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AU501 - DAR6: Endgame

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Thriller
    Yes, making peace with Russia broke your MPP with the Dutch (remember, they were at war with Russia too and YOU had pledged to protect them, you disloyal queen!!!!). So the only way to keep William's attitude favourable would have been to continue the Russian war until the 20-turn MPP expired, then make peace without renewing the MPP....but that might not have been possible due to WW concerns. Beware of MPP's!
    Disloyal? Off with his head! (I told you Theodora is getting a bit blood-thirsty in her old age.) Perhaps I would have been OK on WW if I kept my forces out of Russian territory after maiming Katerina. There wasn't much left to keep out of. OTOH, perhaps I could have simply pressed on to finish off the Russians, since when they attacked the Dutch I was right back in the war anyway!

    Clearly MPPs are the bane of limited war.

    I've never read a good discussion on WW; could someone point me in the right direction?

    AHA! My thanks to the King of Corruption!
    "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


    • #77
      Originally posted by Hermann the Lombard

      I've never read a good discussion on WW; could someone point me in the right direction?
      How does War Weariness work? by Oystein.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Hermann the Lombard
        Perhaps I would have been OK on WW if I kept my forces out of Russian territory after maiming Katerina. There wasn't much left to keep out of. OTOH, perhaps I could have simply pressed on to finish off the Russians, since when they attacked the Dutch I was right back in the war anyway!

        Clearly MPPs are the bane of limited war.
        Yes, I believe either of those choices would have helped.....but the latter would have stopped WW in its tracks.

        I avoid MPP's like the plague, preferring MA's and even then only when necessary. But I'm sure others favour them for certain strategic purposes.
        So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
        Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

        Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


        • #79
          Ugh. I'm bogging down, an estimated 50 turns from finishing the game. I'm starting to get another WW lesson in my Dutch war, now showing unhappiness 75% from overcrowding and 25% from peaceniks. Thanks to Oystein's article I understand better what's happening...and that I think I have to take a 20-turn break before trying to go for the kill and a domination win. (I'm at about 66% pop right now, but only about 56% area.) I hate to give the Dutch 20 turns to recover, but I'm sure I can get more out of those 20 turns than they do.

          The 50-turn number represent the estimated time to research all the techs needed for a spaceship, as my reseach time is regrettably long: 9-11 turns if I want to stay in the black. 50 turns is also the approximate time to hit 100,000 culture points at my current rate. In theory "culture" would be the easiest way to go, but I'm a bit concerned that in the meantime the Dutch or the Mayans would develop nuclear weapons, and those could play hob with culture buildings. "There goes the neighborhood."

          Modern turns take a long time even by MY standards; there's just so much to do, especially while at war.
          "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


          • #80
            So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
            Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

            Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


            • #81
              Hermann, this negative attitude is very unlike you!!!!

              Switch to Communism and get the extra 10% land from the Dutch and whoever is next. I presume you've got stacks of ground forces in there?

              This will only cost you "x" turns of Anarchy, will solve your WW problems, and if you're going for domination who cares about research rate and the spaceship?

              Did you build the UN?
              So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
              Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

              Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


              • #82
                Originally posted by Thriller
                Hermann, this negative attitude is very unlike you!!!!
                William was right! Guess I need to adjust my medication.

                Switch to Communism and get the extra 10% land from the Dutch and whoever is next. I presume you've got stacks of ground forces in there?
                Stacks on nearby islands and en route, nothing in "Holland Proper."

                This will only cost you "x" turns of Anarchy, will solve your WW problems, and if you're going for domination who cares about research rate and the spaceship?
                Ugh, late-game anarchy! I got lucky on my switch from Republic to Democracy (only 5 turns, IIRC); I don't know if I want to try my luck again!

                Did you build the UN?
                Ah, I forgot to mention that! Yes, I did, and I was lucky enough to survive being silly enough to call a vote.

                Actually, Elizabeth voted for me Smoke-Jag voted for himself and the William/Joan Axis of Evil abstained Anyway, I don't have to worry about the AI winning that way unless I'm dumb enough to try it again.
                "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Hermann the Lombard

                  Ugh, late-game anarchy! I got lucky on my switch from Republic to Democracy (only 5 turns, IIRC); I don't know if I want to try my luck again!
                  Well if you're in Democracy and the WW continues much longer, you'll be in anarchy anyway

                  Better 5 turns of anarchy and then crush the opposition than 20 turns of waiting for your WW to expire cos you still really wanna crush the opposition
                  So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
                  Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

                  Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Thriller

                    Well if you're in Democracy and the WW continues much longer, you'll be in anarchy anyway Better 5 turns of anarchy and then crush the opposition than 20 turns of waiting for your WW to expire cos you still really wanna crush the opposition
                    So I'm one step away from that slippery slope that leads straight to Communism. You filthy fellow traveler, you!
                    "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


