Hi all.
Here's the game log and commentary for my pre-1000ad landing.
Diety, 7 civs, raging hoards, medium random map. Playing as Americans.
2700 Size 6 - 1st plateau
2500 1st trade route established
900 3rd trade route established
525 Size 12 - 2nd plateau
180AD Superhighways
360 Size 16 - final population
440 Research Lab
640 Space Flight
880 Launch SS
901 Arrive AC
4000 5 starting techs: Alphabet, Bronze Working, Ceremonial Burial, Code of Laws and Monarchy.
3850 MONARCHY. hut-horse.
3800 hut-archer. Washington - 2 gold,wine,spice.
Great specials but otherwise so-so terrain.
Only 7 grassland, max pop 16 w/o refrigeration.
I'm thinking this will make a good OCC game. Maybe limit to a size12 city.
3750 hut-50g. Celts-peace.
3700 Mysticism. Celts-give alphabet, alliance. hut-horse.
3600 Egyptians-give Monarchy, alliance. hut-50g.
3550 Hut-chariot
3500 Writing. Size2
3450 Hut-barb horse, killed by chariot
3350 Hut-25g
3300 Literacy. hut-50g
3250 Library built.
3150 hut-25g
3100 Republic. French-trade writing for Mapmaking, sharemaps, peace.
Celts-sharemaps.Egyptians-trade Literacy for Masonry.
3050 REPUBLIC. Celts-Republic for Currency. hut-Trade. hut-25g
3000 Temple.
This is my preferred OCC start, build Library/Temple and go early Republic.
At this point, I've got 2 alliances out of 2 civs met (unfortunately
that's all I ever got.)
2950 Carthaginians- give Mapmaking, Writing, peace.
2900 Size 3. hut-Banking.
2850 We Love! starts. hut-barb horse.
2800 Size4. Horseman killed by barb horse. Give all techs to all.
I'm SUPREME, so I give away all techs to try to lower my ranking
to MIGHTY (I've met Carthage). I'm not going to list all the tech-gifting
from this point on. But mainly, I give everything to the Key Civ,
enough to my allies so the gifts keep coming in,
and throw a few sops to the rest to keep them Enthusiastic.
2750 Size5. Hut-Construction
2700 Mathematics. Size6
2650 Beads Caravan. We Love! ends, Hut-Philosophy
2600 Astronomy.
2550 Food caravan.
2500 Beads to Cardiff (Demanded)-108g,+5trade.
Cardiff is the closest city to Washington.
I'm not going for the bonus, just a quick boost in arrows.
2450 University. Food caravan. Celts-25g.
2400 Advanced Tribe-New York (whale, buffalo)
Okay, I got an Advanced Tribe here with a couple of nice specials.
So I stop and think about this for a day or so. What I decide to do is
abandon strict OCC play. I will accept Advanced Tribes, but will continue
to run the game AS IF it was OCC. That is, all decisions about tax rate
and all spending of cash for improvements will be base solely on
Washington's needs. The outlying cities are on their own.
I will build a defender and a temple and lock them down at size 3
building caravans for SS parts for the rest of the game.
I will defend them from the AI via diplomacy, not troop buildups.
The thing is this.
OCC needs 20 turns to build a spaceship. That's 400 years at 20yr/turn.
I'd have to build APOLLO by 560 AD to have any shot at 1000 AD
using strict OCC. But with a few extra cities (not many, 3 or 4 maybe)
I can get extra caravans and be building 3 or 4 SS parts at a time.
Which means research is the bottleneck not single-city production.
Still, I don't want to make these cities large because the infrastructure
would just eat up their production.
This is a hydrid strategy -- OCC plus a few Advanced Tribe spaceship contractors.
I'm not going to build settlers and expand, just accept Advanced Tribes.
2350 C-50g. hut-archer, hut-Theory of Gravity.
2250 W-Food.
2200 Hut-50g. Advanced Tribe-Boston(buffalo,wine)
2150 Medicine.
2100 Hut-50g, Advanced Tribe-Philadelphia(buffalo, coal)
2050 NY-Phalanx. hut-barb horse. Advanced Tribe-Atlanta(fish)
2000 W-Food. Chariot kills barb. Hut-archer(P)
1850 Chemistry. Barb leader-150. Hut-Economics.
1800 W-Food. Mongols-give all techs, peace, sharemaps.
Carthage-Chemistry for Horseriding.
