DAR5 Game Play - part 4
1320AD: Well it worked and I got Longevity.
1325AD: Mursalis dropped another 3 crap units on my mainland and I used my first Infantry Army to dispatch them.
1330AD: So much for invading Hittites for Saltpeter – some just appeared on my homeland!
1345AD: The Dutch declare war. Probably didn’t like me taking out the Japs before they could.
1355AD: Started consolidating the 2 westernmost islands against possible Dutch attacks, while continuing to build my fleet and military for the Sumerian invasion.
1360AD: Maya demanded Steel, but backed down.
1365AD: Hoovers completed in Adrianople. Hittites landed Cavalry on my southern island. Garrisons too weak to attack, so made peace for 15gpt.
1370AD: Sold electronics to Maya for 275gpt + 360g. Gil has nothing to offer, can’t get him polite anymore and only 4 turns to go on my huge gpt deal with him. The die is cast! But the logistics are a nightmare – I have 3 islands to take, and need to make sure I have sufficient transports/support fleet and military units. It will have to be a piecemeal invasion.
1375AD: The AI is smarter. The Dutch have sea-blockaded my only coal resource with a single Frigate! Will have to do without it until they’ll see my envoy.
1380AD: Combustion researched.
1385AD: A bug – completed an Ironclad and was allowed to build another, though my Coal source is still blockaded. City screen showed up with Coal. Next look it had gone again, but could still build the Ironclad.
1390AD: Decisions, decisions! Gil will give me 320gpt for Steel, but I need to invade him to get Oil and increase my size. So be it! Forces land on his Oil island. I spotted another oil on the south-east isle in Sumerian territory which would have been easier, but I couldn’t have been ready for war before now anyway.
Politely asked stupid Mursilis to leave my island and once again he declared war
This guy is becoming very irritating. Need to send more forces to that island – he cost me a couple of men.
The Dutch agreed to peace and gave me a few gpt. I tried to gift some gpt back, but William wouldn’t take it. He did accept a few pennies cash though. Seems he still has war on his mind! Or maybe it's because I just invaded Sumeria?
1395: Loaded a 4th Infantry into my Army on the Sumerian island and attacked. 17 hit point Army (16 attack, 20 defense, 2 movement) against Infantry in a town on a hill (17.5 defence). RNG must be on my side. Killed 2 at the cost of 4 hitpoints, but he’s got more Infantry there. I should have brought some Artillery. Hope I can last! Second Infantry Army dispatched to the southern island. The main thrust has been delayed until Oil is secured.
1400: Infantry Army finished off his last 2 Infantry defenders with the loss of only 3 hitpoints. RNG still favouring me. Oil still a few turns off as I need to culture-expand to get it.
1405: Mass Production finished. Going for MT instead of Flight. Sold Steel to the English for 270gpt + gold, so I can keep the research rate up. William finally accepted my 5gpt gift and now he’s only annoyed. With MT only 5 turns away, my planned Infantry Army invasion of Sumeria is looking decidedly doubtful. Meanwhile, the Maya are routing France and may become a KAI. Gil has brought Egypt into the war.
1410: Finished another Army in Kyoto. Have now reached my limit due to number of cities. 5 Armies only!
1420: All military production stopped. 10 Commercial Docks now under construction. With research rate high, these are much better than Banks. The fleet is waiting for upgrades to Destroyers/Transports and will then attempt to establish a beachhead on Sumeria with 2 Armies, and additional Infantry and Artillery support.
1430: MT completed. Opted for Amphibious Warfare to provide the possibility of Marine support – 12 attack strength is useful. Plus I want to invade before I finish this DAR! Started another Army as I had added a further new town on the western jungle island.
1445: Sumeria dragged England into our war, which cost me a bunch of gpt from English trade deals.
Finally landed my invasion force next to Sumer. Consisted of 1 Tank Army x 4, 1 Infantry Army x 4, 2 Tanks, 14 Infantry and 7 Artillery.
1450: Took Sumer without much difficulty, then moved forced outside Kish. Sumeria’s response – move a Guerilla (yes, one!) within my borders and send a Galleon and Ironclad within clear range of my 6 Destroyers. France destroyed.
1455: Kish taken, at some cost. The Infantry Army encountered tougher than expected opposition and fell. Reinforcements have been called from the mainland.
1460: Agade taken on the south-eastern island. WW kicks in.
