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Do You Play SP or MP ?

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  • #46

    Originally posted by SlowwHand on 05-10-2001 06:20 PM
    Rah's got the same sick sense of cash flow I do.
    Cable. I love cable so much.

    oh yah baby..... love thy cable...... if i had to pay by the minit.... i would crap myself i think....
    Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


    • #47
      La Fayette, Yahtzee is a game played with 5 dice, where you get points for rolling different combinations. There is some strategy to it, but you don't have to dig too deep into the gray matter to figure out the probabilities. Talking to the dice seems to influence the results more, but I am still researching this. The game is made by Milton Bradley, who also put out an excellent game called Axis & Allies, which on first appearance seemed childish, since you are given little plastic replicas of soldiers, ships, tanks and planes to push around the game board, but the dynamics were so well designed and balanced that it became a favorite for me and other lovers of wargames.

      drake, maybe in Civ III we will be able to build junkie units and will have bags of dope on the commodity list. This would add some realism to the game.
      [This message has been edited by solo (edited May 10, 2001).]


      • #48
        Thanks solo, but I knew that Lafayette is the one that asked
        I see the world through bloodshot eyes
        Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


        • #49
          just noticed my error after posting, but you beat me to it drake! are you sure you are not on something yourself?

