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Minitourney III - Spoilers

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  • #76
    Operation Overkill

    "Operation Overkill" was a smashing success: twenty-five cities spanning four rival nations and crossing the entire continent the first turn, twenty-four the second (including one I had to retake because I didn't bother to analyze England's counterattack potential adequately), and six hard-to-get-to cities the third (after the game was officially over due to a domination victory) to complete my conquest of the world. It's amazing what a hundred plus modern armor and a hundred twenty plus mechanized infantry can do to opponents who don't even have tanks yet! See why I wasn't concerned about happiness problems fighting as a Democracy? (Note: I won't absolutely guarantee the counts above; I counted while watching the replay, but I didn't doublecheck.)

    There were several keys to doing the job so quickly:

    (1) Since I knew the mech infs couldn't keep up on a blitz, I landed a large percentage of them in the mountainous area on the southwest of the enemy continent the same turn my modern armor initiated their attack. (That included four four-unit mech inf armies, since MIs could use the extra punch if they ran across defending infantry while MAs could take care of themselves.) Then the second turn, I took most of the southwest out using MIs, and the third, I finished the job. (I did have a tense moment when a couple shiploads of troops missed their landing date and had to stay at sea for an extra turn to get where they were needed, but they landed without incident.)

    (2) I hit cities first and then cleaned up any troops in the area (unless the troops happened to be in the way). That way, MAs could get better use out of their multiple attacks (hitting one straggler, then railroading it to another) and MIs could get to more distant targets. On a similar note, there were some troops I ignored altogether at least for a while; it cost me a little when I found that I hadn't looked carefully enough at what some of them could do, but it stretched my forces farther.

    (3) I'd brought over two transport-loads of slaves from my home continent to supplement my American captives and whatever I picked up along the way. That was only barely enough to keep me from stalling due to inadequate rails, but it was enough. (It probably wouldn't have been if I weren't a Democracy, by the way, although if I weren't a Democracy, I probably would have brought more workers.)

    (4) Wounded MAs with at least three hit points left didn't stop fighting (and sometimes ones with only two kept fighting). There always seemed to be plenty of pikemen, spearmen, and other assorted obsolete units participating in city defense, and any unit a wounded MA could take out meant one more healthy MA I could use elsewhere.

    (5) Because I had the forces to tackle all four opponents at once, I had more flexibility in planning my invasion routes. For example, I had to take St. Petersburg to get to Berlin quickly, and the best path to Leipzig went through Oxford.

    By the way, the operation was launched as early as it could be: get the tech, upgrade all my tanks except for three elites (I already had the gold saved up), and go. Actually, the attack force could even have been stronger if I hadn't made research centers and recycling plants high-priority items once I got the necessary techs.

    The file I'm enclosing in this message is a save after my landings but before I started my offensive.

    Attached Files


    • #77
      Now the save from the end of the first turn.
      Attached Files


      • #78
        End of the second turn, which is what the world looked like when I officially won the game.
        Attached Files


        • #79
          But what power-mad dictator could possibly settle for dominating the world when he's just six cities or so away from owning it? (Oops, I forgot, we were in a democracy. Make that, what nation caught in the grip of a raging fever of manifest destiny would possibly settle for dominating the world when they are just six cities away from owning it? )

          Attached Files


          • #80
            Originally posted by Catt
            Olaf, I really enjoyed your story.

            On a side note, I am assuming that you're not an American masquerading as a Swede (your use of the "continental English" terms like "wine stores" and "hundred meters"). And, given that I've made that first assumption, I am going to assume that you're not a native English speaker but truly are a Swede.

            Just wanted to say that, in addition to liking the story, I am really impressed with your mastery of English.

            I lived in Italy for a while and considered myself fluent, and lived in Egypt for awhile but was never fluent, traveled fairly broadly elsewhere -- in all I've picked up "liveable" abilities with several languages. BUT, I could never, ever, EVER hope to write in any language other than my own native American english with anything even close to your skill, fluency and idiomatic ability. Truly amazing and impressive.

