might get it first, but I am afraid...

            Apart from that, there is pretty much nothing going on... I'm still expanding, but I feel that my military is too thin for my taste... But I'm average vs China and strong vs Persia, so I don't need to worry... yet!
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            • #51
              In 975 bc, I have

              11 cities (1 settler done in 5 turns)
              9 workers (1 done in 2 turns)
              16 warriors
              2 archers
              4 spearmen

              +28 gold coming in per turn (at 9.1.0)
              Philosophy in 9 turns

              Going back to play some more!

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              Get your science News at Konquest Online!


              • #52
                SafaN's Try

                I'm very impressed with the other reports. Seems i'm very behind in city building. I have no bad feeling about it, but then thats mayb why i can't win on emperor

                Monarch with AU mod:

                2070 BC
                chinese warrior in the south, i have 3 techs more. But they have more power then the persians

                1990 BC
                Traded the wheel with the chinese for pottery and cb. The persians have it already so no brokering

                1700 BC
                Not much news: Ivory connected, a granary build in Salt Lake, minimal defences

                1625 BC
                Lake Dyes founded, working on a road connection
                Persia Completely charted, now waiting for Iron Working

                1525 BC
                Salt lake is ready to pump settlers, so Capital is building Pyramids for Zeus

                1450 BC
                The Old Forest is founded, toward the persians

                1425 BC
                The Chinese have also ivory, when Math is reasearched we can't trade it, Both persia and china have iron working :/

                1200 BC
                Chinese and persians have also writing and HBR, Math in 3 turns

                1125 BC
                Math! Zeus in 13 turns, and Chinese and Persia won't be close by a cascade. So i Gamble to trade: Tech parity, Going for philosophy now. While building up Military, we need to settle the western land before Galleys.
                Persia has 2 sources of iron whitin his borders :/ We have 1, none are connected, China has a horse connected. I'm no sure who's gonna be the first target. Persia is lower in score now.

                1000 BC
                Score: China 240, India 231, Persia 214
                China has iron and horses (phear the rider)
                Persia has no connections to iron (yet)
                No wonders build yet, China started a zeus, but it should be to late.
                Guess i'll eliminate China before the riders come. I will also try to force a despotic golden age for the persians.
                Persia has Literature and Mysti. (No GL started) Will i come too late for philosophy?
                I have much work to do. The game is not bad, but not good either.

                PS im very concerned about my tech choice: nobody else decided to research math first. Well we will see how it will turn out.
                Attached Files


                • #53
                  Monarch, AU mod

                  The advice I received from my first DAR was workers and granaries much earlier! Granaries seem to be my achillies heal because I never want to build them (throw back from Civ 1). I’m going to plow ahead with my original strategy to see where it takes me. I think I’ll replay this game again using the granary and worker rush strategy.

                  So here is the next 40 turns

                  2070 BC Gain “Writing” Decide to slow research Philosophy (10%)
                  Found Calcutta
                  2030 BC Found Lahore
                  1910 Meet China, trade for The Wheel
                  1790 Delhi builds settler, sent north
                  1750 Madrias builds settler which I send east, and I begin a worker.
                  1700 Found Karachi on top of Dyes in N
                  1575 Whip temple in Calcutta

                  1300 Persian warrior refuses to leave upon 2nd request… fear war is emanate (sooner than I hoped). I am whipping Karachi in N into building a spearman for next turn

                  1275 BC Ask Persia to leave, they declare war.
                  Build embassy with China and sign military alliance against Persia (pay “writing” and 235 g)
                  Switch Bombay to Spearman (lose 8 shields)
                  Switch Delhi to Barracks

                  1225 BC Risky found Bengal in East unprotected

                  1200 Have to quit work on mine to move worker out of danger. 2 Persian warriors in my territory. I do not have Warrior Code to build archers.