Finally met the Purples.
From here on to the end, I'm paying minimal cost for each advance.
1750 E-25g
1700 W-Food. NY-Temple,S2. Atlanta-Phalanx. Carth-trade for Wheel.
1650 Wash-COPERNICUS. Hut-Engineering. Mongols-trade Wheel for WC. E-50g.
Cope's is my first choice for a Wonder in OCC or an SCC.
1550 Advanced Tribe-Chicago(no specials).
1500 Iron Working. Advanced Tribe-San Fransisco(wheat, buffalo)
1450 Boston-settler. French-trade Philosophy for Seafaring.
1400 hut-50g, hut-legion(C)
1300 Advanced Tribe-Buffalo(whale) hut-Invention.
7 Advanced tribes in a span of 20+ turns, scattered all over the map.
None near Washington.
3 of them are good sites, 2 are okay, and 2 stink.
1250 SF-phalanx. E-50g, C-100g
1200 Washington-University. Bridge Building. NY-caravan.
1100 W-Gold caravan.
1000 hut-50g.
975 Democracy. W-Coal Caravan. B-phallanx. Gold to Cardiff,28g+5trade.
900 Coal to Cardiff, 30g. hut-50g.
I've got my 3 Washington trade routes going now.
875 W-Colosseum. WL!
850 Gunpowder. W-Size7 NY-caravan. hut-50g
825 W-S8
800 C-50g
775 W-Aqueduct, S9. SF-Temple. C-25g
750 Explosives. W-S10. P-temple. C-temple.
725 W-S11. Bos-Temple. C-25g
700 WL! ends
Washington is at size 11 now and out of food.
675 W-caravan.
650 Sanitation.
625 C-100g, E-25g. Philly-Silk.
600 W-Food.
575 NY-caravan. hut-50g
550 Metallurgy.
525 W-Food, S12. E-25g, C-50g.
500 Bos-caravan. P-caravan. Buf-temple.
475 W-Food.
450 W-COLOSSUS. Navigation. Zulus-peace, sharemaps. SF-caravan. E-50g
Aqueduct/Colosseum/COLOSSUS looked like a better boost for research here
than INU. In other games, I've reversed that order and built Newton's first.
400 W-food.
375 Physics. P-caravan NY-caravan
350 W-caravan
300 Steam Engine. W-food, Bos-car, Atl-Engineers (to Washington) Celts-100g
250 W-food. P-car. C-75g
225 Railroad. E-50g
200 W-food. C-caravan.
175 C-75g
150 Industrialization. E-25g
125 ISAAC NEWTON. P-caravan
The SSC is cranking now, 2 turns per advance, with the tribe-cities
supplying minimal help.
100 Magnetism. Bos-caravan
75 W-marketplace E-25g.
50 Corporation.
1AD Electricty. P-caravan. W-copper.
20 NY-freight. SF-freight.
40 Refining.
80 Steel. C-150g
100 Buf-frgt,P-frgt,C-frgt.
120 Combustion. C-75g
140 NY-frgt, C-75g.
160 Automobile. A-frgt, SF-frgt. W-Copper to Cardiff, 114g.
P-Silk to Wash, 114g.
180 W-Superhighways. (WL!) Mass Production. Bos-frght. C-75g,E-75g.
Superhighways plus the last two commodity caravans I do in this game
provide a 1 turn tech advance.
200 P-frgt. C-50g,E-25g
220 Feudalism. W-sewer. Size13
240 W- WL! ends. Conscription from Celts.
260 Electronics. W-bank. NY-frgt.
280 Buf-frgt, C-frgt, W-harbor. WL!
300 Chivalry. SF-frgt, Bos-frgt. P-frgt W-S14
320 Philadelphia-DARWIN'S VOYAGE. Leadership. Tactics. W-S15
This was a tough decision. 8 caravans from Philly and SF to build DARWIN's
to save 4 turns (80 years) or keep them for APOLLO. After calculating
the production rate of all cities, I figured I could afford it, just barely.
