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Thoughts on the next AU scenario

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  • Thoughts on the next AU scenario

    Theseus brought up the point in another thread about starting the next standard Apolyton University course. AUSG101 is by design a slow moving scenario with it's week long turn blocks. So to that end, starting a new AU course sounds like a good idea to me.

    This thread is for everyone to post their ideas about what they would like to see from the next AU course (i.e. type of scenario, nation choices, etc.). So please tell us what you want.

  • #2
    how about one with very limited resources for all civs, and especially the human player?

    for my last few games, the map generator always generated resourceful maps, thus taking away the strategy involved with resources..

    maybe clump them together like some lux are so that one civ on each continent will control most of a single resource

    there'll probably be some balance problems, and definitely some KAIs that a resource poor human can't handle..

    I donno, your thoughts?


    • #3
      That's actually similar to the game Theseus is currently playing...Ottomans with no horsies around. Too bad he gave us a map or we could use that game.

      It's a possibility, but there is one thing too. While designing this new scenario I'll try a little harder to strike a balance between "easy" and "hard". Some of the last few AU scenarios have been difficult to beat on higher levels (fun though...I AM going to beat AU209! ), while the start I created for AUSG101 might have been a little too generous. I want to be able to challenge everyone, while not making something so difficult that people don't want to play it. I will probably set the game up to be able to be played on all regent and above difficulty levels.

      BTW, this game will possibly be the last AU course before Conquests arrives so let's make it a good one.


      • #4
        UN Peace Keepers

        I think it would be interesting to set up a situation where the goal is - in addition to winning, of course - that one must ensure that every civ that starts the game, ends the game.
        "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


        • #5
          Some general ideas - haven't tried out hardly any of them, so if they are not feasable, shoot some other messenger please.......

          - WAIT 2 MONTHS FOR CONQUEST (someone had to say it).
          - All UU are available to all civs
          - All non used UU are available to all civs (this is what the GoW PBEM#2 is about, Ghengis Farb set it up and has played several games with this)
          - All Units are hidden nationality and the same colour (did I just attack the greeks or the spanish?)
          - limited resources, only 1/2 the normal amount of resources are in (this will result in a large number of AI's killing off eachother, particularly those w/o iron and horses)
          - no iron (or coal, but iron would be harder)
          - super number of resources, like say 10 times as many as usual, so it will be very hard to take a civ out by denying resources (and will also make several super cities)
          - remove all wonders
          - remove the GA
          - NO RCP (which will be gone soon anyways - thank you)
          - naval (but will need a naval mod probably)
          - OCC (I know I know....)
          - Super barbarians (gurillas and tanks, or use the dino animations....)
          - modern start
          - industrial start
          - no UU
          - lethal bombardment (air and or artilery or a combo)
          - Resources located in clusters (one civ has 6 iron, but no horses, Saltpeter or coal.... can also apply to lux)
          - Small map with lots of civs
          - big map with few civs
          - earth map
          - mediterian map
          - some other pre mad map
          - a common mod, DyP, TETs, etc.
          - no civ traits (expan, scientific, indust, etc)
          - all civ traits

          Hope this helps (instead of just giving you too much to think about)
          If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


          • #6
            Big Brother scenario is interesting.

            The first civ you meet, is your big brother.
            Objective of the game, is to let your big brother win.
            The human player must come second.

            Trick is to keep your big brother from attacking you...Generous diplomacy is required.
            Play strong enough to limit civs from becoming too strong.
            Yet play conservative enough so that you dont win the game, and small enough that Big Brother does not attack.

            Be put in the middle of the map with civs all around.
            Everyone will have a different big brother depending on where they move first.
            "No Comment"


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hot_Enamel
              Big Brother scenario is interesting.

              The first civ you meet, is your big brother.
              Objective of the game, is to let your big brother win.
              The human player must come second.

              Trick is to keep your big brother from attacking you...Generous diplomacy is required.
              Play strong enough to limit civs from becoming too strong.
              Yet play conservative enough so that you dont win the game, and small enough that Big Brother does not attack.

              Be put in the middle of the map with civs all around.
              Everyone will have a different big brother depending on where they move first.
              That is really nice and original.. I'll be willing to try that anytime!

              Get your science News at Konquest Online!


              • #8
                Meet and Greet

                You are the Babs in the middle of an X shaped continent (huge map) where a plethora of neighbors exist. How will you play this game? Can you get used to the Jones' crossing your front yard each turn, and the Smiths' your back yard every second?

                Will you even survive long enough to report on your success, or lack there of? Just how well honed are your single-player negotiating skills?

                That is Meet and Greet.
                Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Beta
                  Meet and Greet

                  You are the Babs in the middle of an X shaped continent (huge map) where a plethora of neighbors exist. How will you play this game? Can you get used to the Jones' crossing your front yard each turn, and the Smiths' your back yard every second?

                  Will you even survive long enough to report on your success, or lack there of? Just how well honed are your single-player negotiating skills?

                  That is Meet and Greet.
                  Ah, that's the one you were telling me about a few weeks ago isn't it? Did you ever beat it?


                  • #10
                    More Technologies ,

                    more Luxury resources (Coffee , perfume ,
                    pearl (at coast , need dock ) ),

                    more Palace ( Summer & Winter & Spring & Autumn
                    the Potala Palace (the famous palace in Sitsang or Tibet ) ,

                    more unit ( an upgrade-line from warrior to modern armor ) ,

                    more city building , ( academy , institute , guild ... )

                    more Great Wonders , (
                    The Great Canal . It is from Hang-Chow to Beijing , built in about 550AD , length :1300Km , provided many commerce since Mid-age ,
                    The Statue of Great Buddha , in Si-Chuan province China , Height 72M , the highest buddha statue in the world , Built at 718AD ,


                    • #11
                      the big brother idea is interesting, but I donno about an AU course that teaches you on losing to the AI

                      we could have an AU course based on the supposed changes coming in Conquests.. specifically, the changes to map making/navigation and trading contacts/printing press

                      and make the human player play a non expansionist civ.. I think aztecs should be disallowed as well


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PeaSoup
                        the big brother idea is interesting, but I donno about an AU course that teaches you on losing to the AI

                        we could have an AU course based on the supposed changes coming in Conquests.. specifically, the changes to map making/navigation and trading contacts/printing press

                        and make the human player play a non expansionist civ.. I think aztecs should be disallowed as well
                        I like this idea. I had been thinking of running something similar to that myself as a test, but then forgot about it. Thoughts?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rhothaerill

                          I like this idea. I had been thinking of running something similar to that myself as a test, but then forgot about it. Thoughts?
                          I've been thinking about starting a new game with these changes as well, but it may be much more interesting to compare results with other AU participants..

                          are the changes 100% confirmed? any other details?


                          • #14
                            The Big Brother idea is the most original and interesting I think. Sounds very difficult too.
                            If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                            • #15
                              what about
                              (1) research everything on your own - ie no trading or extorting for techs, or at least no trading, as it may be too hard otherwise.
                              (2) no research on your own, and maybe no trading away any techs in addition.

                              about the Big Brother thing, I think it would be quite easy by cutting the BB down to a few cities as early as possible, so you can easily control and defend him, then go for a domination victory, and as you get close to reaching that goal, gift him your cities. That way, he will eventually achieve domination victory, through all the cities you gave him.
                              Of course there could be an additional rule to prevent this, or make domination very hard to reach, but i think this approach might work with spaceship and conquest as well, for instance. Cultural or timeline would be harder, though.