                  1175 Spearman defends off warrior attack at Karachi (Rename as 1st Infantry for honor)

                  1150 Delhi switchs barracks to granary at last minute

                  1125 Chinese forces begin to enter my territory, heading north
                  Send spearman E toward Bengal

                  1075 Begin prebuild of Great Library in Delhi (with Pyramids)

                  1025 Madras is worker factory
                  Karachi will be attacked by 2 warriors

                  1000 Karachi survives attack. Switch Bombay to Palace to prebuild wonder.

                  War will continue indefinitely, but I am not too worried. I think my 3 or 4 spearman should suffice. (am I crazy?) Suggestions for my move into the middle ages?
                  Attached Files


                  • #54
                    2030 Bangalore founded, starts Warrior.

                    Chinese: trade Alphabet for Wheel.
                    Persians: trade Alph and Wheel for Bronze and WarCode.

                    1910 Ivory connected
                    Calcutta founded, starts Temple.
                    Madras builds Warrior, starts Temple.

                    1870 Bangalore builds Warrior that goes exploring south. Starts Warrior.

                    1790 Persians start Pyramids.

                    1700 Bangalore builds Wrrior, starts Temple
                    Lahore founded, starts warrior.

                    The Persians demand 5 gold (all my gold!) and I have to give in because there's no way I can defend myself

                    1675 The Chinese demand 4 gold (again, all I have) and again I pay up. But every hope of peacefully sharing a continent with them has just been blown out of the window.
                    Bombay builds Granary and begins building a long series of workers.

                    1650 Discovery of Writing. I get a SGL!! And this is where I made a big mistake that would cost me 47 shields later on. Madras finishes a Temple and starts building the Pyramids as a pre-build for the Great Library. I decided to keep the SGL to rush the GL but I should have rushed the Pyramids instead

                    Checking the Foreign Advisor: the Chinese have Mysticism and the Persians have Iron Working.

                    1600 Lahore builds Warrior, starts Temple.

                    1575 Persians: trade Writing for Iron Working.

                    1525 Bangalore builds Temple, starts Barracks.

                    1475 Karachi founded in Jungle next to Dyes. Starts Warrior.

                    1350 Kolhapur founded, starts Warrior.

                    1325 Lahore builds Temple, starts barracks.
                    Hut: barbs.

                    1275 Bangalore builds barracks, start Warrior.

                    1250 Jaipur founded, starts Warrior.
                    Calcutta builds Temple, starts Warrior.
                    Karachi builds Warrior, starts Temple.

                    China finishes the Colossus.

                    1150 Discover Lit, researching Philosophy. Set science to 10% because of the upcoming upgrade of warriors to swords. Madras changes to Library and loses 47 shields
                    Hyderabad founded, starts warrior.

                    1125 Madras builds library, starts Great Lib.
                    Lahore builds Barracks, starts Spearman.
                    Calcutta builds Warrior, starts Curragh.
                    Kolhapur builds Warrior, starts Temple.

                    1100 Madras builds Great Lib with help of the SGL, starts worker.

                    1075Mysticism and Map Making from the GL.

                    1050 Madras builds worker, starts barracks.

                    1000 BC I'm weak compared to both the Chinese and the Persians.

                    The Persians have 0 gold, 9 cities and are cautious.
                    The Chinese have 4 gold, 10 cities, have horses and iron connected and are polite.

                    Moi: 146 gold, 24 gpt, 80% tax, 10% science, 10% happiness.
                    Culture: 528 and 17 per turn.
                    Units: 1 Settler, 14 Workers, 14 Warriors and 1 Spearman.
                    Attached Files
                    Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
                    And notifying the next of kin
                    Once again...


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by freud24
                      War will continue indefinitely, but I am not too worried. I think my 3 or 4 spearman should suffice. (am I crazy?) Suggestions for my move into the middle ages?
                      Defense won't be enough. You need all the land you can get, including the so-called Persian and Chinese territories. I suggest you start thinking about a serious offensive war.
                      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.