1470: Ur captured. Traded Mass Production to the Dutch for Radio + 39gpt.
1475: Sold MT to the Dutch for 230gpt + 1660 gold. Didn’t want to but really needed the cash. Just hope they don’t declare. Mobilised to produce a few quick Tanks for the Sumerian campaign.
1485: Peace with England - mobilisation ended. Dutch have got Flight!
1505: Flight researched. Only Advanced Flight remains in the Industrial age. At Tech parity with the Dutch and English, with the Maya 3 behind. Nobody else close.
Overview of DAR5 Play
The war with Sumeria really slowed down Byzantium development. This war should have been prosecuted much earlier. This would have grown the empire more quickly, providing more income and research. Also, I have had to send Transports and Destroyers half-way across the world to capture their outer-lying towns.
The higher support costs in Republic have really hurt (see screenie below), but Democracy would have been untenable given the length of the Sumerian war – 21 turns so far, and luxury slider at 30% to cope, even with US and some happiness wonders. 3 cities still to take, all on different islands. Logistics require some work in this game.
The Dutch have taken advantage of my troubles and emerged as the KAI. They have caught up on tech. Perhaps also the subtle power of Democracy is being shown here. Somehow, England are also at tech partiy – they must have been trading a lot. My trading slowed significantly as I tried to keep the Dutch away from Tanks, but it didn’t work. Most of the AI civ’s are in Democracy. Is this an AUMod tweak Dom?
My lack of Banks and Stock Exchanges may have hurt me financially, although with the tech slider at 90-100% and good gpt deals coming in for most of the age, the Marketplace/Bank/SE 150% would not have made much difference.
Victory Plans
I’ve started a UN pre-build – can’t afford to lose that one. Once Sumeria is conquered, research will improve substantially and I should be able to make a Spaceship win, but I will have to expect the Dutch to invade.
My strategy therefore will be to concentrate my forces in the north-east using the former Sumerian island as the staging point, and when I am ready to strike, try to provoke them into a war. The objective will be to raze their best 2 or 3 cities, as they have a small but highly productive core. This will be done with sea-bombardment. Marines are an early option, but once MI are around they will be next to useless. A landing will also be very dangerous, as I am sure they will throw everything they have at an invading force. I will have to bring along at least 5 or 6 Tank Armies to get the job done.
1320AD: Well it worked and I got Longevity.
1325AD: Mursalis dropped another 3 crap units on my mainland and I used my first Infantry Army to dispatch them.
1330AD: So much for invading Hittites for Saltpeter – some just appeared on my homeland!
1345AD: The Dutch declare war. Probably didn’t like me taking out the Japs before they could.
1355AD: Started consolidating the 2 westernmost islands against possible Dutch attacks, while continuing to build my fleet and military for the Sumerian invasion.
1360AD: Maya demanded Steel, but backed down.
1365AD: Hoovers completed in Adrianople. Hittites landed Cavalry on my southern island. Garrisons too weak to attack, so made peace for 15gpt.
1370AD: Sold electronics to Maya for 275gpt + 360g. Gil has nothing to offer, can’t get him polite anymore and only 4 turns to go on my huge gpt deal with him. The die is cast! But the logistics are a nightmare – I have 3 islands to take, and need to make sure I have sufficient transports/support fleet and military units. It will have to be a piecemeal invasion.
1375AD: The AI is smarter. The Dutch have sea-blockaded my only coal resource with a single Frigate! Will have to do without it until they’ll see my envoy.
1380AD: Combustion researched.
1385AD: A bug – completed an Ironclad and was allowed to build another, though my Coal source is still blockaded. City screen showed up with Coal. Next look it had gone again, but could still build the Ironclad.
1390AD: Decisions, decisions! Gil will give me 320gpt for Steel, but I need to invade him to get Oil and increase my size. So be it! Forces land on his Oil island. I spotted another oil on the south-east isle in Sumerian territory which would have been easier, but I couldn’t have been ready for war before now anyway.
Politely asked stupid Mursilis to leave my island and once again he declared war

The Dutch agreed to peace and gave me a few gpt. I tried to gift some gpt back, but William wouldn’t take it. He did accept a few pennies cash though. Seems he still has war on his mind! Or maybe it's because I just invaded Sumeria?

