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AU 505 The Power of Fascism DAR 3 - Entering the Middle Ages / Home Continent Explore

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  • AU 505 The Power of Fascism DAR 3 - Entering the Middle Ages / Home Continent Explore

    This DAR covers the time period from 1000 BC until players have entered the middle ages and explored most of their home continent.

    What has been your defensive strategy? What wonders, if any, have you gotten, and which AIs have gotten the other wonders you consider most interesting? What has your strategy been in regard to governments? How are you doing scientifically? And what are your plans for the future?
    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

  • #2
    Re: AU 505 The Power of Fascism DAR 3 - Enter the Middle Ages / Home Continent Explor

    Emperor level, AU mod

    (This covers also DAR 4, as I have reached the Medieval Age after meeting all AI civs, due to the lucky Curragh.)

    We switched to Republic soon after the end of DAR 2. We had 16 units at that time (extremely few Workers, which was probably wrong in the long run, I figure), so no upkeep costs to pay. We had a tech lead, so for a couple of turns, research was toned down, to get some culture up and running. This was vital, because many cities were built near AI ones. Some 1200gp total was spent on rushes, around 15 turns all together. First there were 9 turns, then, since no AI was able to catch up, another 6 turns of no-research added. At the end of this DAR, another cash-rush was ordered, to buy final two Temples near the Romans. Then it goes all into research. (Except if I decide I just have to get those Courthouses...)

    Surprisingly, building Archers instead of Spearmen did a great job in keeping AUmerican military ratings top notch. We were on average on the home continent for almost the entire period of this DAR, and only started growing weaker towards the end. My experience when building Spearmen is, that the AI gets to be stronger in the charts quite easy, so another thing learned. AUmerica built virtually no units between 1000 BC and 290 BC, so it's no surprise we did lose our military position at some point. However, we're just about to start some military production again, having built basic infrastructure.

    A second part of our defense plan was to get ROPs, which we did. For a while AUmerica was allied against the Dutch with the Celts and the Germans (started during DAR 2, when the Dutch declared war unprovoked). We made peace with Netherlands, and could have gotten a city for free (literally - not a single fight actually occured between us), but couldn't due to the limitations of this course. So it was plain peace (they had nothing else to offer). The ROPs held and no other wars happened. The AI seems to value those very much, at least while it still has a good reputation.

    Our Curragh found a large island near the Russians, which we might get to settle (though it's more wishful thinking than I'd like to admit). Then, there's a large ocean to the north-east of the American coast, which might contain some nice surprises. Last but not least, the Great Lighthouse counts towards the peaceful Golden Age of Expansionist civs. So we started this wonder in Washington. It is being built quite slowly, for we have no Workers to build Mines there (maximum Settler production to fill available space - only really started on Workers a short while ago). 4 turns to go, fingers crossed.

    A wonder cascade happened 470 BC:
    • Carthage (Carthaginian) builds the Temple of Artemis.
    • Amsterdam (Dutch) builds the Great Library.
    • Entremont (Celtic) builds the Hanging Gardens.
    • Moscow (Russian) builds the Mausoleum of Mausollos.

    All remaining cities switched to the Great Lighthouse, as the AI didn't have Construction then. Fallback possibility is the Great Wall. Not really important, but nice to have it.

    In the year 290 BC AUmerica discovers Currency and gets into the Medieval Age. Research started on Monotheism. Going for Education to trade it for tech parity, assuming the AI civs will research at least up to Invention, which they most often do. Also, Education is important for killing the Dutch Great Library ASAP, and Sistine Chapel (with Theology) would be a nice thing to have (this one with a pre-build, if I don't forget to set one up).

    Russia, Rome, Greece, Carthage all lack Currency and Construction. Germany lacks Currency. We're on par with the Dutch and the Celts. I'm wondering what all the three Scientific civs will get for free.

    Oh, yeah, Forbidden Palace started in New York. Not to be expected soon, though.

    This is how AUmerica looks like, 290 BC. The Settler from Boston goes to New York 22. It's the last Settler for a while.
    Attached Files
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • #3
      my dar3 runs to 10AD, seems like "home continent explored" is not an issue with the scouts, while the channel to the other continent was easy to cross.

