Now I'm playing CTP. But CIV 2 is a good game (except for trade aspect and caravan ...).
I was very worried about the problem of transporting an unit to an city as quickly as possible : in one turn if possible.
In period of war, it very important.
You can use airport, it's difficult to build an airport in each cities, especially in young, outpost cities. And you can transport only one unit at a time.
The game offert two keys for the solution
1) mvt on railroad are free.
2) (In civ 2) if you transport an unit by ship from a city to a city, it doesn't cost mouvement.
1 + 2 : If an unit goes to city A (through a railroad) which is an harbor and on ship navigate to a city B (in one turn) then go city C (city B and city C are connected by railroad), your unit will not use its mouvement points.
So I connect each city with railroad (a lot of colon or enginer of course, but they are reusable at will). And I build beetween continant and islands a couple of cities in such way that a transport ship can connect them in one turn.
Of course, it needs some brain acrobaties but perfectly realisable ...
In the couple of cities you must have a transport unit in each. When a ship is going to the other city, the transport in tis one have to ship in the opposite city too.
Of course if you have to transport a lot of units in one turn you have better to take some time to plan it ...
I was very worried about the problem of transporting an unit to an city as quickly as possible : in one turn if possible.
In period of war, it very important.
You can use airport, it's difficult to build an airport in each cities, especially in young, outpost cities. And you can transport only one unit at a time.
The game offert two keys for the solution
1) mvt on railroad are free.
2) (In civ 2) if you transport an unit by ship from a city to a city, it doesn't cost mouvement.
1 + 2 : If an unit goes to city A (through a railroad) which is an harbor and on ship navigate to a city B (in one turn) then go city C (city B and city C are connected by railroad), your unit will not use its mouvement points.
So I connect each city with railroad (a lot of colon or enginer of course, but they are reusable at will). And I build beetween continant and islands a couple of cities in such way that a transport ship can connect them in one turn.
Of course, it needs some brain acrobaties but perfectly realisable ...
In the couple of cities you must have a transport unit in each. When a ship is going to the other city, the transport in tis one have to ship in the opposite city too.
Of course if you have to transport a lot of units in one turn you have better to take some time to plan it ...