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Alexman's curse -

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  • Alexman's curse -

    I do not like to create a new thread in this forum if the issue is something trivial - however this issue is a matter that MUST be addressed!

    No doubt the AU Modders will wait until the release of the1.20 patch before releasing their own updated AU MOD.

    I have reached a point where I can no longer really enjoy this game unless I am playing with the AU MOD (stock CIV just won't cut it anymore). This alone should be taken as a 'thank you' to all the AU Modders for their efforts. Perhaps the single change made to the AU that I have enjoyed the most has been Alexmans ‘flavors’.

    Unfortunately, I have a dilemma. I cannot imagine going back to a ‘flavorless’ AU Mod – even temporarily. The depth and nuances of the game (at least for me) have improved so greatly that I would stick to the present AU rather than upgrading.

    Alexman! Its up to you! Help old Ision out – and assure him that you will update with flavors in ‘record time’.

    Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.

  • #2
    Thanks Ision!

    The flavors have been voted in, so unless they get voted out in the future, they will be part of all subsequent versions of the mod.

    Unless we get word about timing of the patch soon, the next version of the mod will probably come out before 1.20, so we can start AU502.

    However, we will update the mod again after 1.20 is out.


    • #3
      thank god!

      and thank alexman - lol

      hmmmmmm.... but won't the elimintaion of radio - and many of the AUs own changes require you to rework the flavors?
      Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.


      • #4
        The Radio changes (i.e. Radio towers and civil defense moved) have a tiny effect on AI preferences, but nobody will notice. The flavors should be fine with no changes.

        The only AU mod changes that affect AI tech preferences are the Curragh, Helicopter, Rifleman, Mech. Infantry, Impi, Musketeer, Philosophy, and Longevity changes, which were already in 1.03b.


        • #5
          I have two questions:

          1) Has the influence of the flavors on AI behavior been tested, or is the change still based on assumptions? I would be pleased if they had a really positive effect, but don't have any runtime experience with them.

          2) (obligatory) Is the resource bug planned to be ironed out in the standard AU mod?
          Last edited by Harovan; March 25, 2004, 15:36.


          • #6
            I was wondering if by some miracle at least this thread would escape being spammed by the resource scarcity issue from SR!

            Seriously, even though the maps for AU games are carefully designed, we should put the issue under consideration. Do you want to open a thread making a case for a change, Sir Ralph?

            As for flavors, nothing was ever based on assumptions, but on extensive testing. Check out the related thread. Also, we played the AU mod version of AU501 with flavors, and they worked as expected.


            • #7
              Sir Ralph, some people like the so-called "resource bug". Strategic resources that are easy to access are not really strategic. Your campaign against the bug sounds a lot like jimmytrick's campaign against Culture flips (or was that Coracle?).

              Yes, I know, I should be flogged for even thinking of such a comparison. Sorry, Sir. All I'm saying is that the issue is debatable.

              And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


              • #8
                Originally posted by alexman
                I was wondering if by some miracle at least this thread would escape being spammed by the resource scarcity issue from SR!
                I seldom post in the AU forum. The first page has only three threads where I posted in, and in none of them I already mentioned this issue. The first page of the Conquests forum has only eight threads I posted in. Only in one of them I mentioned it. Albeit multiple times, but therefor it's an ongoing discussion. So much about spamming.

                It's a big deal for me, because I enjoy games with as little as possible own warfare. Everybody can win through warfare, since the AI combat tactics suck (not meant as rant, but it is so). Winning by peaceful means through a good economy (yea the AI sucks economically too, but that's why it has bonuses) and smart geopolitics is especially in the higher levels much more challenging and enjoyable, that's at least what I feel.

                I played exactly three games with Conquests. All three were a chase-the-resource. In the industrial age I controlled 1/3..1/2 of the landmass, not because I wanted to conquer so much, but because I had to, resource-wise. Building a good industrial economy without coal is as impossible as building the spaceship without the key resources. And it may be a challenge to counter AI battleships with own frigates due to the lack of oil, but is it fun, if it happens so often? Trade is not an issue, when there are less instances on a map as remaining civs. So the only solution is to either reduce the number of civs (thus making trade possible) or to get the resources by conquest (now I understand the sense of the name of the XP). War 2 - Peace 0.

                But the suffering side is in all cases the AI. Not the human suffers from resource scarcity, because he will get his resources no matter what. The AI suffers, because it doesn't wage active wars for resources, and in result of the human's actions remains either without resources or gets wiped out entirely. For the human resource scarcity is at most annoying. For the AI it is deadly. Since the AU mod claims to help the AI, it would be logical to include it.

                Seriously, even though the maps for AU games are carefully designed, we should put the issue under consideration.
                The AU mod should be created not only for AU courses, but for random games as well.

                Do you want to open a thread making a case for a change, Sir Ralph?
                Ummm... I'm not exactly an AU guy and at the moment on strike anyway, what concerns C3C (seriously, I needed a break, and as it looks it will be long). I may consider it later, but this will probably be too late to have any impact.

                As for flavors, nothing was ever based on assumptions, but on extensive testing. Check out the related thread. Also, we played the AU mod version of AU501 with flavors, and they worked as expected.
                I was sure about this. Thanks for the link.
                Last edited by Harovan; March 25, 2004, 15:36.


                • #9
                  SR of course I wasn't serious about the spamming comment, and I even thought you were half-joking by mentioning the resource scarcity in this thread.

                  By the way, feel free to open a thread at any time, it's never too late. If you don't, I may even do so.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dominae
                    Sir Ralph, some people like the so-called "resource bug".
                    They are called warmongers.

                    Strategic resources that are easy to access are not really strategic.
                    They should at least be accessible by trade. I don't mind to pay for resources (and help your beloved AI, hint!, hint!). I do mind if I have to wage a war for every single resource in every single game.

                    Your campaign against the bug sounds a lot like jimmytrick's campaign against Culture flips (or was that Coracle?).

                    Yes, I know, I should be flogged for even thinking of such a comparison.
                    It was Coracle, and he got what he wanted, at least what concerns cultural conversions. While I surely criticize the way he ranted (including personal insults, which I never would use), his cause was just. He was an enthusiast with an own definition of what is enjoyable and what not. I can feel his pain.

                    No need to apologize, I am not the slightest insulted if compared with Coracle. And similarities are intended. (except personal attacks, that is)
                    Last edited by Harovan; March 25, 2004, 15:36.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                      I am not the slightest insulted if compared with Coracle. And similarities are intended.
                      /me is impressed with Sir Ralph's methods.
                      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by alexman
                        SR of course I wasn't serious about the spamming comment, and I even thought you were half-joking by mentioning the resource scarcity in this thread.
                        No, it was a sincere question. I would have felt it as much more spam and much more annoying, if I had opened an own thread for this question. So I recycled a thread, the question of which was already answered. (Or "case closed" as Ming would say)
                        Last edited by Harovan; March 25, 2004, 15:36.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dominae
                          * Dominae is impressed with Sir Ralph's methods.
                          At last somebody is impressed with something I do.
                          Last edited by Harovan; March 25, 2004, 15:37.


                          • #14
                            Now if you would just pull back the Germanic hordes from harassing the peaceful Danes.

                            The resource scarcity issue can be addressed in the editor. Perhaps the next AU course could come in 2 different varieties. Have one with increased strategic resources and the other with the current resource level.

                            It would be interesting to see how the different levels would affect playstyle as well as the AI's ability to deal with the increased availibility of resources.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sir Ralph

                              They are called warmongers.
                              we just like the diplomatic challenge of getting foreigner resources
                              The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps

