The voting is now over on ‘the balancing of the Governments’ and certain issues appear closed for now (at least until the next AU Mod revision after 1.20. That said - one issue that was never brought up was that of the xenophobic flag for Fascism. Let me start by saying that in my opinion the inclusion of ‘secret police and xenophobic’ in C3C was not well thought out by the designers – and was far more of an afterthought for the sake of ‘government uniqueness’. It was not well thought out in that a corruption reducing SPHQ was far more of a need for Fascism than Communism – historically both these totalitarian forms were notorious for their ‘secret police’. In any case, at the very least both totalitarian governments should have had the same option. The decision to include a ‘genocide flag’ (under the title of xenophobic) for Fascism while not including one for Communism is historically inaccurate to the extreme, both of these governemnts have infamous historical examples of mass genocides. It is however not my intention to focus on the degree of horror of either of these monstrous tyrannies. My primary concern is the impact that these ‘government flavors’ have on the game.
I believe that most of you would agree that the recent decision to have Fascism go to ‘minimal’ corruption does not in reality make this highly favored AI government much better – but only incrementally so. Personally I believe that combining the ‘minimal’ corruption with changing SPHQ from a Commie option to a Fascist one would; A. have only a small negative effect on Commie, and, B.go a long way towards addressing Fascisms impotence as a wartime option. This however is no longer on the table for discussion at this time.
This leaves perhaps 2 small incremental changes that can be done to give Fascism a slight boost – firstly, the elimination of the ‘xenophobic’ flag. Whether the ‘xenophobic’ flag actually represents genocide or not (I believe that it does so – and in an obvious manner) is unimportant - that in game terms it translates out into a mass population loss IS important. The AI already tends to draft and pop-rush itself to death in Fascism – xenophobic simply magnifies this effect and hastens the inefficiency of the AI. The elimination of this flag would help Fascism slightly – but they can use that ‘slight’ help. Secondly, is the issue of ‘police stations’ - here is corruption-reducing building that is available with Commie. The problem is that the Fascist AIs will never benefit from them unless they first spend another research cycle on another totalitarian government tech, after already having researched one! I will not venture as to whether police stations should more properly be available with Fascism, Espionage, or Nationalism – what I do know is that the present situation is another ‘Fascism handicap’ that this government can ill afford.
So here are my 2 proposals in brief:
1. Remove ‘Xenophobic’ flag from Fascism.
2. Move the availability of ‘police stations’ to a tech other than ‘Communism’
I believe that most of you would agree that the recent decision to have Fascism go to ‘minimal’ corruption does not in reality make this highly favored AI government much better – but only incrementally so. Personally I believe that combining the ‘minimal’ corruption with changing SPHQ from a Commie option to a Fascist one would; A. have only a small negative effect on Commie, and, B.go a long way towards addressing Fascisms impotence as a wartime option. This however is no longer on the table for discussion at this time.
This leaves perhaps 2 small incremental changes that can be done to give Fascism a slight boost – firstly, the elimination of the ‘xenophobic’ flag. Whether the ‘xenophobic’ flag actually represents genocide or not (I believe that it does so – and in an obvious manner) is unimportant - that in game terms it translates out into a mass population loss IS important. The AI already tends to draft and pop-rush itself to death in Fascism – xenophobic simply magnifies this effect and hastens the inefficiency of the AI. The elimination of this flag would help Fascism slightly – but they can use that ‘slight’ help. Secondly, is the issue of ‘police stations’ - here is corruption-reducing building that is available with Commie. The problem is that the Fascist AIs will never benefit from them unless they first spend another research cycle on another totalitarian government tech, after already having researched one! I will not venture as to whether police stations should more properly be available with Fascism, Espionage, or Nationalism – what I do know is that the present situation is another ‘Fascism handicap’ that this government can ill afford.
So here are my 2 proposals in brief:
1. Remove ‘Xenophobic’ flag from Fascism.
2. Move the availability of ‘police stations’ to a tech other than ‘Communism’