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Dominae's Civ3 Quiz - Answers!

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  • Dominae's Civ3 Quiz - Answers!

    In the posts below you'll find the answers to the first ever AU Quiz!

    I hope you all enjoyed it, even those of you who did not officially submit your answers.

    I am, of course, quite aware that this quiz was very difficult, mostly due to the "closed-book" rule. I made it this way for two reasons.

    First, I'm personally interested in the fact that there's so much to know about Civ3, yet we make no effort know it. In my opinion this is analogous to (or a reflection of) the information age we're in; we're no longer responsible for knowing facts, but facts about facts, and how to find facts, etc. This quiz just underlines the fact that knowing how to play Civ3 well does not involve much in the way of knowing about what's in the Editor (although it does help...).

    Second, I felt that making the quiz easier (say, open-book) would have been boring. If there's no prize and you know all the answers, why take the quiz? Thus the quiz was more of an opportunity to learn a little more about Civ3, rather than to recite facts you all already know by heart (i.e. "What is the name of the Mongol UU?" - YAWN). I tried to make the questions as interesting as possible, while at the same time difficult.

    I did not expect the difficulty of the quiz to turn so many of you off. My response to MrWhereItsAt in the original thread sums up my thoughts on this, however. I'll know better for next time (if there is one!).

    So, thanks again for all who participated; you all get a passing grade just for showing up.

    Speaking of grades, here are some stats:

    Average: ~46%
    Standard Deviation: ~17%

    And, since I'm confident no one cheated, here are some awards:

    Gold: alexman, 72%
    Silver: Nor Me, 70%
    Bronze: Risa, 66%

    Honorable mentions:

    Only person to get Q37 correct: TheGuitarist
    Only two to get Q50 correct: Aqualung71 and MFCamillus

    Note: answers in bold; comments in italics.
    Last edited by Dominae; April 20, 2004, 19:03.
    And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...

  • #2
    Question 1: A Veteran Tank attacks an unfortified Veteran Spearmen on level ground. Assuming the Spearmen does not benefit from any defensive bonuses, what are the chances that it will defeat the Tank?

    a 7.1%
    b 14.8%
    c 4.5%
    d 0.6%
    e 0.1%

    Knowing the A/D values and how combat works, this answer could easily be calculated with a pocket calculator. I threw the 0.1% value in to throw the guessers off.

    Question 2: One Tribe begins with a technology that none other begins with. Which Tribe?

    a. Aztecs
    b. Japanese
    c. Hittites
    d. English
    e. Mayans
    f. Germans

    Japan is the only Tribe that begins with The Wheel.

    Question 3: Which of the following Worker actions takes the greatest base number of turns to complete?

    a. Plant Forest
    b. Railroad
    c. Build Barricade
    d. Irrigate
    e. Build Fortress
    f. Road

    Base number of turns to Plant Forest is a whooping 18 turns! I figured most people would vote either Barricade or Fortress, since those are the ones you really want up right away (and so seem to take the longest).

    Question 4: Some techs are "blank", conferring no ability whatsoever other than being prerequisites to other techs. How many of these are there?

    a. 0
    b. 1
    c. 2
    d. 3
    e. 4
    f. 5
    g. 6 or more

    Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Atomic Theory, Steel. I put this question in because it's always been a pet peeve of mine that you need to research techs that do absolutely nothing!!

    Question 5: How many Tribes cannot build Knights?

    a. 0
    b. 1
    c. 2
    d. 3
    e. 4
    f. 5
    g. 6 or more

    These are, of course, the Tribes with Knight replacement UUs: Indians, Chinese, Arabians, Mongols and Japanese.

    Question 6: Which of the following names is a correct spelling for one of the Aztec cities (in the game)?

    a. Tzintzuntzen
    b. Tepatlaoxtoc
    c. Itzapalopa
    d. Xcalumkin
    e. Dalandzadgad
    f. New Jersey

    I did not expect anyone to get this one right, I just put it in because the Aztec city names have always made me giggle! 'e' is actually a correct spelling of a Mongol city; 'd' is the correct spelling of a Mayan city; the others (apart from 'f' and 'a') are Aztec city names with typos.