            Not only a great short "vignette" of a story, but a really impressive mastery of a second language.

            [And if you're an American ex-pat masquerading as a Swede, then I take it all back ]

            Well, thanks! I am not an American in disguise and my mothers tounge is Swedish. I actually hold a Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English and use English to write scientific reports at my job every day. As you have noticed, I try to stick to British English to preserve the cultural integrity of Europe against Americanisation (notice the lack of Z in the last word). I also use SI units instead of yards and pounds just like the rest of the world, except for some stubborn, less than 5 % of the world population, who are Brits and Yankies. We're moving to the metric system inch by inch!

            I am a little surprised that you are so impressed of my story. When I wrote the story it was after midnight, and I was to tired to read it through for spell and grammar check. Now when I read it in daylight I see that it is full of typos, strange grammar and peculiar use of words.

            I think I have gotten my feel for war terminology by reading English paperbacks with war fiction (and some non-fiction) during business trips. My last read was "Blackhawd Down", which is highly recommended.

            After reading your game summary, I notice that you and I seem to be the only ones who had some struggle to claim our own continent and keep up in tech with the AI. I think your early war with Japan slowed you down somewhat, as the barbarians who ransacked my first settler did. My game progress update to follow. The story contained some hints, but a more dry technical description would save time for us all.
            So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
            Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


            • #81
              My bad luck with the resources continues! In retrospect, I was perhaps a little too eager to start the war with Egypt. Right after I built the Intel Agency, I provoked the already furious Egyptians to start the war as they captured my spy. I had about 30 cavallery but was soon chocked when I found out I could not build any more, as the saltpeter mine I had grabbed from Japan had expired. The Germans was only willing to sell it for unbearable cost. My first strike was done with artillery and cavallery on an Egypt city located in a tounge deeply into China. As the city was heavily defended with Infantry, I lost at least ten cavallery and all the rest were wounded before the city was finally razed.

              Egypt countered by bringing huge stacks of various foot soilders deeply into my territory (also see my mini story to learn more about their fate). They looted the land, liberated some Japanese slaves left without guard, and even conquered one of my cities. I could take the city back on the next turn, but only with tremendous civilian casualties. I decided to move the city to a better location now when it was down to size 1 anyway. The worst blow came when Egypt pillaged my only wineyard on the same turn as my oversees trade deals expired. Huge war disorder followed, as I had no resources to renew the luxury trade. This slowed down my research for motorised transportation to take 15 turns instead of 10 (with one tech in between), which made my progress stall.

              A second "tounge city" was located deeply into China, but despite constant artillery barrage, my few surviving cavallery was never able to take it, as it had too many defenders. Instead I focused my efforts to harass the huge invasion force of foot soldiers by denying them high ground and letting them walk long gauntlets through artillery fire. When all units in a stack was down to one HP, I used it to train infantry units to become elites and great leaders. I think the whole war gave me more than five leaders, who were used to create armies and rush things like War Academy and Pentagon. Thanks to the "Three Gorges" hydropower wonder, factories and mobilisation, my major cities were pumping out artillery and infantry every second turn.

              Finally, I got tanks! Guess if the Germans was willing to pay for them? I got all they had in lux and money. My tanks used the wounded foot soldiers for target practice, just like my infantrymen had done (see mini story) before they gathered at the border cities for the assault. The tounge city was finally reduced to tourist attraction ruins. In less than ten turns, the up till now world leading Egypt was my vassal far up north of the continent.

              The year is now 1750 something. As soon as the peace deal expires, Egypt will have to share the tiny Island to the north with Japan. By then, I will have computers and my tech trading with Europe is likely to end. I might try some short wars to get lux, Sixtine and bridge heads on the European continent, but mostly I expect a lot of space bar clicking until I have future tech and am ready to start WWIII.
              So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
              Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


              • #82
                Any chance of folks posting screenshots from their games (rather than just saves)? Saves take a long time to load and view, but a nice little screen shot would help tell the story (even if only minimaps from various points in the game).