340 Machine Tools. W-Factory. Mongols-Machine Tools for Pottery. W-S16
360 WL! ends
Washington maxed out at population 16.
No SHAKESPEARE, just a temple/colosseum and 10% lux rate.
No refrigeration advance. There's no time to expand and farm,
we're already in the end game.
380 Miniaturization. NY-frgt. A-frgt. W-frht.
420 Computers. P-frgt. Bos-frgt. Celts-150g.
440 W-Research Lab. Flight. SF-frgt.
My second, and last, 1 turn advance.
460 C-frgt.
480 Radio. A-ftgt. W-frgt. Egypt-50g
500 Buf-fgt. NY-frgt. Celts-150g.
520 Atomic Theory. P-frgt. W-frgt. E-25g. C-125g.
540 Bos-frgt. C-75g, E-25g.
560 Advanced Flight. W-frgt.
580 NY-frgt. C-150g
600 Rocketry. Buf-frgt. SF-frgt. E-25g, C-50g.
620 Bos-frgt. P-frgt. C-50.
640 Space Flight! W-rifleman.
660 NY-APOLLO. W-frgt. Bos-frgt, P-Fgt, SF-frgt. Barb leader-150g.
New York uses all of its freights plus two trekked cross country
from Atlanta. NY is effectively out of the game now.
At this point I have 41 caravan/freights located as follows:
Washington - 7
NY - 0
Boston - 10
Philly - 6
Atlanta - 2
Chicago - 4
SF - 6
Buffalo - 6
Boston, Buffalo and SF are earmarked for the Modules and I'm going to try
for 6 components (fastest ship) from Philly, Boston, Chicago & Wash.
680 Plastics. 4 structurals built.
700 2 structurals, 3 components built. C-150g, E-50g.
720 Nuclear Fission. 1 structural.
Buffalo captured by Barbarians!!! (lost 3 Caravans)
This was a minor disaster.
A boatload of Barb Crusaders landed near Buffalo, threatening the six
caravans targeted for a Module. I was able to build a quick
Component with 3 of them but lost the city and the other caravans.
This meant shifting the other Module to Philly, which would have to rush
build freights to make up for the 3 it spent on a Component.
It also meant I would only get 4 components built.
740 1 structural. 1 Component.
760 Nuclear power. 2 structurals.
780 2 structurals.
800 Laser. Carthage-trade for Polytheism (to clear tech tree) . 1 structural.
840 Superconductor. P-freight.
860 Module1. 14th structural. P-frght. Bos-frgt. E-50g.
Sell Temples in Chicago&Atlanta. Disband 2 archers, 1 rifleman, 1 settler.
I had to sell off temples and leave Washington undefended
to squeeze out the last structural.
880 Fusion Power, 2 modules. 15th structural.
Launch 15-2-2-1-1-1 spaceship (20 years)
881 rebuild 2 Temples and Alpine troops for all.
883 C-125g. Building diplos for all.
885 Sneak attack by Mongols on Chicago with Fighter. W-Citywalls.
886 Citywalls for all. bribe Barbarian Dragoons at SF.
888 More alpine troops for all.
889 Peace with Mongols.
892 Mobile Warfare from Celts.
893 Amphib Warfare from Mongols. Building Armor in all citys.
898 Robotics.
901 Arrive AC. Ding!
In summary, this was played as an OCC game but with a handful of size 3
caravan building cities obtained from huts. The main focus of play was
on the OCC side of the game, yet in the end the other cities played a
crucial role in production and parallel SS parts building, cutting many
years off the landing date.
But the key elements of OCC strategy were preserved - the tech path and
choice of Wonders, the tech-gifting appeasement of the AI, and all-out
race for Space Flight and AC. I'm sure this approach can be refined
and produce an earlier landing date with a comparable start.
Tech count totals in 20 turn increments.
4000 - 5 (starting techs)
3000 - 13
2000 - 21
1000 - 31
500 - 36
1AD - 44
400 - 58
800 - 70
42 Huts tipped:
horse 3
archer 3
chariot 1
legion 1
barbs 4
techs 8
Advanced tribes 7
gold 650 total
[This message has been edited by samson (edited May 17, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by samson (edited May 17, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by samson (edited May 18, 2001).]