      800 BC:
      Contact with dutch.
      while my neighbours dont even know writing, dutch have literature
      trade with dutch: give philo get lit, myst, the wheel 50 g

      775 BC:
      The love of richard nixon founded, temple
      contact with germans
      trade with germans: give philo, get horseriding, Polytheism

      730 BC:
      Republic researched, revolting for 5 turns

      670 BC:
      founded "end of the rainbow"

      610 BC:
      republic installed.
      trade with carth: give writing, get math and 190 gold
      research construction

      590 BC:
      contact with russia, hopeless behind in tech

      550 BC:
      contact with celts: all civilizations known

      450 BC:
      researched constr
      traded currency for philosophy and new age!
      beeline for Education

      410 BC:
      Blinded Love founded.

      370 BC:
      dutch have GL.

      330 BC:
      start of the rainbow founded, maximal cities without conquering/flipping

      210 BC:
      research complete: Monotheism, starting theology. Nobody else entered MA

      10 AD:
      Scientific leader!
      Nothing spectacular happens, unless u call my tech lead spectacular (it's monarch after al)
      I'm building culture in the hope of flipping, and some military as deterrent.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Sid Level, 610BC

        My previous DAR, DAR 4, was in 750BC, not long ago. My trade of Iron to the Greeks just expired, so I got my Iron back. The Greeks and Carthage have had a military alliance against Rome for quite some time now, but the only change of territory has been a border city, which swapped from Roman to Greek hands. However, this city was the Roman's only source of Iron. The Romans seemed quite desparate now, offering me Construction for Iron and about 80 gold.

        This put me into the middle ages, with optional techs Republic, Monarchy, and Philosophy still to be completed, and Philosophy having 18 turns left at miminal research.

        All other AI civs except Russia are well into the middle ages, as they have all completed their first level techs, except for Rome who is missing Monotheism. Russia, however, is still in the ancient age, missing Constuction, Philosophy and The Rupublic, however they have Monarchy. This is most unusual as they are by far the most powerful civ.


        • #5
          Emperor Level, Theseus's Original AU Mod Variant

          America continued with just a little more REXing after 1000 BC, and managed to slip a pair of settlers and a couple spearmen to protect them through a thin piece of Roman territory without Caesar seeming to get too angry. One of those settlers founded a city positioned to claim a dye source in the hope that America would end up with three native luxuries. Once REXing was essentially finished, since aggressive warfare was not allowed, I decided to focus my efforts in the direction of building up a wonder collection.

          The discoveries of Philosophy and Republic came in 570 BC, and America started changing governments. Tech trades had brought America Literature and Polytheism, with America being ahead of all three of its neighbors by Philosophy and Republic and of Rome and Carthage by Code of Laws as well. No one had yet discovered Mathematics or the making of maps.

          Around 490 BC, a Roman warrior attacked America's dye city of Detroit. That initial attack failed, but later, a pair of archers succeeded in destroying the city. For the time being (and for a very long time after), America's hopes for a native source of dyes were ended. There were a few other skirmishes in the Roman war, but no other cities fell before peace was restored.

          What had originally started as a palace prebuild in New York culminated in the completion of the Statue of Zeus in 130 BC, thanks to a trade to Carthage for ivory. That wonder would satisfy virtually all of America's military needs for many centuries to come, especially since Theseus's original version of the scenario was missing the change that took away Ancient Cavalry's extra hit point. Later, in AD 50, Washington completed the Great Lighthouse and brought the beginning of America's golden age. At the same time, in the transition from AD 50 to AD 70, America entered the medieval era.

          America still had not contacted any overseas civs at that point. The German border was in sight across the channel from the western city of Baltimore, and America's first galley was on its way, but that ship would not reach the border for a few more turns.

          On the home continent, America had a large tech lead thanks in part to the fact that we tried to wait to trade until we could get as much as possible in return. None of the other civs had Philosophy, Republic, Currency, or Construction. Greece and Carthage were also missing Map Making, and Carthage was missing Mathematics as well. Greece did, however, have Monarchy, which no other civ had.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Fascist Abe: A Tale of the Golden Eagle

            The only major point to recall from my last DAR is that I rushed the Temple of Artemis (500 Shields) with an early SGL in order to aggressively expand with a safe cultural "cushion".

            As usual, my notes:

            875BC:	The Republic
            825BC:	Contact Germany (Medieval)
            800BC:	Contact Netherlands (Medieval)
            	Netherlands: Philosophy for Construction and 161 Gold
            750BC:	Republic
            	Rome: Silks and 70 Gold for Dyes
            	Greece: Silks and 78 Gold for Furs
            	Embassy with Netherlands for 48 Gold
            	Embassy with Germany for 63 Gold
            730BC:	Right of Passage and 10 Gold from Netherlands
            710BC:	Carthage: Mathematics for Ivory and 24 Gold
            	Germany: Philosophy for Currency, Right of Passage and 2 Gold
            After Polytheism and Code of Laws, I headed straight for Republic, expecting to swithc to it and stay there for a long long time (probably until Fascism). Before calling for a revolution, I used the last opportunity I had to poprush (and short-rush) Libraires and most cities. As the Americans, it's an uphill battle getting a lot of Culture, but I was definitely getting off on the right foot!

