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The Quixotic Adventures of Sancho Panza--A Greek

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  • #91
    On the other hand, we can cower behind our city walls and let elite hoplites man the army. In that case,
    Attached Files
    Illegitimi Non Carborundum


    • #92
      and we also have some artillery to raise our odds.

      Of course, Alex can simply go back and load up a cav army.

      But then we will employ our final stratagem and GO ON VACATION!

      Time to roll the dice, IMO.
      Illegitimi Non Carborundum


      • #93
        I really enjoyed reading this, Russ.
        You are a class act.

        It was kind of depressing to find out that the Persians and Babs attacked before I found you. I think this was what started tipping the power balance in my favor, and I had nothing to do with it. With your REX slowed down, your GA spent in Despotism, and your exploration halted, no wonder you were on the defensive for the entire game.

        In your place, I would have done one thing differently though: more libraries and research instead of trying to buy everything. Even when you can buy a tech dirt cheap from the Emperor AI, you can usually research it yourself for less cost, and you don't fuel your opponent's treasury through the AI. You took your scientific trait out of the game, while I was making full use of my militaristic trait.

        Otherwise, you played a great game, but had some bad luck. Congratulations.

        [Edit: by the way, your bookies forgot to take into account the army bonuses (above). ]


        • #94
          Good game, Russ

          I really enjoyed following the quixotic adventures of Sancho Panza as he battled his arch-enemy Caesar. Thanks for the entertainment and education (the same goes to alexman as well, obviously )



          • #95
            I want to echo Catt's sentiments. This has been perhaps the most entertaining game to follow, in large part due to Russ' play and, once the outcome looked certain, his gallows humor.

            to both participants for a great game and great show. If those playing the game have had half as much fun as I had watching it (and I suspect it's the other way around), it had to be a blast.
            Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


            • #96
              thanks guys. it was fun.
              Illegitimi Non Carborundum