Here's the game log and commentary for my pre-1000ad landing.
Diety, 7 civs, raging hoards, medium random map. Playing as Americans.
2700 Size 6 - 1st plateau
2500 1st trade route established
900 3rd trade route established
525 Size 12 - 2nd plateau
180AD Superhighways
360 Size 16 - final population
440 Research Lab
640 Space Flight
880 Launch SS
901 Arrive AC
4000 5 starting techs: Alphabet, Bronze Working, Ceremonial Burial, Code of Laws and Monarchy.
3850 MONARCHY. hut-horse.
3800 hut-archer. Washington - 2 gold,wine,spice.
Great specials but otherwise so-so terrain.
Only 7 grassland, max pop 16 w/o refrigeration.
I'm thinking this will make a good OCC game. Maybe limit to a size12 city.
3750 hut-50g. Celts-peace.
3700 Mysticism. Celts-give alphabet, alliance. hut-horse.
3600 Egyptians-give Monarchy, alliance. hut-50g.
3550 Hut-chariot
3500 Writing. Size2
3450 Hut-barb horse, killed by chariot
3350 Hut-25g
3300 Literacy. hut-50g
3250 Library built.
3150 hut-25g
3100 Republic. French-trade writing for Mapmaking, sharemaps, peace.
Celts-sharemaps.Egyptians-trade Literacy for Masonry.
3050 REPUBLIC. Celts-Republic for Currency. hut-Trade. hut-25g
3000 Temple.
This is my preferred OCC start, build Library/Temple and go early Republic.
At this point, I've got 2 alliances out of 2 civs met (unfortunately
that's all I ever got.)
2950 Carthaginians- give Mapmaking, Writing, peace.
2900 Size 3. hut-Banking.
2850 We Love! starts. hut-barb horse.
2800 Size4. Horseman killed by barb horse. Give all techs to all.
I'm SUPREME, so I give away all techs to try to lower my ranking
to MIGHTY (I've met Carthage). I'm not going to list all the tech-gifting
from this point on. But mainly, I give everything to the Key Civ,
enough to my allies so the gifts keep coming in,
and throw a few sops to the rest to keep them Enthusiastic.
2750 Size5. Hut-Construction
2700 Mathematics. Size6
2650 Beads Caravan. We Love! ends, Hut-Philosophy
2600 Astronomy.
2550 Food caravan.
2500 Beads to Cardiff (Demanded)-108g,+5trade.
Cardiff is the closest city to Washington.
I'm not going for the bonus, just a quick boost in arrows.
2450 University. Food caravan. Celts-25g.
2400 Advanced Tribe-New York (whale, buffalo)
Okay, I got an Advanced Tribe here with a couple of nice specials.
So I stop and think about this for a day or so. What I decide to do is
abandon strict OCC play. I will accept Advanced Tribes, but will continue
to run the game AS IF it was OCC. That is, all decisions about tax rate
and all spending of cash for improvements will be base solely on
Washington's needs. The outlying cities are on their own.
I will build a defender and a temple and lock them down at size 3
building caravans for SS parts for the rest of the game.
I will defend them from the AI via diplomacy, not troop buildups.
The thing is this.
OCC needs 20 turns to build a spaceship. That's 400 years at 20yr/turn.
I'd have to build APOLLO by 560 AD to have any shot at 1000 AD
using strict OCC. But with a few extra cities (not many, 3 or 4 maybe)
I can get extra caravans and be building 3 or 4 SS parts at a time.
Which means research is the bottleneck not single-city production.
Still, I don't want to make these cities large because the infrastructure
would just eat up their production.
This is a hydrid strategy -- OCC plus a few Advanced Tribe spaceship contractors.
I'm not going to build settlers and expand, just accept Advanced Tribes.
2350 C-50g. hut-archer, hut-Theory of Gravity.
2250 W-Food.
2200 Hut-50g. Advanced Tribe-Boston(buffalo,wine)
2150 Medicine.
2100 Hut-50g, Advanced Tribe-Philadelphia(buffalo, coal)
2050 NY-Phalanx. hut-barb horse. Advanced Tribe-Atlanta(fish)
2000 W-Food. Chariot kills barb. Hut-archer(P)
1850 Chemistry. Barb leader-150. Hut-Economics.
1800 W-Food. Mongols-give all techs, peace, sharemaps.
Carthage-Chemistry for Horseriding.
