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AU Professor

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  • AU Professor

    We all remember when the AU was stuck in the Civ3-Strategy Forum around 3 days ago? I was the Dean and Rhothaerill was my assistant. However, now that we have a forum I feel it's best to actually ask everyone who would like to be the assistant Dean or as I call it the "AU Professor". It's not to say Rhothaerill hasn't done a good job but I feel like I need to give everyone a fair chance. Plus Rhothaerill hasn't been active for the last week or so It will work like this: You ask you want to be the "AU Professor". I write your name down. Depending on the number of applicants I will make a poll of them all. Top 3 go into a final and I pick the new "AU Professor" from those 3.


    Last edited by Tassadar500; December 14, 2003, 20:31.

  • #2
    What does this position entail, so that nominess may know what they're signing up for?

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #3
      Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
      What does this position entail, so that nominess may know what they're signing up for?

      What exactly does my position entail? It's essentially what I do but in a lesser form. Best I can explain it.


      • #4
        I think MWIA was looking for a bit more detail.

        Setting up courses? poll? what else? Linking Dar/Aar?


        • #5
          I nominate Dominae.

          And NM, it's not that I haven't been active, I just haven't articulated my thoughts any better than others have so I haven't posted.


          • #6
            Originally posted by vmxa1
            I think MWIA was looking for a bit more detail.

            Setting up courses? poll? what else? Linking Dar/Aar?
            Well what do I do?


            • #7
              It is not so much what you do, but what is it you want the "prof" to do.


              • #8
                Originally posted by vmxa1
                It is not so much what you do, but what is it you want the "prof" to do.
                Did you not read my response to WIA? I clearly stated that the "Professor" would do what I do but in a lesser form.


                • #9
                  Ok, that is as clear as mud.


                  • #10
                    So let me get this straight...

                    /me makes stuff up as he goes along

                    The Professor will be responsible for collating any agreed changes to implement in the AU mod, and ensuring someone adds them to the mod. This list, along with any future changes, will be added to a topped thread, and updated frequently, along with the AU mod itself. Also they will be the one who sorts out any disagreements on what should be in AU with a poll or three.

                    They will need to pay close attention to any issues arising from AU games and will start (if necessary) + encourage debate in these issues, including polls (again, if necessary).

                    Perhaps they will administer a topped Directory of all important threads, AU games and the AU mod itself.

                    This person needs to be at least a little bit organised, and willing to do a bit of such work to keep us all happy.

                    Anything else, or is this all BS?

                    What else do you do, NM?

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #11
                      That would be pretty much it. Of course also doing some random stuff that I am too lazy to do

                      Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                      So let me get this straight...

                      * MrWhereItsAt makes stuff up as he goes along

                      The Professor will be responsible for collating any agreed changes to implement in the AU mod, and ensuring someone adds them to the mod. This list, along with any future changes, will be added to a topped thread, and updated frequently, along with the AU mod itself. Also they will be the one who sorts out any disagreements on what should be in AU with a poll or three.

                      They will need to pay close attention to any issues arising from AU games and will start (if necessary) + encourage debate in these issues, including polls (again, if necessary).

                      Perhaps they will administer a topped Directory of all important threads, AU games and the AU mod itself.

                      This person needs to be at least a little bit organised, and willing to do a bit of such work to keep us all happy.

                      Anything else, or is this all BS?

                      What else do you do, NM?


                      • #12
                        Hmmm... It seems to me that NM does the organizational stuff pretty well: running the university, as it were. And we seem to have a mechanism / structure developing for the evolution of the AU Mod.

                        An AU Professor...

                        Perhaps to oversee and manage the course program? What should we be studying, learning, researching, re-visiting? In what order? How do we do so, and compare / learn? AARs? DARs? Succession games? Challenges? How do we balance learning across stock and the AU Mod? Where do MP / PBEMs / Team PBEMs fit in? Where do other C3 sites fit in? How do we communicate learnings back into the 'poly and general C3 communities?

                        The academic vs. the organizational vs. the Mod... it seems to me there is an awful lot to do re academics (not to say that the other tasks aren't HUGE... kudos to NM for pushing forward, and alexman and others for the continuation of the AU Mod!! ).
                        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Theseus How do we communicate learnings back into the 'poly and general C3 communities?
                          Wow - a good one. I guess we want to be able to have "guest lectures", either by someone summarising the learnings of a particular AU game, or as a collaborative venture by all involved in that AU game - posted in the Strat forum.

                          By volunteers. This might be too much for one person to be given the strict responsibility for. Let's not let this get out of hand. Just someone(s) to organise what I have said and actually keep AU games started and going should be enough, I think.

                          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                          • #14
                            I'll do it.... no, wait... I still have a life!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mattcj
                              I'll do it.... no, wait... I still have a life!
                              You obviously don't if all you do is go around the forums and troll

