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Units in AI cities

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  • Units in AI cities

    Last night when playing an OCC game, I noticed something I hadn't been aware of before - Well whatta you know.

    Upon finishing finetuning my city and units, just about ready to hit Enter to end my turn (i.e. in view mode), I clicked on different AI cities to get an update on what commodities they each demanded. It caught my attention that for some cities, a fortified unit was shown in the status window, whereas for other cities none were shown. All the units shown were fortified (had an F on their shield) but I just can't put my finger on what differentiates the cities who gave this information and the rest.

    What does this tell us? Has anyone noticed this, and maybe found an explanation? Maybe it has something to do with which cities have moved units in or out of the city since the last map exchange was conducted, because I suspect that would apply to the ones I checked.

    We know that stacked AI units, in the field or in cities, will only show as one unit. What I'm after here is what causes one city to report a unit and others not to? Also, all the cities I checked had a banner raised, indicating they were occupied by at least one unit.

  • #2
    I encountered this for the very first time in the game I'm playing right now. Some cities showing a unit, others not. Previously, foreign cities have never shown me a unit. It's not map-related, because I long ago gave up trying to get the AI to trade maps with me. Maybe it's a True Millennium Bug.


    • #3
      It's quite common. Someone did once post an explanation. I thought it related to having exchanged maps with the Civ.

      An even more interesting phenomenon occurs in MP when a human player investigates another civ's city with a diplo. All the other human players can also see into that city in that turn.

      Founder, ACS Pedantry Institute
      Founder, ACS Gourmet Recipe Exchange
      Troll & Hydey Wrangler
      Mono Rules!
      " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
      "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


      • #4
        On a turn when you have exchanged maps with an AI civ you can Right Click on one of their cities and see one unit inside that city. (That sounds complicated) I have no idea if the unit you see is the only unit - I suspect not. Try it and see.


        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


        • #5
          The unit seems not to upgrade, though. Or rather your view of it doesn't upgrade if and when the civ upgrades it. If that makes sense,

          Founder, ACS Pedantry Institute
          Founder, ACS Gourmet Recipe Exchange
          Troll & Hydey Wrangler
          Mono Rules!
          " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
          "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.