Finally met the Purples.
From here on to the end, I'm paying minimal cost for each advance.
1750 E-25g
1700 W-Food. NY-Temple,S2. Atlanta-Phalanx. Carth-trade for Wheel.
1650 Wash-COPERNICUS. Hut-Engineering. Mongols-trade Wheel for WC. E-50g.
Cope's is my first choice for a Wonder in OCC or an SCC.
1550 Advanced Tribe-Chicago(no specials).
1500 Iron Working. Advanced Tribe-San Fransisco(wheat, buffalo)
1450 Boston-settler. French-trade Philosophy for Seafaring.
1400 hut-50g, hut-legion(C)
1300 Advanced Tribe-Buffalo(whale) hut-Invention.
7 Advanced tribes in a span of 20+ turns, scattered all over the map.
None near Washington.
3 of them are good sites, 2 are okay, and 2 stink.
1250 SF-phalanx. E-50g, C-100g
1200 Washington-University. Bridge Building. NY-caravan.
1100 W-Gold caravan.
1000 hut-50g.
975 Democracy. W-Coal Caravan. B-phallanx. Gold to Cardiff,28g+5trade.
900 Coal to Cardiff, 30g. hut-50g.
I've got my 3 Washington trade routes going now.
875 W-Colosseum. WL!
850 Gunpowder. W-Size7 NY-caravan. hut-50g
825 W-S8
800 C-50g
775 W-Aqueduct, S9. SF-Temple. C-25g
750 Explosives. W-S10. P-temple. C-temple.
725 W-S11. Bos-Temple. C-25g
700 WL! ends
Washington is at size 11 now and out of food.
675 W-caravan.
650 Sanitation.
625 C-100g, E-25g. Philly-Silk.
600 W-Food.
575 NY-caravan. hut-50g
550 Metallurgy.
525 W-Food, S12. E-25g, C-50g.
500 Bos-caravan. P-caravan. Buf-temple.
475 W-Food.
450 W-COLOSSUS. Navigation. Zulus-peace, sharemaps. SF-caravan. E-50g
Aqueduct/Colosseum/COLOSSUS looked like a better boost for research here
than INU. In other games, I've reversed that order and built Newton's first.
400 W-food.
375 Physics. P-caravan NY-caravan
350 W-caravan
300 Steam Engine. W-food, Bos-car, Atl-Engineers (to Washington) Celts-100g
250 W-food. P-car. C-75g
225 Railroad. E-50g
200 W-food. C-caravan.
175 C-75g
150 Industrialization. E-25g
125 ISAAC NEWTON. P-caravan
The SSC is cranking now, 2 turns per advance, with the tribe-cities
supplying minimal help.
100 Magnetism. Bos-caravan
75 W-marketplace E-25g.
50 Corporation.
1AD Electricty. P-caravan. W-copper.
20 NY-freight. SF-freight.
40 Refining.
80 Steel. C-150g
100 Buf-frgt,P-frgt,C-frgt.
120 Combustion. C-75g
140 NY-frgt, C-75g.
160 Automobile. A-frgt, SF-frgt. W-Copper to Cardiff, 114g.
P-Silk to Wash, 114g.
180 W-Superhighways. (WL!) Mass Production. Bos-frght. C-75g,E-75g.
Superhighways plus the last two commodity caravans I do in this game
provide a 1 turn tech advance.
200 P-frgt. C-50g,E-25g
220 Feudalism. W-sewer. Size13
240 W- WL! ends. Conscription from Celts.
260 Electronics. W-bank. NY-frgt.
280 Buf-frgt, C-frgt, W-harbor. WL!
300 Chivalry. SF-frgt, Bos-frgt. P-frgt W-S14
320 Philadelphia-DARWIN'S VOYAGE. Leadership. Tactics. W-S15
This was a tough decision. 8 caravans from Philly and SF to build DARWIN's
to save 4 turns (80 years) or keep them for APOLLO. After calculating
the production rate of all cities, I figured I could afford it, just barely.