            Anarchy lasted 6 turns, minus 1 from using the "Big Picture" trick. Upon becoming a Republic, I was amazed at how good a Commerce-producer Washington was, so I stopped building Settlers there and proceeded to a Library then Wonders. Boston, the only real "pump" city at this point, would have take on both responsibilities of producing the last few Settlers (now at a 4-turn pace with the lifting of tile restrictions), and then Workers ad nauseum. I dreamed of making Washington a super-Science city (something I rarely get around to doing normally).

            After losing two Curraghs to treacherous AU mod waters, I decided to wait until I had a couple of Galleys to cross the channel and meet the Germans. I met Germany and the Netherlands in quick succession, and I figured there were other civs on that continent because Germany was already in the Medieval era. After a few trades I too advanced to the next age. I began researching the lower branch of the tech tree in order to benefit from the Temple of Artemis as long as possible (not sure if this is such a good move - there's a lot of nice Builder stuff on the upper branch).

            Diplomatically, my strategy has been to keep all the AIs super-happy by establishing Embassies ASAP and always trading Luxuries no matter what the cost. This seems to be working rather well: although no one is "Gracious" toward me, none have ever been anything but "Polite". What a monopoly on Silks can do! Thus I do not need much of a military, and so I only have one Barracks city (producing Spearmen - the only unit that upgrades "all the way").

            In the screenshot below, notice "Alaska", a group of three cities on the southwestern edge of the continent (hopelessly corrupt, but doing their duty nonetheless). Also notice Detroit which will soon steal a source or two of Dyes from the Romans.
            Attached Files
            And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


            • #7
              The wheels come off

              Regents level, AU mod

              When I ran out of REX I built the Collossus in Washington.

              I went for Literacy hoping to build the Great Library and keep tech parity that way. After Literacy I went for Philosophy. It turns out that I was the first to research it and I got a Scientific Great Leader in addition to the free tech. The Great Library becam a regular library, the Great Leader beacme the Great Library in 610 BC.

              I managed to build the Oracle in 230 BC.

              At this point I figured I had a cultural blow-out in the works. I remember playing arround with OCC and how fast the tech went and how peacful the AIs were. I figured thats what I'd do. I was terribly terribly nice to every one and traded techs like a drunken, er, Librarian.

              I figured that if I could keep the Tech Rate up the AIs would be too busy build infrastructre to build military units. That plus my three defender stategy and being generous with the Luxuries should keep the peace until I'm ready to loose the beast.

              It almost worked.

              Mike G


              • #8
                Story of this section is some good progress marred by some really stupid decisions:

                Golden Age triggered by Wonders, should have thought of this, but I never usually try to build many ancient wonders, and its never been a problem before. I had been waiting to complete the Colussus to switch to Republic, so carried on with this plan - 5 turns, but there we are.

                Got Great Lighthouse too, wanted to make lots of contacts, and failed to take advantage of it, and Germany actually settled on our continent first! - I missed the expanse of sea to the west as well. I have noted that Germany have tech parity, but suspect this is wrong if they have a Galley landed Settlers.

                Should have thought more, and gone for a different wonder, perhaps copied Dominae, and gone for the Temple of Artemis, for the instand temple and culture everywhere, but I read his post too late.

                I debated Sun Zu and Sistine Chapel, barracks for defense and the future, vs less need to trade for luxes, but I am trading well, Ivory and Incense for an old tech with Carthage, so have decided on Art of War. As I roll out the empire, I will need a larger base to build units.

                Three images showing the continuing Rex. Dont know what happened to Rome, I only bought the one worker ( joined Washington, to avoid any bad feeling), and one from Greece. I have only really stopped Rexing now.

                670 BC complete colosus - GA! argghh!

                enter anarchy

                570 BC republic - phew

                350 BC still in GA, trading techs around - just entered Middle Ages - Fuedalism (pikemen) - RoP with Greece and Rome - just to get 20 turn deals and good will. gifts etc around - need to keep all happy - need to upgrade military soon to keep people of my back.

                250BC Great Lighthouse! now to find some more friends

                210 AD see Hanover on our continent - must get out to contact them,...

                260 i Theology, think about swapping Sun Zus for Sistine Chapel
                contact mismark, tech comparable


                got rid of extra images - too many too similar, too late at night to be posting


                • #9
                  The fur road


                  • #10
                    ... and the dye road

                    need a little bit of culture, trade and luck here.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      This is a little tough since I long since explored my home continent and I entered MA and met all other civs around the same time. I'll cover that stage here and then another intermediate report for DAR4.

                      I kept belching out settlers and putting them into increasingly marginal and distant lands. I put one into the NW on top of some spices and another that managed to culture steal furs.

                      I completed Lighthouse around 650b.c.