                Off-Topic: Olaf, don't resist the Americanization (notice the "z") -- we are trying hard for culture flips and expanding our territorial influence by miles, acres, yards feet and inches every day! Your occasional spelling / grammar errors largely convinced me that you weren't an ex-patriate American and also highlighted that you were probably writing the story on the fly -- that's what made it impressive! When I considered myself fluent in Italian, I would have (1) certainly taken longer to write what you did; (2) made plenty of errors; and (3) never had a chance at using (effectively) idioms and more esoteric words that are always so hard for non-native speakers to adopt and use.



                • #83
                  Catt, how do you make a screenshot to post? You're right that they make things much easier.

                  I'll read your version of the Iliad soon!


                  • #84
                    Off-Topic: Screenshots

                    Posting screenshots can be easy or hard (depending on your own native software and comfort-level in using it) -- in my case the first time was a b**** and wasted over an hour, all subsequent times quite easy. And Txurce, this is all for a PC - I don't know about Macs.

                    1. While playing (or when reloading from key saves for that screenshot capture), have a graphics program also open -- MS Paint (an accessory program included in Windows) is sufficient.

                    2. Center your screen view wherever you like. Press ALT-PrintScreen at the same time. (PrintScreen is usually in the upper right of your keyboard, near the F12 key).

                    3. ALT-TAB to the graphics program. Press CTRL-V (or manually select the command for "Paste.")

                    4. Save graphics file. Repeat using new file names.

                    [A couple of complications due to Apolyton restrictions -- (1) attachments can't be bigger than 500K, and most "bitmaps" (graphics file format from MS paint for instance) are very large files. So you will need to convert your bitmap screenshot into a JPEG format (which is essentially just a file compression). Unfortunately, MS Paint won't save the file as a .jpg without screwing up the colors. I found a second graphics program called Imaging (also MS PhotoEditor) that allows you to easily save the bitmap in the .jpg format -- in the "Save As" window simply change the file format drop-down. And (2) graphics files won't post unless smaller than my default screen size (which was 1024 x 768 pixels) -- the Apolyton message told me to keep the size below "600 x 0" -- I didn't know if that typo meant 600 x 800 or 600 x 450 (which is the same ratio as 1024 x 768). So I resized my screenshots to 600 x 450.]

                    5. When posting, simply attach your .jpg file and the boards automatically present it as a graphic (instead of a downloadable file). Note that you can only post one graphic per post, and only at the end of your post -- thus my string of 5 or 6 posts in a row when it could have been one long one.

                    Most PCs come pre-installed with some sort of photo / image editor, whether it is Adobe PhotoShop, ArcSoft, MS Photo Editor, etc. (I found three different applications on my older laptop -- none were purchased off the shelf).

                    It was a bit of a chore the first time I did it (especially having to use different programs for resizing and converting to jpegs), but I got the hang of it quickly. Now when I play, I can capture and save screen shots with a few keystrokes, and later convert and resize a dozen shots in about 10 - 15 minutes.

                    EDIT: added a clarification.
                    EDIT: changed file size limit to 500K from 500mb ( - thanks FrustratedPoet)



                    • #85
                      Re: Off-Topic: Screenshots

                      Originally posted by Catt
                      1) attachments can't be bigger than 500mb

                      shouldn't that be 500k? ... five hundred megabytes sounds a little large ...

                      This is an all-around AWESOME thread, btw.

                      Lots of the usual useful strategy tips, some cool stories and screenshots and now a graphics tutorial!
                      If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                      • #86
                        Catt, thanks for the great description of your game! You seem to have followed the spirit of this mini-tourney better than most of us. My 15th century invasion of MA versus riflemen is very boring, and surely not what Sir Ralph had in mind when he proposed this game.

