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AU 601 Protocol

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  • #31
    Hot seat would be different.

    We can always delay starting DAR threads for SP so they are always behind MP.


    • #32
      As long as the DAR threads for hotseat games mirror the cut-offs for the MP DARs (probably splitting the first DAR into three parts in the process), there shouldn't be any need to delay posting them. MP folks can just be careful not to read ahead.


      • #33
        Originally posted by alexman
        So we need a volunteer to set it up. Sir Ralph has already done enough for this course, so is there anyone else who will not play the SP version and would like to create the saves (AU mod and stock, Rome and Greece, Regent through Sid = 24 saves )
        I really don't like playing games with prior map knowledge, and since I've been following all the various DARs, I'd be happy to gin up the saves for an SP game if there is real interest in playing it (are their even 24 people who wnat to play it as an SP game?)

        One caveat, I've been busy in RL for some time now, and can't promise an immediate turn-around. If I got hold of the scenario files (AU and stock), I could certainly post a bunch saves for SP games before the week is out.



        • #34
          Thanks Catt! Sir Ralph has the scenario files.

          Even if there are not 24 people playing this game, we should make the 24 saves, because we don't know who wants to play what version/side/difficulty. There are plenty of people who play AU games without posting here, and many play these games well after they have been released.

          Another solution might be to upload the scenario files (AU mod and stock), but I'd rather not do that until most MP games are finished, in case someone playing MP opens up the map by accident. It's one thing to release scenario files with the risk of each to spoil his own game, but when there is someone else involved, and considering the time investment, it's better not to risk it.

          Thanks again for volunteering, and take your time! (Well, as much time as Jawa Jocky allows you anyway)


          • #35
            Ok another protocol question.

            Is the prohibition against attacking the AI a permanent one or something that is going to be lift eventually (like in the industrial age).

            The reason I ask is I don't see how you can achieve any conquest or domination (or likely even a cultural victory) without eventually being able to attack the AI.

            If for know other reason than to make it easier to kill your opponent. :-)


            • #36
              Originally posted by alexman
              Thanks Catt! Sir Ralph has the scenario files.
              I just PM'd SR with my email address in case he no longer has it from the mini-tourney days.

              Even if there are not 24 people playing this game, we should make the 24 saves, because we don't know who wants to play what version/side/difficulty. There are plenty of people who play AU games without posting here, and many play these games well after they have been released.
              Yes, good point.



              • #37
                Originally posted by Strollen
                Ok another protocol question.

                Is the prohibition against attacking the AI a permanent one or something that is going to be lift eventually (like in the industrial age).

                The reason I ask is I don't see how you can achieve any conquest or domination (or likely even a cultural victory) without eventually being able to attack the AI.

                If for know other reason than to make it easier to kill your opponent. :-)
                The way I look at it, the goal of the game is either to beat the other human to a space race or diplomatic victory (or conceivably cultural, but that is highly doubtful) or to annihilate the other human, after which time there will be no one left to object if you want to start attacking AIs. But pairs of players could negotiate something different if they want to.


                • #38
                  Yes, I think the prohibition is permanent, with the exception of variants such as Nathan and I have agreed upon.

                  The sine qua non of this course, I think, would be to manipulate the AI civs into taking out the other human player... I'm not sure if that is possible, however.

                  Short of that, no, you do not have the simplest Pillar, that of sheer aggression. Other ways must be found.

                  /Yoda mode

                  War, or war not. The AU rules cloud everything. Impossible to see the future is.

                  /end Yoda mode

                  A good lesson, I think.
                  The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                  Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by alexman
                    Well, as much time as Jawa Jocky allows you anyway
                    They care. They really care

                    I leave on a vacation next Friday so I won't have CIV time again until the 3rd Sunday from today. So "old lady" Jawa promises not to whine for 2 1/2 weeks.

                    I just realized the downside to letting Catt set up the SP. One of our best DAR writers will not be playing

                    Did the hot seat for a SP idea get much support (I liked it)?


                    • #40
                      One competitor wrote in the DAR threads:

                      I've noticed observers are posting in the other DAR threads...I would love to hear comments on my game, too!
                      I am enjoying every single DAR thread (really, every single one!) but I'll only post in individual threads if: (1) I think the player is making an error regarding game function -- not tactics or strategy, just game function (i.e., doing X results in a Y response from the game engine); or (2) the post is totally off-topic to the game at hand.

                      I have a bad memory and worry that if I wade into expressing views on tactical or strategic issues, my knowledge of others' games will color my views unconsciously; I still encourage others to offer views and ideas to the players in the DARs - it's just not prudent for me to do so. So if I don't comment in your thread, and particularly if I don't post in your thread but do in your competitor's, please don't interpret from the fact that I've posted any content not permitted by my self-imposed rules above.

                      Good luck and good gaming all!



                      • #41
                        And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                        • #42
                          It would be useful if participants would go back and edit the subject of the first post of their respective DAR threads to include "Greece" or "Rome".... I keep forgetting who's playing what, and it is a PITA to keep going back to the links thread.

                          The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                          Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                          • #43
                            i did that a long time ago, but it unfortunatly doesn't update in the forum overview, because the data isn't save redundantly.

                            best thing is if you use my link collection... top player rome, bottom player greece
                            - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                            - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                            • #44
                              I am with Sabrewolf. I'm very anxious to read my other Roman players comments. So I started reading them as soon as I discovered Gunpowder.

                              Now I don't have all of my opponent Smellymummies interior terroritory, explored. He has most but not all of mine explored. Since I predict we will be mostly at war. (Hey I am in Monarchy) this won't happen for a long time.

                              So far reading all of the Roman DAR1 I haven't discovered anything that helped me. Primarily because everybody is posting screen shots of there terrority not there opponents.

                              As long as people stick to posting screen shots of their terrority and surround country. I think it should be safe to read your side DAR1 in the early middle ages.

                              On the other hand I don't think you should read the other sides DARs until very very late.

                              Also don't post anything about islands, Saltpeter etc until DAR2 or later.

