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Getting NONE Settlers

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  • Getting NONE Settlers

    This is my first post on this site! Many thanks to those of you who have asked questions about posts which i have read as they were usually questions I was looking for the answer too.

    I was reading on how you can bribe enemy settlers and engineers in order to get the sought after NONE units if they are closer to an enemy city or some such. I don't know exactly how much they cost but I submit an alternative which I just came up with. I admit that after all i have seen here it is probably not a new post (Oh well)

    First off I make some settlers if I don't have any (which is not very often) then i pick a site over 16 squares away from the border of any of my cities in a straight line. An ideal site has 2 forest or better sheild output terrain. Then i build a city on one forest and make sure my worker in the city is set on the other forest (or other high sheild output terrain)

    Next i set production to a settler. With two forrests I have a total sheild output of four assuming no loss and no railroad yet. I let the settler build for one turn then switch to warrior and buy it for 13 gold and switch back. Let it build for one more turn then switch to phallanx and buy and back to settler for 13 gold. Let it build for another turn and then switch to diplomat and buy for 13 gold and switch back. Last time let the settler build for one more turn then buy it.

    I realize this is called incremental buying. But this will likely benefit newbies to this post like me. Anyways this takes 4 turns and only 52 gold to get a NONE settler or engineer. I am not exactly sure on the distance from your cities (but 16 seems to work for me)and if this is better than buying enemy settlers or what thus why I posting this. Hope it helps and I look forward to hearing feedback on this.

    I haven't slept in almost 3 days since i found this site. In fact I had to get an email address just so I could post here (what a pain in the a**)

    Shhh... Just Take It!
    Shhh... No-one Has To Know!
    "I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with"

  • #2
    You are correct that your method is much cheaper than bribing an enemy settler. In almost all cases, bribing an enemy settler will cost you more money.

    But, just one correction. The number of squares that you need to build the city away from your closest city is totally dependent on whether the "settler city" is closer to one of your other cities, or that of an AI. You could build your "settler city" 10 (or even less) spaces away from one of your cities, and as long as an AI city is closer, it will become a non settler when the city is disbanded.
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      I guess that means that this strategy would need to be modified to include a defensive unit to stay on the settler city square and defend it since it is closer to the enemy unless they are on another continent (in which case i wouldn't bother). Thanks for the input Ming. I am impressed that my first post recieved a reply from someone as knowlegeable as Ming.
      "I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with"


      • #4
        Knowledgeable? Ming?

        Welcome aboard, Mixam!



        • #5
          Hi Mixam!

          As I'm sure you know, NON Settlers can emerge from huts. The window of opportunity for this is before you have researched explosives. They are never obtained from grassland or plains squares (Advanced Tribes from these terrain types), but are possible from all other kinds of terrain.

          Certain other rules apply to these settlers. Whilst you can get more than one per continent - you never seem to receive the second unless the first one has built a city. The exception seems to be the icecaps (a rich supply of these units + any barbs melt away) where you can collect more than one.

          An early boat with a couple of diplomats may bring in your NON workers faster!


          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


          • #6
            Ah yes, the non-settler.....the hut tippers finest catch
            I see the world through bloodshot eyes
            Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


            • #7
              I think you always get a NONE settler if you disband a city, irrespective of whether the city is closer to the A1 or to you.

              On the subject of wandering tribes, I got one from a hut the other day, put it into a boat and then tipped another hut on the same landmass. Out popped anothr wandering tribe.

              So the constraint is that you won't get a wandering tribe if there is already a NONE settler present on that continent.

              [This message has been edited by East Street Trader (edited April 11, 2001).]


              • #8
                Thanks SG

                Actually I am not very good at tipping huts i only started to do it recently when i found that there is a pattern to the huts b4 it seemed too darned tedious to find em The icecaps being the exception i love tipping the icecaps. Mostly cause the barbs melt away. I actually didn't know that u got advanced tribes when hut was on the plains or grassland tiles. Or that you no longer got non settlers after explosives. Does this mean you also do not get non Engineers? I never realized that; Leos made the point mute for me i rarely give that wonder up.