                      I met the Celts at 500b.c. and the Dutch at 390b.c. Celts did a nice over and back trade with me giving Alpha and 181 for Poly and then paying back 165 for Writing. They are backwards. Russians meanwhile demanded COL and then declared war when I wouldn't give it. Wah, wah. They settled later for 1gp since they are bankrupt. I bought Monarchy from the Dutch and started trading it and giving it to everybody around in hopes they would go there rather than to Republic.

                      I started my government change in 500b.c. and went to Republic. I went medieval in 370b.c. At that point I had 3-5 techs on everybody except the Dutch and Germans. I suspect that those two are going to be real loads later on. I dumped a lot of my spare cash into building projects so I would not raise too much interest from my increasingly edgy neighbors.

                      Dutch, Russians, Germans are ahead on points but not in power. I like this position.

                      Carthage nails SOZ in 150b.c. %&@!!!

                      I change prebuild to TArtemis. That could be crucial. Where's my SGL - like the other games had

                      I start a silks for ivory trade with Carthage (some cash thrown in) and a silks for cash trade with Greece (make 'em wreck a contract if they declare). Rome is impoverished. They put a settler on top of iron but it is not linked yet. I have a settler on its way to plop down in between the main empire and their iron. If/when they declare, I will have SM ready to cut it out (tiny evil chuckle).

                      By 90b.c. my curragh had circumnavigated the new continent and started home for upgrading. During its life another curragh had been lost with all hands and a galley had been cut out by pirates. I may need to give a special name to this curragh!!! Maybe "Fluffy," or "Squishy."

                      As I proceed, Germany has a tech lead - I guess that they got a free Mono (curse them). I love Sistene and will have it at any cost! Otherwise, my increasingly backwards neighbors are looking longingly at my technology and, err, well run Republic.


                      • #12
                        Curses! I always forget something. Since I kind of covered the period that goes through DAR 4, I will present a screenie of 70b.c. (unless I screw something else up).
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          AU mod: Demigod

                          DAR 1
                          DAR 2

                          This DAR covers just 250 years, since America entered the Middle Ages in 750 BC, by discovering Construction. The rest of the continent was still in the Ancient Age.

                          Greece was still in a stagnant war against the tundra empire of Carthage, who had built the Statue of Zeus. Pillaging during that war prevented America from trading her 4 extra silk resources, instead relying on a 20% luxury rate to keep her people happy.

                          But the luxury situation was about to change, as America had just settled Buffalo and St. Louis to the west, thus stealing dyes from Rome. These towns were soon to be connected to the rest of the empire. Also, borders of both Germany and Holland were visible across the channel, and an American Galley was on its way to meet those two empires. Boston was 13 turns away from completing the Great Lighthouse, which would enable trade with new contacts on the other continent.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Emperor level AU Mod – 1700 BC to first contact with "foreign" civs

                            After 1700, we entered the pure land-grabbing phase. Our intent was to be everyone’s friend and avoid conflict like the plague. However, it may (do people agree?) make sense to do some strange settling far from home to try to pick off luxuries. We will see.

                            Old Abe was mainly worried about getting control of the river to the south, as we entered the coming years.

                            1600 BC: Carthage and Rome showed up with horseback riding and writing. We have poly. Rome has 65 gold, but they are in better map position for the long haul. We decided to trade with Rome for both techs and 60 gold. But we would appreciate whether others feel trading with tundra-bound Carthage would have been the better move.

                            War between Greece and Rome is ongoing, and maybe Carthage is in the mix. Can’t tell and am not going to spring for an embassy when I can’t participate.

                            As it turned out, the Rex went well --- pictures of the frontier below. Research went well too.

                            Carthage remained at peace and passed us on tech, partly due to the fact that we rushed a lot of culture in the frontier cities, which often bordered on neighboring capitals. They also traded well with the Dutch before we had a chance. So, they are ahead early in the middle ages.

                            The Dutch showed up in 190AD, a tech and a few turns ahead, at least. As they got printing press, we met the others on the neighboring continent.

                            We are a few turns from education, which no one else has, and will be able to trade that for all the missing techs if we get there first. More likely, it will be an uphill slog to catch up on tech during the middle ages. Our hope for Sistine is somewhere between slim and none.

                            Risks: Carthage has the SoZ and could get knights soon. We are seriously underpowered militarily. Otherwise, things look quite good.

                            We did manage to capture the lux near Rome, rushing a temple and a harbor in that town.
                            Attached Files
                            Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                            • #15
                              Here is the western border, rushed temples all around with one left to go.

                              We got all the river sites and that will stand us in good stead during the remainder of the game. Probably due to the war with Rome, Greece let us have another layer of cities as well as you can see in the next post.

                              Western border picture inserted a couple of posts below
                              Illegitimi Non Carborundum