1395: Loaded a 4th Infantry into my Army on the Sumerian island and attacked. 17 hit point Army (16 attack, 20 defense, 2 movement) against Infantry in a town on a hill (17.5 defence). RNG must be on my side. Killed 2 at the cost of 4 hitpoints, but he’s got more Infantry there. I should have brought some Artillery. Hope I can last! Second Infantry Army dispatched to the southern island. The main thrust has been delayed until Oil is secured.
1400: Infantry Army finished off his last 2 Infantry defenders with the loss of only 3 hitpoints. RNG still favouring me. Oil still a few turns off as I need to culture-expand to get it.
1405: Mass Production finished. Going for MT instead of Flight. Sold Steel to the English for 270gpt + gold, so I can keep the research rate up. William finally accepted my 5gpt gift and now he’s only annoyed. With MT only 5 turns away, my planned Infantry Army invasion of Sumeria is looking decidedly doubtful. Meanwhile, the Maya are routing France and may become a KAI. Gil has brought Egypt into the war.

1410: Finished another Army in Kyoto. Have now reached my limit due to number of cities. 5 Armies only!
1420: All military production stopped. 10 Commercial Docks now under construction. With research rate high, these are much better than Banks. The fleet is waiting for upgrades to Destroyers/Transports and will then attempt to establish a beachhead on Sumeria with 2 Armies, and additional Infantry and Artillery support.
1430: MT completed. Opted for Amphibious Warfare to provide the possibility of Marine support – 12 attack strength is useful. Plus I want to invade before I finish this DAR! Started another Army as I had added a further new town on the western jungle island.
1445: Sumeria dragged England into our war, which cost me a bunch of gpt from English trade deals.
Finally landed my invasion force next to Sumer. Consisted of 1 Tank Army x 4, 1 Infantry Army x 4, 2 Tanks, 14 Infantry and 7 Artillery.
1450: Took Sumer without much difficulty, then moved forced outside Kish. Sumeria’s response – move a Guerilla (yes, one!) within my borders and send a Galleon and Ironclad within clear range of my 6 Destroyers. France destroyed.
1455: Kish taken, at some cost. The Infantry Army encountered tougher than expected opposition and fell. Reinforcements have been called from the mainland.
1460: Agade taken on the south-eastern island. WW kicks in.
1470: Ur captured. Traded Mass Production to the Dutch for Radio + 39gpt.
1475: Sold MT to the Dutch for 230gpt + 1660 gold. Didn’t want to but really needed the cash. Just hope they don’t declare. Mobilised to produce a few quick Tanks for the Sumerian campaign.
1485: Peace with England - mobilisation ended. Dutch have got Flight!
1505: Flight researched. Only Advanced Flight remains in the Industrial age. At Tech parity with the Dutch and English, with the Maya 3 behind. Nobody else close.
Overview of DAR5 Play
The war with Sumeria really slowed down Byzantium development. This war should have been prosecuted much earlier. This would have grown the empire more quickly, providing more income and research. Also, I have had to send Transports and Destroyers half-way across the world to capture their outer-lying towns.
The higher support costs in Republic have really hurt (see screenie below), but Democracy would have been untenable given the length of the Sumerian war – 21 turns so far, and luxury slider at 30% to cope, even with US and some happiness wonders. 3 cities still to take, all on different islands. Logistics require some work in this game.
The Dutch have taken advantage of my troubles and emerged as the KAI. They have caught up on tech. Perhaps also the subtle power of Democracy is being shown here. Somehow, England are also at tech partiy – they must have been trading a lot. My trading slowed significantly as I tried to keep the Dutch away from Tanks, but it didn’t work. Most of the AI civ’s are in Democracy. Is this an AUMod tweak Dom?
My lack of Banks and Stock Exchanges may have hurt me financially, although with the tech slider at 90-100% and good gpt deals coming in for most of the age, the Marketplace/Bank/SE 150% would not have made much difference.
Victory Plans
I’ve started a UN pre-build – can’t afford to lose that one. Once Sumeria is conquered, research will improve substantially and I should be able to make a Spaceship win, but I will have to expect the Dutch to invade.
My strategy therefore will be to concentrate my forces in the north-east using the former Sumerian island as the staging point, and when I am ready to strike, try to provoke them into a war. The objective will be to raze their best 2 or 3 cities, as they have a small but highly productive core. This will be done with sea-bombardment. Marines are an early option, but once MI are around they will be next to useless. A landing will also be very dangerous, as I am sure they will throw everything they have at an invading force. I will have to bring along at least 5 or 6 Tank Armies to get the job done.