                    • #85
                      Having gone down that slippery slope, Chairman Theodora submits the following brief report to the Supreme Senate of the Roman People's Republic:

                      We are slogging advancing steadily [in glacial play] through the homeland of the perfidious Dutch. Five cities have passed into our hands (one razed & replaced) in "Holland" including the capital and its five Wonders of the World. The rest of Holland is at our mercy. [Theodora is fresh out of mercy.] One city has been taken and one razed to deny their access to rubber in the northeast. Our flying machines have cut their access to aluminum and oil, and have cut the French from iron. We are annoyed to see that all this has brought us from control of 56% of the world area to a mere 57%! We hope this will improve when our temples bring the light of communism to the Dutch populace. We have begun using conscript mech infantry to garrison the captured Dutch cities.
                      "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


                      • #86
                        Hob nailed boots, sounds brutal for such a lady as Theodora.


                        • #87
                          We have begun using conscript mech infantry to garrison the captured Dutch cities.
                          Just a quick question, but where were they conscripted? In the Dutch cities themselves, after growth/conversion?

                          EDIT: good game, you seem ready to make the jump to emperor, Hermann.
                          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by vmxa1
                            Hob nailed boots, sounds brutal for such a lady as Theodora.
                            Chairman Theodora has grown grumpy in her old age.

                            Originally posted by KrillJust a quick question, but where were they conscripted? In the Dutch cities themselves, after growth/conversion?
                            Mostly in ex-Sumerian and ex-Rus cities. I would be a bit concerned about loyalty in cities where the "mother country" still exists. Also, the flying machines hammered most of the Dutch cities down to small sizes before capture. What's the Dutch for "Incoming!"??
                            "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


                            • #89
                              G A A A S S S S P P P P

                              HtL AU501 on Merely Monarch

                              The issue has been a foregone conclusion since before the teaser for AU502, but here's Tail End Hermann dragging it in over the threshold and landing like a sack of rice. I said some time ago that I could win in any of several ways, but I think I said that diplo was unlikely. Naturally, that's what I got.

                              Theodora's speechwriter and archivist is in coma, so I regret that this AAR is extremely brief. [Of course I have detailed notes, but does anyone care at this point?]

                              Some quick highlights: Dutch declared war on Byzantium in 1730, French joined the war on the Dutch side, Maya and English joined the Roman side. in

                              1816 - French destroyed, en passant.

                              1828 - Dutch destroyed in 1828, bringing the controlled area to 64%, pop to 71%, culture to 80,942, and score to 3591. SGL (yes, Virginia, there *is* a Santa Claus!) Geminus completes the Cure for Cancer in Alexandria.

                              1836 - Our esteemed ally Smoke-Jaguar makes an outrageous demand for the highest product of our greatest scientists: Robotics. Theodora is disinclined to accomodate such rudeness, but in a moment of weakness grants the request. [It was about 0300 hours, IIRC. ]

                              1838 - Produced first tac nuke, and discovered that I can't ship it on a transport. "Yo! Water taxi!"

                              1840 - Treacherous, ungrateful, rotten, STUPID Mayans declare war! Theodora wants to crush Smoke-Jaguar like a bug. However, her diplomatic advisors point out that the Mayans have an MPP with the English, and while OF COURSE we could smash both of them, there might be an easier way. Theodora signs an MPP with Elizabeth, and we hold our fire for a turn (except for sinking miscellaneous Mayan vessels on the high seas).

                              1842 - A great year in the history of Byzantium, the Roman Empire, and the World! Our satellites reveal the world! (Please ignore that the Mayan satellites did so about a decade earlier.) The Longevity Project is completed in Constantinople. The loyal and faithful Elizabeth comes through, declaring war on the Maya! Now if I grab a few remote Mayan cities, I'll probably achieve the domination victory! Eh? The Minister of State is yammering about something. What do YOU want? The United Nations? What about it? A vote? Surely you jest. Yes, Elizabeth has consistently voted for Us, and Smoke-Jaguar consistently voted for himself...OH. All right, call a vote. Our dear sister Elizabeth supports us!

                              Victory at last!

                              Final status: 65% area, 71% pop, culture 85700, score 4557. The Mayans had 15/20%, 49735, 1535. The only trailing indicator was city culture, where Chichen Itza outshone Constantinople (don't tell Theodora ) by 8717 to 7343, and C.I. was size 22 to our compact capital at size 12.

                              Now I can finally look at the Postgame Thread! Oh, and maybe get some sleep. Ah, it feels so good when we stop.
                              "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


                              • #90
                                One screen shot for General Glacier here.
                                Attached Files
                                "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."

