I did some simple tests to get a feel for the effect of flavors on the AI trade value.
A tech that is traded to the AI for 241g without flavors, is traded for the following amounts with flavors:
So here are some observations from my tests:
Given these observations, I think it's not a good idea to give a tech a low or high priority to all civs using flavors, but it is still possible to use flavors to take advantage of civ traits.
Giving a Warrior Code a low priority, for example, would reduce its trade value in the eyes of the AI, but the AI would still pursue that tech often because it allows archers. Humans would then just wait to get that tech from the AI for cheap.
But giving Alphabet a high priority (100%) for scientific civs, for example, I think would be fine. The scientific AI would then pay big bucks (well, 40% more gold) to get Alphabet, but that money would be well spent, I think, as it would bring them closer to libraries. From another test I did, the 100% flavor relationship is enough to make a big difference in AI research preferences, compared to no flavor, or a 99% flavor relationship.
The incentive for all AI civs to research a given tech more often would have to be done as we did with the PTW version of the mod, or by similar means, such as adding resources with zero appearance ratio.
Unless someone wants to give it a shot before me, I will try to come up with and test a new proposal regarding ancient age AI research priorities next week when I return from vacation. It will probably involve giving Religious civs a 100% relationship to Mysticism, Polytheism, and Monarchy, Scientific civs a 100% relationship to Alphabet, Writing, and Literature, Seafaring civs a 100% relationship to Writing, Pottery, and Map Making, Militaristic civs a 100% relationship with Iron Working, the Wheel, Horseback Riding, and every flavor a 99% relationship to every other flavor except itself. I'm also thinking we should increase the research value of currency, literature, and horseback riding for all civs by adding three new never-appearing resources that have those techs as a prerequisite.
A tech that is traded to the AI for 241g without flavors, is traded for the following amounts with flavors:
Flavor Gold 100% 334 99% 238 98% 234 97% 230 50% 102 40% 85 30% 73 29% 72 25% 67
- 99% is very close to the trade value without flavors.
- When there are multiple civ/tech relationships in effect, the trade value depends on the maximum of those relationships.
- A tech cannot be traded when either civ has a maximum flavor relationship to the tech of under 25%.
Given these observations, I think it's not a good idea to give a tech a low or high priority to all civs using flavors, but it is still possible to use flavors to take advantage of civ traits.
Giving a Warrior Code a low priority, for example, would reduce its trade value in the eyes of the AI, but the AI would still pursue that tech often because it allows archers. Humans would then just wait to get that tech from the AI for cheap.
But giving Alphabet a high priority (100%) for scientific civs, for example, I think would be fine. The scientific AI would then pay big bucks (well, 40% more gold) to get Alphabet, but that money would be well spent, I think, as it would bring them closer to libraries. From another test I did, the 100% flavor relationship is enough to make a big difference in AI research preferences, compared to no flavor, or a 99% flavor relationship.
The incentive for all AI civs to research a given tech more often would have to be done as we did with the PTW version of the mod, or by similar means, such as adding resources with zero appearance ratio.
Unless someone wants to give it a shot before me, I will try to come up with and test a new proposal regarding ancient age AI research priorities next week when I return from vacation. It will probably involve giving Religious civs a 100% relationship to Mysticism, Polytheism, and Monarchy, Scientific civs a 100% relationship to Alphabet, Writing, and Literature, Seafaring civs a 100% relationship to Writing, Pottery, and Map Making, Militaristic civs a 100% relationship with Iron Working, the Wheel, Horseback Riding, and every flavor a 99% relationship to every other flavor except itself. I'm also thinking we should increase the research value of currency, literature, and horseback riding for all civs by adding three new never-appearing resources that have those techs as a prerequisite.