Originally posted by alexman
MZ already has 12 Medieval Infanry ready to go, while Taian does not even know Feudalism. Taian's horsemen would have a hard time against Numidian Mercs, but MZ's attack-4 units have a good chance to make some immediate progress. Taian may have a lot of units, but many of them are Spearmen.
They are both good games, however.
MZ already has 12 Medieval Infanry ready to go, while Taian does not even know Feudalism. Taian's horsemen would have a hard time against Numidian Mercs, but MZ's attack-4 units have a good chance to make some immediate progress. Taian may have a lot of units, but many of them are Spearmen.
They are both good games, however.
I do not find any in a standing army (I mean stacked ready to go).
As to feudalism, there is no real big need for it as you are not going to be attacked by anyone. I did not check on how many swords would be available for upgrades.
You may be correct about the Nums, but 8 horses stand a good change to bust some heads.
I don't think it matters about the cities not being producive right now as they only care about cracking Carth.
One plus is the 8 galleys ready to use for any invasions.
The spears I would think are meant to cober any retreating horses and to hold any captured city.
So all in all they are both in good shape. I am just expressing my lame style. I have a hang up about controlling my area. I guess I am just a builder at heart.