                And EST

                Unfortunately no you do not always get non settlers from disbanded city. I used to think so too. I was very dissapointed when i learned that the settler i though was non was draining on one of my cities econ.

                However it is interesting that maybe if you place all your non settlers in a ship for a turn then tip a hut you might have a higher chance of getting a non settler.
                [This message has been edited by Mixam (edited April 11, 2001).]
                "I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with"


                • #9

                  Originally posted by drake on 04-11-2001 10:02 AM
                  Ah yes, the non-settler.....the hut tippers finest catch

                  NON-settlers from huts are nice but I always seem to have problem whether to settle or keep it. Decisions, decisions.. For me, I get my best kicks when stumbling across a 3-4 sized advanced tribe with temple & marketplace in a neglected island later in the game.

                  And welcome to Apolyton, Mixam! I'm glad you have found this wonderful site with wealth of information and cool people!

                  [This message has been edited by Marko Polo (edited April 11, 2001).]


                  • #10
                    I often end up with 2 or 3 NON-settlers on the same continent. This may be because the continent is large, tho - seas inland or around the periphery only.

                    Disbanding a city nearer one of your own than an AI city results in your nearest city supporting the new settler/engineer. It is a drag sometimes when you forget to adjust workers - you are reminded when either that distant explorer gets disbanded or the starving city warning pops up...

                    Another hut-tipping tip is to use a diplomat. Barbarians will often ignore him and run off to find more challenging prey.

                    "There is no fortress impregnable to an ass laden with gold."
                    -Philip of Macedon
                    The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

                    The gift of speech is given to many,
                    intelligence to few.


                    • #11
                      I have a question about this in OCC (one city challange), would this be a legal way to get non-settlers in OCC? Or to upgrade your non-settler into a non-engineer?
                      [This message has been edited by airdrik (edited April 11, 2001).]
                      I don't have much to say 'cause I won't be here long.


                      • #12
                        No it can not be used in OCC unless they modify the rules. In OCC you have to win without ever having owned more than one city. You cannot found another city even if you are going to disband it. You are not even allowed to disband an advanced tribe you get, you have to load to a time b4 you got the advanced tribe. It would be nice if they allowed disbanding an advanced city you got. However then it would not be OCC
                        "I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with"


                        • #13
                          While your original settler is marching out into the wild blue yonder in search of his temporary home - click on his icon in his own city window - it will say 'near to Carthage' say - now if you own Carthage this is bad news, but once it says 'near to Paris' you can found knowing that you will get your non-settler back ...

                          Scouse Git[1] --

                          "Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
                          "The Great Library must be built!"
                          "A short cut has to be challenging,
                          were it not so it would be 'the way'."
                          - Paul Craven
                          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                          • #14
                            I got NON Settlers from consecutive huts on the same (small) continent last week. The first one was still active on the continent when I got the second one. A very pleasant surprise. I think it must just be that the chance of another NON settler decreases dramatically with others present.


                            Edit: typo
                            [This message has been edited by EOL (edited April 13, 2001).]
                            "One day your life is going to flash before your eyes, make sure it is worth watching."


                            • #15
                              I tried your technique, Mixam, in my current game. I am way in front with a thriving civ producing pots of cash. On one landmass there is a sole surviving American city with an inexhaustible demand for hides while three of my cities are 50 shield repeat hides builders.

                              Anyway, your post came to mind and I decided to give an honourable quiatus to some surviving but now comparitively slowworking settlers (didn't bother with Leo's).

                              It was a curious feature of the exercise that I got to destroy some of the poor puppet city's land improvements.

                              Occurs to me that this factor might have its uses if you wanted to damage some neighbour who is inconveniently an ally or with whom you do not wish to provoke war.

                              Briefly I thought I might be able to interupt the city's progress towards extinction to build a caravan/freight or two so as to manipulate the production of commodities by other cities. Couldn't find a way. Might, though, be worth another try.

