Originally posted by alexman
I guess it's a matter of play style. I always try to build enough workers to keep up with the number of tiles worked by my population. At the very least though, if you build the same number of workers, you will make up some of the income lost to unit support by having more roads.
I guess it's a matter of play style. I always try to build enough workers to keep up with the number of tiles worked by my population. At the very least though, if you build the same number of workers, you will make up some of the income lost to unit support by having more roads.

Originally posted by alexman
Actually, switching from Republic to Democracy is much more tempting under this proposal, since unit support costs are always halved, and the penalty for Anarchy us so much less costly. Compared to these things, the faster workers are not a significant factor in the late middle ages.
Actually, switching from Republic to Democracy is much more tempting under this proposal, since unit support costs are always halved, and the penalty for Anarchy us so much less costly. Compared to these things, the faster workers are not a significant factor in the late middle ages.

Nathan, I do play huge maps mostly. And I do know the difference between flat, and per-city upkeep, thank you very much. Remember AU 505? After switching to Republic, I had a few turns without any upkeep cost, and this was almost exclusively due to the flat 18. I would never be able to stay below that on a huge map, and I mean not by quite a margin.