    Question 7: Define "Productivity" as the sum of Commerce, Food and Shields. What is the maximum possible Productivity that a single tile can yield when worked by a city?

    a. 10
    b. 13
    c. 17
    d. 22
    e. 24
    f. None of the above

    The trick to this question was remembering that cities always "work" the tile that they're founded on (even though no Laborer is assigned to it). Therefore you can get some extra productivity from the Industrious and Commercial traits for Metropolises that you cannot get by working tiles the normal way. After this, it's just a matter of remembering what kinds of additional effects affect productivity. Here's how I get to 22:

    Hills or Plains
    France or Carthage
    Size 13
    Republic or Democracy
    Golden Age

    Question 8: How many non-UU land units with offensive bombardment do not require a Strategic resource?

    a. 0
    b. 1
    c. 2
    d. 3
    e. 4
    f. 5

    Catapult, Trebuchet and Artillery. This was tricky because most assume that Artillery requires Rubber.

    Question 9: Including the introductory ones, how many Conquests are there?

    a. 6
    b. 9
    c. 10
    d. 12
    e. 15
    f. 16

    Nothing much to say here...

    Question 10: It is 1675BC. According to the F8 screen, what Turn is it?

    a. 27
    b. 40
    c. 44
    d. 47
    e. 50
    f. 53

    This was pretty hard, I thought. Surprisingly, most people got this right, but maybe that's just because 1675BC seems at least 50 turns into the game.
    Last edited by Dominae; April 22, 2004, 01:23.
    And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


    • #3
      Question 11: Which government offers a Draft Rate of 3?

      a. Anarchy
      b. Despotism
      c. Republic
      d. Feudalism
      e. Communism
      f. Fascism
      g. None of the above
      h. More than one of the above

      Most assumed that either Communism or Fascism, as the late-game warmonger governments, should benefit from a very high Draft Limit. In fact, 2 is the highest, and is available to all governments apart from Republic and Democracy (which have a limit of 1 per turn).

      Question 12: Shakespeare's Theater was modified in Conquests from its original Civ3 and Play the World version. If you were to substract the C3C cost from the PTW cost, how many Shields would you end up with?

      a. -100
      b. -50
      c. 0
      d. 50
      e. 100
      f. None of the above

      Not many people got this, so I guess still no one builds this Wonder! It used to cost 400 Shields; now, in its improved state, it costs 450.

      Question 13: What is the correct spelling for the English Unique Unit (in the game, not in real life)?

      a. Man-O-War
      b. Man'O-War
      c. Man'O'War
      d. Man-O'War
      e. Man! Oh...War

      The correct spelling has always looked silly to me.

      Question 14: What is the maximum possible Shield output of a single tile when worked by a city Laborer?

      a. 4
      b. 5
      c. 6
      d. 8
      e. 10
      f. 12
      g. None of the above

      Here's how I get up to 8:

      Mountains or Hills
      Coal or Uranium
      Golden Age

      Question 15: What is/are the prerequisite(s) for Theory of Gravity?

      a. Astronomy
      b. Physics
      c. Magnetism
      d. Metallurgy
      e. Two of the above
      f. None of the above

      Most thought Theory of Gravity has two prerequisites; I imagine those that got this right have played an OCC game or two.

      Question 16: What is the Corruption reduction bonus for connecting a city to the capital via your Road network?

      a. 0%
      b. 10%
      c. 15%
      d. 20%
      e. 25%
      f. None of the above

      Only one non-alexman person got this...

      Question 17: What is the most expensive non-Army, non-missile (i.e. nukes, etc.) unit?

      a. Stealth Fighter
      b. Stealth Bomber
      c. Battleship
      d. AEGIS Cruiser
      e. Modern Armor
      f. Radar Artillery

      Stealth Bombers cost 240 Shields. I've never built one.

      Question 18: How many Happy Faces does a Marketplace generate from 5 Luxuries?

      a. 5
      b. 6
      c. 9
      d. 10
      e. 12
      f. 15

      I've always found the Luxury:Happiness formula to be very confusing.

      Question 19: What is the Unit Support for Metropolises under Fascism?

      a. 7
      b. 8
      c. 9
      d. 10
      e. 12
      f. None of the above

      That's a lot.

