Welcome to Apolyton University Course 210 – UN Peacekeepers.
The theme of this course is of course keeping the peace. This means that each nation that starts the game must finish the game for this to be considered a successful “win”. All non-PTW win conditions are on, though conquest and domination won’t be very successful tactics. To provide a decent challenge a few rules have been instituted. Once the middle ages roll around, your nation is considered “enlightened” and that is when the true peacekeeper mission begins. Until then the other nations are fair game (ought to provide some interest from those wanting to stay away from the middle ages). From the middle ages on you may only capture the sovereign cities of other nations to ensure peace between your two nations, and only if that nation attacked you first. You may declare war on any nation that has first declared war on another nation or yourself to prevent those nations from waging a war of mutual annihilation.
Good diplomacy will often be the key in this game, though Machiavellian tactics are not discouraged. The key of this game is after all to have fun while playing it.
This scenario settings are large pangaea map with 70% water, 5 billion years old, raging barbarians, and all original civ3 victory conditions on. Difficulty level is interchangeable from regent to deity. The civilization that was chosen is the Americans. The scenario has also been set up using the AU mod or the standard rules. If you have not used the AU mod before please go here: AU mod overview for the thread which contains the changes made to the game with the AU mod. When writing your DAR’s please state whether you are using the AU mod or standard rules, though I highly encourage the use of the AU mod.
I will be setting up several “during action report” (DAR) threads that will be linked to this first thread. Please take the time to write DARs and post screenshots. Besides having fun Apolyton University is about learning. Not only can you help other posters and lurkers with your ideas and tactics, but others can also post suggestions that may help you out.
I will include the file containing the AU mod games with this post and the standard games in the second post. If anyone has any trouble with the zip files please PM me and I will email you the files.
Have fun and good luck!!!
AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 1 – 4000bc-2150bc
AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 2 – Contact with all other civs
AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 3 – Able to build forbidden palace
AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 4 – End of middle ages
AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 5 – End of industrial age
AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 6 – End of the game
The theme of this course is of course keeping the peace. This means that each nation that starts the game must finish the game for this to be considered a successful “win”. All non-PTW win conditions are on, though conquest and domination won’t be very successful tactics. To provide a decent challenge a few rules have been instituted. Once the middle ages roll around, your nation is considered “enlightened” and that is when the true peacekeeper mission begins. Until then the other nations are fair game (ought to provide some interest from those wanting to stay away from the middle ages). From the middle ages on you may only capture the sovereign cities of other nations to ensure peace between your two nations, and only if that nation attacked you first. You may declare war on any nation that has first declared war on another nation or yourself to prevent those nations from waging a war of mutual annihilation.
Good diplomacy will often be the key in this game, though Machiavellian tactics are not discouraged. The key of this game is after all to have fun while playing it.
This scenario settings are large pangaea map with 70% water, 5 billion years old, raging barbarians, and all original civ3 victory conditions on. Difficulty level is interchangeable from regent to deity. The civilization that was chosen is the Americans. The scenario has also been set up using the AU mod or the standard rules. If you have not used the AU mod before please go here: AU mod overview for the thread which contains the changes made to the game with the AU mod. When writing your DAR’s please state whether you are using the AU mod or standard rules, though I highly encourage the use of the AU mod.
I will be setting up several “during action report” (DAR) threads that will be linked to this first thread. Please take the time to write DARs and post screenshots. Besides having fun Apolyton University is about learning. Not only can you help other posters and lurkers with your ideas and tactics, but others can also post suggestions that may help you out.
I will include the file containing the AU mod games with this post and the standard games in the second post. If anyone has any trouble with the zip files please PM me and I will email you the files.
Have fun and good luck!!!

AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 1 – 4000bc-2150bc
AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 2 – Contact with all other civs
AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 3 – Able to build forbidden palace
AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 4 – End of middle ages
AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 5 – End of industrial age
AU210 - UN Peacekeepers DAR 6 – End of the game