It also looks like nobody answered your key civ question. Your key tech civ is the color that corresponds to your power rating.
Power Rating       Key Civ
1 Pathetic           White
2 Weak               Green
3 Inadequate       Dark Blue
4 Moderate          Yellow
5 Strong             Sky Blue
6 Mighty             Orange
7 Supreme           Purple
Maybe technically that is the inverse of the power rating order as defined in the game. Anyway, if you intend to play large city OCC, don't choose a late order color. If you intend to play small city OCC, don't be white or green.
Of course, we often choose white for OCC in case the AI launches and both ships reach AC in the same year. Play order breaks ties.
Power Rating       Key Civ
1 Pathetic           White
2 Weak               Green
3 Inadequate       Dark Blue
4 Moderate          Yellow
5 Strong             Sky Blue
6 Mighty             Orange
7 Supreme           Purple
Maybe technically that is the inverse of the power rating order as defined in the game. Anyway, if you intend to play large city OCC, don't choose a late order color. If you intend to play small city OCC, don't be white or green.
Of course, we often choose white for OCC in case the AI launches and both ships reach AC in the same year. Play order breaks ties.