C3C has changed the appearance ratio of luxury and strategic resources; there are now 25% fewer strategic and luxury resources than in PTW.
Some like the change because it increases the value of resources, forcing players to adapt their strategy to their environment, and increasing variability from game to game. They like to make good use of whatever resources they have, and not use the same strategy that always works for them. What is the point of a resource, they say, if it is readily available to everyone?
Others dislike the change because it encourages warfare. When there are fewer resources than players, some players are left without even the ability to trade for resources, so the only option is war. Peaceful players are handicapped when they lack resources for their rail network or for a spaceship launch. They claim that resource scarcity actually reduces variability, because every game turns into a fight to secure resources.
Which of the above are you? Do you like the C3C more scarce resource distribution, or did you prefer it the way it was in PTW? Should we increase resource appearance ratio? If you think we should make a change, for which resources should we do so, Luxury, Strategic, or both? Or perhaps we should increase the appearance ratio only for resources necessary to support a peaceful empire? Maybe we should even remove resource requirements for actions essential to peaceful builders, like iron from railroads?
What do you think? Any ideas?
Some like the change because it increases the value of resources, forcing players to adapt their strategy to their environment, and increasing variability from game to game. They like to make good use of whatever resources they have, and not use the same strategy that always works for them. What is the point of a resource, they say, if it is readily available to everyone?
Others dislike the change because it encourages warfare. When there are fewer resources than players, some players are left without even the ability to trade for resources, so the only option is war. Peaceful players are handicapped when they lack resources for their rail network or for a spaceship launch. They claim that resource scarcity actually reduces variability, because every game turns into a fight to secure resources.
Which of the above are you? Do you like the C3C more scarce resource distribution, or did you prefer it the way it was in PTW? Should we increase resource appearance ratio? If you think we should make a change, for which resources should we do so, Luxury, Strategic, or both? Or perhaps we should increase the appearance ratio only for resources necessary to support a peaceful empire? Maybe we should even remove resource requirements for actions essential to peaceful builders, like iron from railroads?
What do you think? Any ideas?