      Question 20: Which Advisor does the F2 key lead to?

      a. Trade
      b. Science
      c. Internal
      d. Cultural
      e. Foreign
      f. Military

      If you never use the function keys when playing Civ3, start now!
      Last edited by Dominae; April 20, 2004, 16:47.
      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


      • #4
        Question 21: What is the maximum possible movement rate (in number of tiles per turn) of a naval unit?

        a. 5
        b. 6
        c. 7
        d. 8
        e. 9
        f. None of the above

        The correct answer is 10:

        Magellan's Voyage

        Question 22: One of your cities produces 57 Shields per turn. You do not know the secrets of Economics. If you set the city to "build" Wealth, how much additional income (in Gold) will it bring in?

        a. 10
        b. 14
        c. 15
        d. 28
        e. 29
        f. 57

        This question involved knowing the Shields:Gold formula for Wealth pre-Economics, as well as whether to round up or down.

        Question 23: You get a lucky Scientific Great Leader, and rush The Oracle in 2070BC. Assuming you never entered Mobilization and the Oracle city never changed hands, how much Culture will the Wonder be producing per turn at game's end in 2050AD?

        a. 4
        b. 6
        c. 8
        d. 32
        e. 64
        f. 100 or more

        The Oracle generates 4 Culture per turn, which in the given scenario doubles to 8 Culture per turn in 1070BC (or somewhere around there). I originally did not post the correct answer among the options, so my thanks to Krill and alexman for being guinea pigs.

        Question 24: What is the Bombard Range of a Tactical Nuke?

        a. Less than 6
        b. 6
        c. 7
        d. 8
        e. 9
        f. More than 9

        Not very far, given that any ground unit can move an infinite distance along Railroads...

        Question 25: One of your rivals is "unimpressed" by your Culture. What is the approximate ratio of your rival's Culture to yours?

        a. 2:1
        b. 4:3
        c. 3:2
        d. 1:1
        e: 2:3

        Probably the most unfair question in the entire quiz; you would have to be very perceptive or know the Editor by heart to get this right. Sorry.

        Question 26: What does the bottom left-most Unit Action Button do?

        a. Move
        b. GoTo
        c. Cancel
        d. Wait
        e. Irrigate
        f. Self-Destruct

        Answer 'c' is what I was looking for, but the order is actually called "Skip Turn", so all of you got this right.

        Question 27: What is the maximum possible Commerce output of a tile when worked by a city Laborer?

        a. 8
        b. 9
        c. 10
        d. 11
        e. 12
        f. 13 or more

        Here's how I get up to 9:

        Gems or Gold
        Republic or Democracy
        Golden Age

        Question 28: Which among the following pairs are the techs of equal base (editor) cost?

        a. Astronomy and Chemistry
        b. Astronomy and Free Artistry
        c. Chemistry and Free Artistry
        d. Chemistry and Navigation
        e. Free Artistry and Navigation
        f. Navigation and Astronomy

        I felt this was semi-interesting, because you would not expect those two techs to cost the same.

        Question 29: How many difficulty levels are there (on the Game Setup screen)?

        a. 6
        b. 7
        c. 8
        d. 9
        e. 10

        Too many of you got this wrong! Perhaps you do not own C3C!?

        Question 30: In the Ancient era, which of the following leaderheads does not have facial hair?

        a. Henry of Portugal
        b. Temujin of Mongolia
        c. Lincoln of America
        d. Xerxes of Persia
        e. Brennus of the Celts

        He's quite the brute, but he's a clean-shaven brute.
        Last edited by Dominae; April 22, 2004, 01:25.
        And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


        • #5
          Question 31: What is the Food Box size for a Metropolis?

          a. 50
          b. 60
          c. 70
          d. 80
          e. 100

          Many thought it doubles (as it does from Town to City) from 40 to 80.

          Question 32: Which Spaceship part among the following requires two or more Strategic Resources to build?

          a. SS Stasis Chamber
          b. SS Planetary Party Lounge
          c. SS Life Support
          d. SS Fuel Cells
          e. Two of the above
          f. None of the above

          This was tricky, because usually once you're building the SS, you have access to all the Strategic resources, and so knowing which parts require which is not important.

