Alexman, I just ran a couple of tests and are you sure about those values? I created a map with 7 isolated AI civs that had no UUs or starting techs. I ran 10 quick tests and saw them research Bronze Working every single time. The game was set up so that the random seed wasn't preserved and research choices weren't locked in between the tests. I ran this same test previously for flavors analysis and know that it does randomize tech choices, by the way.
The research "costs" for the starting techs in this case are approximately:
Bronze Working -- 164
Masonry ----------- 17
Alphabet ----------- 6
Pottery ------------- 13
Wheel -------------- 155
Warrior Code ----- 141
Ceremonial Burial - 13
Those are the numbers pulled from your spreadsheet for a 40 turn research cost. Changing the research time doesn't change the numbers enough to heavily favor Bronze Working so I know it's not an incorrect research time guess that leads to this.
Now I know that the AI doesn't research the highest valued tech first and there is some random factor involved. In this tests, Bronze Working is nowhere heavily favored enough to make the AI research it 100% of the time. Any ideas where the problem is coming from? I checked the math in the Excel file and everything seems in order in there.
The research "costs" for the starting techs in this case are approximately:
Bronze Working -- 164
Masonry ----------- 17
Alphabet ----------- 6
Pottery ------------- 13
Wheel -------------- 155
Warrior Code ----- 141
Ceremonial Burial - 13
Those are the numbers pulled from your spreadsheet for a 40 turn research cost. Changing the research time doesn't change the numbers enough to heavily favor Bronze Working so I know it's not an incorrect research time guess that leads to this.
Now I know that the AI doesn't research the highest valued tech first and there is some random factor involved. In this tests, Bronze Working is nowhere heavily favored enough to make the AI research it 100% of the time. Any ideas where the problem is coming from? I checked the math in the Excel file and everything seems in order in there.