                        As for the reason the corruption of your mainland cities improved after relocating your palace, think in terms of number of cities closer to the palace or the FP, not distance. Your palace and your FP both get an optimal number of cities, where the corruption with number of cities increases relatively slowly. Before the move, you probably had some overlap, which means that you had some cities that were within the optimal number of cities of both the palace and the FP. When that happens, you effectively reduce the optimal number of cities in your empire, because the overlapping cities count against the limit of both your palace and your FP.
                        When you moved your palace, the mainland cities closest to London suddenly got much lower corruption due to number of cities, even if they got slightly higher corruption due to distance. Does that make any sense?


                        • #87
                          alexman - I reread your corruption thread, but not sure if I fully understand how it works - if I understand how the optimal city number (OCN) factor works (a big if ), then your explanation of the effects in my game is almost certainly the correct explanation. Does the OCN factor determine which cities receive its benefits based on proximity to the palace / FP? Meaning, if the OCN is 16, do the closest 16 cities to the palace enjoy lower corruption due to OCN and due to the distance factor? Or is there some other manner of determining the OCN effects (or lack thereof). Put another way, once you've blown past the OCN, does the OCN factor largely go away and now corruption is down to pure distance / improvements / WLTKD?

                          Sheesh, I know I don't understand something well when I can't articulate it at all

                          I changed tactics a bit in this game and laid out a denser city build than I normally do -- most "native" Chinese cities only three or four tiles away from each other (backfilling where necessary). So, between my palace in Beijing and my FP in the center of the continent, there were a fair number of cities and no doubt some of them were overlapping. East and north of the FP (i.e., Egyptian lands), the cities were fewer and farther in between, a la typical AI build pattern.

                          By relocating my palace to London (also typical AI spread build patttern), I must have "made" the OCN effects reach out and benefit cities far, far away (which were then, in turn, mildly affected by the distance factor).

                          I will say that I was impresed with the extent to which Beijing and its surrounding cities were able to continue as production powerhouses after the palace move. In any event, I will go back and look at some saves to get a better feel for it.



                          • #88
                            OK, back in the game (Catt and Olaf inspired me).

                            Dateline 1230AD:

                            I just went Industrial. I own the whole original continent. 53 cities. Everybody's polite... thanks, Arrian.

                            Got an FP in Thebes, but I'm still struggling just to get Temples and Libraries built. Republic.

                            Handbuilding the GWs is a pain, but looks like I'll do well.

                            90% of workers are automated... I just can;t deal with it otherwise.

                            England and France have Nationalism, I alone have MT. I'm skipping Nationalism, which I've never done before, and racing for Rep. Parts.... it's only 3 techs!! England is the AI power; I can't believe Liz isn't taking out Bizzy-marky. I'm debating upgrading the elite Riders... I've got 46 total, and am building a Galleon fleet. Sorry, SR, but I gotta take out the northwestern part of America, need the luxs. I will wait for Tanks or MA to roll over everyone.

                            I'm exporting like a madman... 14 different resources. What a pain to keep checking value. Need money, need money!!
                            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                            • #89
                              Just got Bach... makes my heart go pitter-patter.
                              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Theseus

                                [. . . .]

                                90% of workers are automated... I just can;t deal with it otherwise.

                                England and France have Nationalism, I alone have MT. I'm skipping Nationalism, which I've never done before, and racing for Rep. Parts.... it's only 3 techs!!

                                [. . . .]
                                Theseus, I know the feeling. I didn't automate workers until all of my cities were connected via a rail line, and my capital, FP city, and IW city were fully RR'd. As soon as I had a transportation net between cities complete I ditched the micromanaging and automated everyone (pulling a few back to manual as needed) -- and I didn't even have the entire continent to manage at that point! I was certainly not going to manually RR every city radius.

                                I too had never before completely ignored Nationalism. I usually researched it or traded for it (always going for steam power as the first industrial tech). When Cleo wouldn't give it to me in our peace negotiations, I said "screw it" and went straight for RP, then Industrialization (US wonder) and then ToE. Never missed it for a second.