          Question 33: The maximum possible modified defensive value of a unit lies in what interval? Hint: It's a land unit.

          a. Between 0 and 50
          b. 51 and 75
          c. 76 and 100
          d. 101 and 125
          e. 126 and 150
          f. 151 and 175
          g. 176 and 200
          h. 200 and infinity

          The trick here was considering that an Army is a single unit. Therefore, an Army of Mechanized Infantry is the single unit with the highest Defense value. With the Pentagon, a pure Army doubles the defensive value of the unit type in that Army. So, the Mech. Inf. Army has a Defense of 36. Apply the following factors to get a modified Defense of 135 (let's see your MA punch through that!):

          Fortification Bonus +25%
          Mountains +100%
          Radar Tower +25%
          Barricade +100%
          River +25%

          Question 34: What is the maximum Anarchy period for non-Religious civs (in number of turns)?

          a. 2
          b. 5
          c. 6
          d. 7
          e. 8
          f. 9
          g. 10 or more

          That's a long time, but it does end eventually.

          Question 35: Which of the following Resources does not appear in Marsh?

          a. Tobacco
          b. Oil
          c. Fish
          d. Game
          e. Rubber
          f. None of the above

          Yes, Fish can appear in Marsh.

          Question 36: The Great Library is built in 250BC. In 680AD, how much Gold does it generate per turn as a Tourist Attraction?

          a. 0
          b. 1
          c. 2
          d. 4
          e. 6
          f. 8
          g. 10

          A Great Wonder only becomes a Tourist Attraction (and therefore only starts generating income) after 1000 years.

          Question 37: The Knights Templar produces a Templar unit every x turns. What is x?

          a. 4
          b. 5
          c. 6
          d. 7
          e. None of the above

          Heh-heh, the quiz's only trick question (well, apart from the last). The Knights Templar produces Crusaders, not Templars, so the only valid choice is 'e'.

          Question 38: You are playing at Sid difficulty. One of your opponents is Germany. What composition of units does your rival Bismarck have after he founds his capital in 4000BC?

          a. 6 Spearmen, 6 Archers, 2 Settlers, 3 Workers
          b. 12 Spearmen, 6 Archers, 3 Settlers, 3 Workers
          c. 12 Spearmen, 12 Archers, 3 Settlers, 5 Workers
          d. 12 Spearmen, 6 Archers, 2 Settlers, 5 Workers
          e. 12 Spearmen, 12 Archers, 2 Settlers, 5 Workers
          f. 6 Spearmen, 6 Warriors, 6 Archers, 3 Settlers, 5 Workers and (why not) 3 Modern Armor

          I did not expect anyone to get this right (but many of you did!), I just wanted everyone to know how ridiculous Sid difficulty is.

          Question 39: What Strategic Resource(s) does the SAM Missile Battery require?

          a. Aluminum
          b. Oil
          c. Rubber
          d. Uranium
          e. Horses
          f. Two of the above

          I felt this was hard because I've never built a SAM Missile Battery, and if I would, I would probably not be worrying about Strategic resources.

          Question 40: What are the chances that a Conscript fastmover will Retreat from a losing battle?

          a. 0%
          b. 25%
          c. 34%
          d. 50%
          e. 67%

          Most people know that Regulars have a 50% chance to retreat, so you had a 50/50 chance to get this one right by guessing between 'b' and 'c' (the only other reasonable alternatives).
          Last edited by Dominae; April 22, 2004, 01:27.
          And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


          • #6
            Question 41: Theoretically, how much Population can one city have without suffering from Starvation?

            a. 21
            b. 30
            c. 40
            d. 50
            e. 60
            f. 70
            g. More than 70

            More people than I expected got this right...did you just guess the highest number? The answer is actually 71. You would need a city surrounded with nothing but Wheat Flood Plains, each with irrigation and railroads. Each tile would provide 7 Food per turn. Multiply this by 20 (the total number of tiles a city can place Laborers on) to get 140. Each citizen eats 2 Food, but the city centre tile is self-sufficient. This gives 71.