340 Machine Tools. W-Factory. Mongols-Machine Tools for Pottery. W-S16
360 WL! ends
Washington maxed out at population 16.
No SHAKESPEARE, just a temple/colosseum and 10% lux rate.
No refrigeration advance. There's no time to expand and farm,
we're already in the end game.
380 Miniaturization. NY-frgt. A-frgt. W-frht.
420 Computers. P-frgt. Bos-frgt. Celts-150g.
440 W-Research Lab. Flight. SF-frgt.
My second, and last, 1 turn advance.
460 C-frgt.
480 Radio. A-ftgt. W-frgt. Egypt-50g
500 Buf-fgt. NY-frgt. Celts-150g.
520 Atomic Theory. P-frgt. W-frgt. E-25g. C-125g.
540 Bos-frgt. C-75g, E-25g.
560 Advanced Flight. W-frgt.
580 NY-frgt. C-150g
600 Rocketry. Buf-frgt. SF-frgt. E-25g, C-50g.
620 Bos-frgt. P-frgt. C-50.
640 Space Flight! W-rifleman.
660 NY-APOLLO. W-frgt. Bos-frgt, P-Fgt, SF-frgt. Barb leader-150g.
New York uses all of its freights plus two trekked cross country
from Atlanta. NY is effectively out of the game now.
At this point I have 41 caravan/freights located as follows:
Washington - 7
NY - 0
Boston - 10
Philly - 6
Atlanta - 2
Chicago - 4
SF - 6
Buffalo - 6
Boston, Buffalo and SF are earmarked for the Modules and I'm going to try
for 6 components (fastest ship) from Philly, Boston, Chicago & Wash.
680 Plastics. 4 structurals built.
700 2 structurals, 3 components built. C-150g, E-50g.
720 Nuclear Fission. 1 structural.
Buffalo captured by Barbarians!!! (lost 3 Caravans)
This was a minor disaster.
A boatload of Barb Crusaders landed near Buffalo, threatening the six
caravans targeted for a Module. I was able to build a quick
Component with 3 of them but lost the city and the other caravans.
This meant shifting the other Module to Philly, which would have to rush
build freights to make up for the 3 it spent on a Component.
It also meant I would only get 4 components built.
740 1 structural. 1 Component.
760 Nuclear power. 2 structurals.
780 2 structurals.
800 Laser. Carthage-trade for Polytheism (to clear tech tree) . 1 structural.
840 Superconductor. P-freight.
860 Module1. 14th structural. P-frght. Bos-frgt. E-50g.
Sell Temples in Chicago&Atlanta. Disband 2 archers, 1 rifleman, 1 settler.
I had to sell off temples and leave Washington undefended
to squeeze out the last structural.
880 Fusion Power, 2 modules. 15th structural.
Launch 15-2-2-1-1-1 spaceship (20 years)
881 rebuild 2 Temples and Alpine troops for all.
883 C-125g. Building diplos for all.
885 Sneak attack by Mongols on Chicago with Fighter. W-Citywalls.
886 Citywalls for all. bribe Barbarian Dragoons at SF.
888 More alpine troops for all.
889 Peace with Mongols.
892 Mobile Warfare from Celts.
893 Amphib Warfare from Mongols. Building Armor in all citys.
898 Robotics.
901 Arrive AC. Ding!
In summary, this was played as an OCC game but with a handful of size 3
caravan building cities obtained from huts. The main focus of play was
on the OCC side of the game, yet in the end the other cities played a
crucial role in production and parallel SS parts building, cutting many
years off the landing date.
But the key elements of OCC strategy were preserved - the tech path and
choice of Wonders, the tech-gifting appeasement of the AI, and all-out
race for Space Flight and AC. I'm sure this approach can be refined
and produce an earlier landing date with a comparable start.
Tech count totals in 20 turn increments.
4000 - 5 (starting techs)
3000 - 13
2000 - 21
1000 - 31
500 - 36
1AD - 44
400 - 58
800 - 70
42 Huts tipped:
horse 3
archer 3
chariot 1
legion 1
barbs 4
techs 8
Advanced tribes 7
gold 650 total
[This message has been edited by samson (edited May 17, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by samson (edited May 17, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by samson (edited May 18, 2001).]