Originally posted by Arrian
That's just EVIL. I've seen that volcano erupt repeatedly, more than the one on the home island.
I doubt it makes you feel any better, but I lost my entire first invasion force to the Japanese crappy unit horde (and I'm only on Emperor, and I built Zeus since I was able to trade them horses for ivory). 3 pikes, 1 AC, 6 med inf. Crushed by horse/archer attack. I, however, landed on flat ground (idiot!), thinking my pikemen SO superior.
Tell that to the 1 horse + 3 archers that killed them.

I doubt it makes you feel any better, but I lost my entire first invasion force to the Japanese crappy unit horde (and I'm only on Emperor, and I built Zeus since I was able to trade them horses for ivory). 3 pikes, 1 AC, 6 med inf. Crushed by horse/archer attack. I, however, landed on flat ground (idiot!), thinking my pikemen SO superior.

So I thought:
1) they're militaristic. Obviosuly it's a priority
2) they were so behind in techs it's now obvious they had absolutley nothing else to build, so they started making archer/spear pairs.
3) Lotsa free units on demigod
My strategy against Japan ended up trying to fool their mega-spear stack into moving in directions different to where I was to strike. If that mega-stack had reached a city, I would have never been able to take it. (they did, however, manage probably the finest demolition job of any Civ war I've ever fought against the AI. )