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DAR of Betacles the Builder - Defender of Greece
250 BC
Peace reached with the Germanics - just as they were starting to gather some firepower.
I had also reached a tech deal with Rhoth for republic, which I have finished. That was the other problem with attacking the Roman warrior, but I assure Rhoth that I will not squlech on the deal. He has already sent me his tech. I can't recall the exact timing - but peace is once more re-established with Rome and the trade completed.
I have entered anarchy. I wish I was more religious.
210 BC
This is what the Greek Empire looks like at this point in history. We have our land staked out - but there are still some risk areas. Particulary in the south - where I fear the Persians expanding - and in the jungle area in the east where the luxury has to be an attraction, and is easily reachable by galley via the Middle Sea. Note that I have a sword ready to go to war to defend our right to this land.
There is also a swath of land to the west of Athens not in my cultrual borders - but being only two tiles wide it does not afford the AI any opportunity to settle. I have a future city planned for the area.
And there is one spot on the coast NW of Athens - beyond the Dark Northern Swamp, where a brave warrior is claiming the one and only settlement site in the area.
Also note the truly unhappy folks in Sparta, proof that I am not a master when it comes to micro-management. Speaking of which, that is one improvement I would strongly urge for. A flag which indicates when a player-managed city (which is what I always do) will go into unrest next turn unless something is done. It saves that clerical and tedious job of checking each turn.Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
10 BC
Life rolls on. The civilization has been a republic for a bit now, and is growing nicely. You will see from the score on the attached screenshot that I am catching up, at least as far as the score is concerned.
The cities of Miletos and Megara have consoildated my hold on the southern territory. Would have been nice to have kept the Persians out altogether. Oh well.
There is still one spot in the south where another AI civ could settley - and that is 9-9-8 of Knossos, the tile next to the lava splotch where my settler is standing. You cannot see the Greek flag he has stuffed in his knapsack for claiming this little patch of earth. I am waiting for the library builds to trigger the cultural expansion and clainm the land.
According to the F11 screen, I am second in land area, but 7th in population. I am way down in all the other categories as well, other than military service. (2nd).Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
The Persian War
50 AD
Alas, peace was not to last for too long.
Persia declares war on me, at the end of the turn. I was wondering if they were up to something. There are a number of Persian troops milling around the south and a Persian galley on the west coast. They have been on par or stronger than me militarily. The turn ends with a Persian archer attacking and losing to a sword forted in Megara. Two immortals and two longbows move into the tile south of Rhodes.
70 AD
I had been anticipating the Persian move, and had moved some swords into striking distance, And elite and vet sword take down the two Immortals, and a warrior kills one of the longbows.
I pile in more reinfocements, including a med inf, but NO hoplites. The one remaining longbow brings down one of my sword at the end of the turn. Things are heating up.
90 AD
The Persians have one Immortal and 4 longbows south of Rhodes. I smile. No spears. With a Greek war cry, and clanging of armor, my medieval infantry, the best unit in my army, and the only med inf that I have, swings to the attack. He takes a hit from a longbow and dies very quickly to the Immortal.A huge scream goes up from the remaining Greek troops. A regular sword, the only unwounded one in the area, moves to the front and kills the Immortal.
Next comes a dog fight with my one archer and handful of warriors who do a good job of chewing up the undefended longbows. Warriors are lost and are on their way to meet Athena, but in the end, the offensive threat is blunted. A single, one hit-point longbow remains. Blood flows on the fields outside of Rhodes.
But Rhodes remains firmly in Greek hands, despite the fearless leader letting it fall into unrest during all this excitement.
A pic from the start of the turn:Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
90 AD cont'd
Meanwhile - on the northern front, the "UNWELCOME" sign is out. A line of troops ensures that no AI civ gets the idea of wandering around Greek territory.
And I continue to look at the patch of land north or Argos and Artesium. I clearly need luxuries, but how much of a risk is it to push a town out into Babylonian territory. Hmmm ... the wheels begin to turn. The city planners brain storm.
I am torn on the idea of this city. Will it fall to cultural conversion too quickly? And what will its borders look like? If I do it, I need to be prepared to get a library in there quickly.Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
210 AD
The war drags on. I am working to upgrade more swords and warriors to medieval infantry, and to get them down south. Rhodes witnesses more bloodshed as a pair of Immortals advance.
Megara in the SW also sees some skirmishing, but just individual archers or longbows who are easy prey for swordsmen.
Persian spears and warriors continue to mill around down south. They really do not threaten anything, and when they come down from the mountains, they are targetted.
The Persians refuse to acknowledge any of my envoys.
In this period - the gems in the mountains gets hooked up, and a deal is reached with Rhoth of Rome to swap luxuries.
Hey - not a bad war, all in all.
230 AD
Xerxes finally sees the error of his ways. He allows an envoy to see him, and a peace deal is quickly reached. He throws in his entire treasury of 6 gold.
The key point was that I was able to keep my hoplites out of the fray. I have not yet triggered my GA. This is no mean feat when you figure out of an army of 34 units, 19 are hoplites. Archers, swords, med infantry, and warriors saw the brunt of the fighting - and the losses.
I often wonder if you are better off to keep a war such as this going. You get the opportunity for unit upgrades, and potential leaders. But, my economy is starting to cook now. I am within 19 points of Rome, and closing fast. It would be nice not to have to worry about war.Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
Where are the rest of the updates.
Now that the game is over I've been enjoying reading through your strategy. I hope you have the chance to get the rest of it up soon. I'd like to read through your preparations leading up to the war, etc. As we talked about in chat your wall of warriors caused me to change my tactics a well as my landing point for my main army.
Well oh great One, scourge of earth! Another Roman commands the so-called civilized world. Now what hue of marble do you suppose I should ready for the fallen, emperor of Greece? Just checking, I have many colors.The Graveyard Keeper
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