Ok, so it looks like it's going to end up being DAR 2 anyway.
Let me begin with an apology for my lack of up-to-date DARs. There are several excuses for this, but none are really adequate, all in all.
Alright, first off, the beginning of this game did not go incredibly well. I kept changing gears because my early exploration teams died quickly. My first two warriors were lost to barbarians ~10-15 tiles west of Rome. Also, I'm certain Zargon got an SGL with either writing or IW (The Pyramids at 2190 on Emp.?!?! The Egyptians didn't even get to the Oracle until 1525!), given his starting techs. Anyway, the first warrior did get far enough to see some nice flood plains with wheat, so I thought, OK, time to REX, and started a prebuild for a granary (no pottery yet). That went fine, but then my second warrior, after the granary, noticed that we were really on quite a peninsula, and so I decided to go with the strat of build four cities with barracks and archer rush someone (taking advatage of my militaristic trait in the process). Boy, did that blow up in my face! I knew the Carthaginians were to my SW, and I didn't want to AR NM's, so I figured I'd just take out whoever was to my N/NW. Then it turned out that NO ONE was near me! So i ended up with ~10 vet. archers running around with next to nothing to do (which is worse than warriors, because they can't even upgrade to legions). So I went back to REX with two cities (Rome and Veii) doing settlers, Antium doing workers and Cumae doing spearmen. I quicky built Neapolis, Pompeii, Hispalis, Pisae, Lutetia, Brundisium, Ravenna, and Viroconium (not necessarily in that order [I'm sure some of you who play Rome more often will know the exact order
]). However, due to earlier problems, my military was not keeping up, as we shall see in the next post.
Let me begin with an apology for my lack of up-to-date DARs. There are several excuses for this, but none are really adequate, all in all.
Alright, first off, the beginning of this game did not go incredibly well. I kept changing gears because my early exploration teams died quickly. My first two warriors were lost to barbarians ~10-15 tiles west of Rome. Also, I'm certain Zargon got an SGL with either writing or IW (The Pyramids at 2190 on Emp.?!?! The Egyptians didn't even get to the Oracle until 1525!), given his starting techs. Anyway, the first warrior did get far enough to see some nice flood plains with wheat, so I thought, OK, time to REX, and started a prebuild for a granary (no pottery yet). That went fine, but then my second warrior, after the granary, noticed that we were really on quite a peninsula, and so I decided to go with the strat of build four cities with barracks and archer rush someone (taking advatage of my militaristic trait in the process). Boy, did that blow up in my face! I knew the Carthaginians were to my SW, and I didn't want to AR NM's, so I figured I'd just take out whoever was to my N/NW. Then it turned out that NO ONE was near me! So i ended up with ~10 vet. archers running around with next to nothing to do (which is worse than warriors, because they can't even upgrade to legions). So I went back to REX with two cities (Rome and Veii) doing settlers, Antium doing workers and Cumae doing spearmen. I quicky built Neapolis, Pompeii, Hispalis, Pisae, Lutetia, Brundisium, Ravenna, and Viroconium (not necessarily in that order [I'm sure some of you who play Rome more often will know the exact order
