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AU 203: The Power of Communism

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  • AU 203: The Power of Communism

    The goal of this class is to discover the various uses for Communism and how it can be improved. We also continue the search for Killer AI's.

    The link to the AU PTW thread is below.

    You come to rule over the peaceful German people. For millenia, your civilization has been the target of brutal aggression by other nations. However, your people have preached forgiveness. Now, as you enter a new era, the constant threats have been elevated. Your people realize that pasifism will no longer work. You have been granted a new gift, Communism.

    There are three mods included: PTW 1.14f, 1.29f, and AU MOD 1.14

    1. No offensive aggression* unless Communism is the current government.

    2. Conquest or Domination. That's all.

    3. Automatic A for whoever makes the best use of Communism.

    If there are any questions (concerning fighting or whatever), please post here. Someone will resolve the issue quickly.

    *Alright. No warrior-bopping, settler-jacking, or anything else that requires that you declare war. No attacking enemy units in their territory, no matter what. No attacking cities, even if they belonged to you earlier. No moving units through enemy territory with the hopes that they declare war on you. I suggest that you are only allowed to declare war if you are being directly threatened. This is open to your interpretation of "threatened".
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Perhaps you should edit the initial post to include the discussion you guys had about the definition of offensive warfare.

    A little paragraph to add flavor to the game couldn't hurt either.

    Also, don't forget to mention the three playable versions, and give links to AU, AU mod, and the spoilers thread.

    Go ahead and post the zip file. I'm sure you did a great job!


    • #3
      alexman: your gonna have to show me how to make links later. i'll be back in a few hours. have fun guys.


      • #4
        A little clarification is needed. Two of the quotes (one being mine) contradict...can we declare war, just not inside enemy borders? Is settler-jacking permissable?


        • #5
          Let's settle this once and for all: Unless you're in Communism, you can't attack (which includes bombard and pillage) anything in enemy territory, and you can't declare war. BRC, please change the initial post to show this.

          To do a link, do this:
          [URL=]AU mod{\URL}
          but replace the {} by []


          • #6
            Oh, I thought we could declare war as long as we didn't actually invade.

            So, no warfare unless we are the defender, then?
            "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


            • #7
              I assume settler-jacking is allowed *if* they are crossing your territory.


              • #8
                Hmm... what do you mean by settler-jacking?
                If it's attacking them (without being at war already), the answer depends on whether we are allowed to declare war. I say no. If it's just herding them, then yes.


                • #9
                  Personally, I prefer to be able to declare war but not to invade, but whatever the concensus is will be fine with me.
                  "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                  • #10
                    Alexman: I have done the link exactly as you have told me to, but it doesn't want to show. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks.


                    • #11
                      In my game, AU mod, I don't have "palace" in my build options. I don't see anything in the AU mod readme about this, so I was hoping someone had an answer...

                      Interesting map so far, by the by, hehe.


                      • #12
                        In my game, AU mod, I don't have "palace" in my build options. I don't see anything in the AU mod readme about this, so I was hoping someone had an answer...
                        I compared the editor for AU mod and PTW 1.14f, and the Palace options are the same. Does someone else know what the problem is? Are you trying to build the Palace in your capitol?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BRC

                          I compared the editor for AU mod and PTW 1.14f, and the Palace options are the same. Does someone else know what the problem is? Are you trying to build the Palace in your capitol?
                          Er, no, heh. I was going to do a palace pre-build in a secondary city.


                          • #14
                            You must have Masonry to build a Palace, Bluefrog - have you already researched or traded for it?
                            "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                            • #15
                              Christ, you'd think I've never played the game, heh.

                              Every time I've wanted to build a palace before, I had long since had Masonry. Thanks, ducki. I'm an idiot. =)

