Since I build more important wonders than the Lighthouse (you really don't need it), my triremes (with 2 diplos on them) sail along the coasts, looking for islands and continents. They hop from island to island (as the US Forces did in the Pacific in WW II).Sometimes they sail along the poles, picking the benefits of goody huts (barbs on the poles won't hurt you), gold, units,settlers, techs.
My triremes are converted to caravels when I get Leo's and Navigation. Sometimes I can bribe a barb caravel long before navigation is discovered
But, as I mentioned, the Lighthouse is no "must have" - in my eyes its a minor WoW.
My triremes are converted to caravels when I get Leo's and Navigation. Sometimes I can bribe a barb caravel long before navigation is discovered
But, as I mentioned, the Lighthouse is no "must have" - in my eyes its a minor WoW.