I agree with Dom here. Beyond the fact that any real hard and set rules would be dificult to implement/enforce, what's the point of this diplomacy game as an AU course? Assuming you're just generally joining random games outside of AU for the simple fun of it, you're probably not going to end up in many games with any sort of code (except exploits). I mean can sympathize a bit, I personnally don't like the way some things go and wouldn't want to just destroy someone's empire on turn 10 (which just happened to me in a Sengoku-mod PBEM), but if it's later in the game (like turn 50 in my AP RoR PBEM), it's rather fun to slwoly eat away at those upstart Romans with their fancy Wonders and UUs. Very tactical, huge stacks of artillery and generally only taking a city every five turns or so. But it's still a lot more fun, and I can do this while still playing honourably. I even declared war before I entered the territory, just for the hell of it (well, yes, the AI players would hate me for not doing it properly, but my rep's shot from when the goddamn Romans went to war with the Celts). But it's worth it, cause once every few days you get make this your battle report 
4 Garrison killed in Veii.
1 Legion3 killed in Veii.
Veii captured.
Garrison SE of Mycenae bombed to 2/4 and then killed.
3 Legion3s killed in Tarentum.
2 Garrison killed in Tarentum.
Tarentum captured.
1 HC killed W of Rhodes.
3 HC killed S of Veii.
2 HC retreats S of Veii.
2 Swordsmen killed W of Tarentum.
1 HC killed SW of Tarentum.
1 HC retreats SW of Tarentum.
1 HC killed in Miletos.
1 HC killed W of Rhodes

4 Garrison killed in Veii.
1 Legion3 killed in Veii.
Veii captured.
Garrison SE of Mycenae bombed to 2/4 and then killed.
3 Legion3s killed in Tarentum.
2 Garrison killed in Tarentum.
Tarentum captured.
1 HC killed W of Rhodes.
3 HC killed S of Veii.
2 HC retreats S of Veii.
2 Swordsmen killed W of Tarentum.
1 HC killed SW of Tarentum.
1 HC retreats SW of Tarentum.
1 HC killed in Miletos.
1 HC killed W of Rhodes