            Question 42: What is/are the prerequisite(s) for Integrated Defense?

            a. Satellites
            b. Smart Weapons
            c. Stealth
            d. Superconductor
            e. Two of the above
            f. Three of the above

            The only tech in the game with three prerequisities. I've never researched it.

            Question 43: What is the base tile yield of a Volcano?

            a. 2 Shields
            b. 3 Shields
            c. 4 Shields
            d. 2 Shields, 1 Commerce
            e. 3 Shields, 1 Commerce
            f. 4 Shields, 1 Commerce
            g. None of the above

            The trap here was that it only gives 2 Shields under Despotism, but none of you fell for this trap.

            Question 44: How many terrain types is it not possible to found a city on?

            a. 2
            b. 3
            c. 4
            d. 5
            e. 6
            f. 7

            Volcano, Mountains, Marsh, Coast, Sea, Ocean.

            Question 45: Who published Civ3: Conquests?

            a. Firaxis
            b. Activision
            c. Apolyton
            d. Atari
            e. Infogrames
            f. Gamespot
            g. Sid Meier

            A couple of you Call to Power fans answered 'b'...

            Question 46: At Emperor difficulty, approximately how much Gold does the AI thinks its Workers are worth?

            a. 80
            b. 120
            c. 160
            d. 200
            e. The AI does not sell its Workers at Emperor and above

            This was obviously unfair to anyone who does not play Emperor and above.

            Question 47: Coal is a Strategic resource that also provides a bonus tile yield. What is this bonus?

            a. +1 Food, +1 Shield, +1 Commerce
            b. +0 Food, +1 Shield, +1 Commerce
            c. +0 Food, +2 Shields, +1 Commerce
            d. +0 Food, +2 Shields, +2 Commerce
            e. +0 Food, +2 Shields, + 0 Commerce
            f. +0 Food, +1 Shields, +2 Commerce

            Pretty boring question, really, I'm not sure why I included it.

            Question 48: It is 4000BC and you have just founded your capital city. Theoretically, what is the minimum number of turns you have to wait until it reaches size 3?

            a. 3 or less
            b. 4
            c. 5
            d. 8
            e. 9
            f. 10
            g. More than 10

            Getting this one right involves some thinking outside the box: the fastest way to grow a city is to Join Workers, and you start the game with one! So your city can be size 2 on the first turn. Then, how many turns does it take to hit size 3? Well, ideally your two Laborers are both working Wheat Flood Plains, but that only gives +6 Food per turn growth. However, as an Agricultural civ you could get that extra fpt to be at +7, thus growing in 3 turns.

            Question 49: Which of the following is not a Small Wonder?

            a. Apollo Program
            b. Iron Works
            c. Manhattan Project
            d. Secret Police
            e. Strategic Missile Defense
            f. All of the above are Small Wonders

            The Manhattan Project is not a Small Wonder because once it's built, all civs can start building nuclear weapons.

            Question 50: Which of the following is the name of a person on the Conquests development team?

            a. Tom Cruise
            b. Kurt Russel
            c. Colin Farrell
            d. Steve Martin
            e. Patrick Stewart
            f. Anthony Petryk

            Fun little question, that I believe only one of you got right. Check the credits and you'll see that Steve Martin is indeed the correct answer.

            Last edited by Dominae; April 22, 2004, 01:28.
            And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


            • #7
              Will there be a leader board?

              On the test:

              Since I did that without any equipment, and all the calculations were mental, I am quite happy with my result. And I still think that this was a hard test.
              You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


              • #8
                Yeah, report ALL scores. It's ok, I'm fine with only having an average score.
                Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dominae
                  Only one non-alexman person got this...

