Took starting tile, and decided to go for worker first (working fish for food and commerce) after reading how the hut won't give barbs if you've no military. It gave 25g
So, worker-warrior-warrior-granary
At emp, the need for MP or slider at size 2 restricts exploration or research. So one warrior for MP and one to explore a bit. The slower research needs good commerce to get through, so sufficient roads will be very important, even if at the expense of some growth.
Starting worker moved to the bonus grass at Const-7 and roads & mines, followed by same again on Const-4. The second irrigates towards cow.
Checked each turn fiddling with wf to avoid loss of food or shields on growth/builds where possible.
Pottery in 3300 BC, started Writing at 100%, even though initial turns at 50-turn rate
1st warrior explored east then south, finding Incense and seeing green civ next turn.
Then he returned home to MP and keep research ticking.
Worker irrigating cows starts road towards incense, other chops Const-77 to finish Granary in 2700.
Adrianople on tobacco at Const-777, starts curragh, then Caesarea 7 of incense - builds warrior
Currah heads for greens (Japan). Trade Alphabet, 10g and 1gpt for Wheel
In 2150 I had 3 cities, the fourth to be founded next turn. Writing in about 10 turns.
Took starting tile, and decided to go for worker first (working fish for food and commerce) after reading how the hut won't give barbs if you've no military. It gave 25g
So, worker-warrior-warrior-granary
At emp, the need for MP or slider at size 2 restricts exploration or research. So one warrior for MP and one to explore a bit. The slower research needs good commerce to get through, so sufficient roads will be very important, even if at the expense of some growth.
Starting worker moved to the bonus grass at Const-7 and roads & mines, followed by same again on Const-4. The second irrigates towards cow.
Checked each turn fiddling with wf to avoid loss of food or shields on growth/builds where possible.
Pottery in 3300 BC, started Writing at 100%, even though initial turns at 50-turn rate
1st warrior explored east then south, finding Incense and seeing green civ next turn.
Then he returned home to MP and keep research ticking.
Worker irrigating cows starts road towards incense, other chops Const-77 to finish Granary in 2700.
Adrianople on tobacco at Const-777, starts curragh, then Caesarea 7 of incense - builds warrior
Currah heads for greens (Japan). Trade Alphabet, 10g and 1gpt for Wheel
In 2150 I had 3 cities, the fourth to be founded next turn. Writing in about 10 turns.