                  Question 26: What does the bottom left-most Unit Action Button doQuestion 26: What does the bottom left-most Unit Action Button do?

                  a. Move
                  b. GoTo
                  c. Cancel
                  d. Wait
                  e. Irrigate
                  f. Self-Destruct

                  Answer 'c' is what I was looking for, but the order is actually called "Skip Turn", so all of you got this right.
                  Gyp! Through the process of elimination, everyone should have got it right or emailed you about the typo...
                  Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                  • #10
                    Yeh, I would have thought most people could work out that cancel and skip turn mean the same thing. Oh well
                    So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
                    Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

                    Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


                    • #11
                      Question 10: It is 1675BC. According to the F8 screen, what Turn is it?

                      a. 27
                      b. 40
                      c. 44
                      d. 47
                      e. 50
                      f. 53

                      This was pretty hard, I thought. Surprisingly, most people got this right, but maybe that's just because 1675BC seems at least 50 turns into the game.
                      No, I sat there and physically counted out the turns by hand. I've played so many extremely slow PBEM games running from 4000 BC through about 1000 BC that I've memorized the year progression.
                      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dominae
                        Question 14: What is the maximum possible Shield output of a single tile when worked by a city Laborer?

                        a. 4
                        b. 5
                        c. 6
                        d. 8
                        e. 10
                        f. 12
                        g. None of the above

                        Here's how I get up to 8:

                        Mountains or Hills
                        Coal or Uranium
                        Golden Age
                        As I stated in my PM to you about this question:

                        Originally posted by Arnelos
                        Ack!!! I forgot about mobilization!

                        And here I am using mobilization (which the other players seem to have forgotten about...) to kick a** in the MZO Napoleonic PBEM
                        I had every other factor he cited accounted for and I forgot mobilization. Oh well.
                        Last edited by Arnelos; April 21, 2004, 04:18.
                        Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                        Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                        7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dominae
                          Question 39: What Strategic Resource(s) does the SAM Missile Battery require?

                          a. Aluminum
                          b. Oil
                          c. Rubber
                          d. Uranium
                          e. Horses
                          f. Two of the above

                          I felt this was hard because I've never built a SAM Missile Battery, and if I would, I would probably not be worrying about Strategic resources.
                          You've obviously never played a Modern Era or Future Era multiplayer game.

                          SAM missile batteries are CHEAP to build and very nice to have, so boy is not having aluminum a handicap once everyone's economic bases are up.
                          Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                          Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                          7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dominae
                            Question 41: Theoretically, how much Population can one city have without suffering from Starvation?

                            a. 21
                            b. 30
                            c. 40
                            d. 50
                            e. 60
                            f. 70
                            g. More than 70

                            More people than I expected got this right...did you just guess the highest number? The answer is actually 71. You would need a city surrounded with nothing but Wheat Flood Plains, each with irrigation and railroads. Each tile would provide 7 Food per turn. Multiply this by 20 (the total number of tiles a city can place Laborers on) to get 140. Each citizen eats 2 Food, but the city centre tile is self-sufficient. This gives 71.
                            [EDIT] I just simmed this and I'm actually wrong, quite likely due to a confusion between C3C beta rules and C3C release rules. It's a good thing Dominae didn't put an upper limit on that quesiton, isn't it? [/EDIT]

                            You forgot about the agricultural trait and desert or flood plain tiles. IIRC, agricultural civs get +1 food for EVERY SINGLE TILE of flood plain or desert, not just the city tile. Here's the notes I took on question #41:

                            QUESTION #41

                            ALL TILES ARE FLOOD PLAIN+WHEAT (with rivers and agricultural trait!)!!!

                            Flood plain: 3
                            wheat: 2
                            irrigation: 1
                            Agr bonus: 1
                            RR: 1
                            TOTAL: 8

                            8x20 = 160

                            160+3 = 163

                            163/2 = 81.5 pop... more than 70
                            I also got Question #48 correct (joining the worker to the city and using an agricultural flood plain civ to get to size 3 in 3 turns). I only got it right because I've seen someone actually DO that (join a worker to their city on turn 1), though certainly not reach pop 3 in 3 turns (which would be insane).
                            Last edited by Arnelos; April 21, 2004, 04:43.
                            Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                            Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                            7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                            • #15
                              Ok, I just simmed it and I'm wrong. It's probably yet another thing that was in one of the beta patches (since I was a beta tester for C3C) and was taken out of the final version or something. I know the +1 food works for desert tiles... they must have disabled it for flood plains and I never noticed since I hardly ever play agricultural civs (and even then I'm never lucky enough to get flood plains anyhow).
                              Last edited by Arnelos; April 21, 2004, 04:45.
                              Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                              Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                              7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

