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From Olympus!

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  • From Olympus!

    I finished my 2nd win on Deity - this time to A.C. - and for the first time in a loooong period I was not 1st in the powergraph.

    Most of the time I was in the tird place, and when my spaceship landed on AC I was 3rd still (had 8 super productive cities).

    Well, I discovered a lot of benefits of not being the top civ. Peace lasts longer, alliances too and the trade of tech. is unbelievable as well as the more «tangible» gifts

    Now having played, well, A LOT of games in Emperor being 1st meant and that means that everybody has the right to mess with you, I think leaving the top spot for somebody else might in fact be more disearable? (assuming you can manage it?)

  • #2
    Well done! Feels good doesn't it?

    Scouse Git[1]

    "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
    "The Great Library must be built!"
    "A short cut has to be challenging,
    were it not so it would be 'the way'."
    - Paul Craven
    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


    • #3
      Good work, Paiktis. Welcome to Olympus!

      Btw, have you tried OCC yet? With Paul's OCC-guide it's a fun and quick game!


      • #4
        Well now that I have twice won on Deity I can read all these guides that I have downloaded without any guilt

        So I think I'll give Paul's OCC strategy a try!

        Thanks guys and yes SG it was not that difficult but I admit I was terrified of what could happen in the first few turns It felt like being in completly hostile territory -behind german or turkish lines (take your pick!) in periods of war or something

        By the way I think that Deity really pulls civ by its hair. Assuming that expression doesn't exist in English, I mean that it tries so much to make the game difficult in such a way that it gets ridiculous after a while. The settings about happiness (maybe tech slow advancing also) is all there is to make civ harder. And from my way of playing the -number of cities unhappiness factor- is no problem at all so you can win easy.

        And you win but only have a fraction of the population of the Emperor level. And (if in perfectionism) you count everything, even that pathetic sail or trireme you have while in democracy if with no wonders. Pretty miserable situation It's a different game than emperor in that way I think.

        I'm sure they are ways to increase your population dramatically that I have not taken full advandage of (WLT_D).

        Still the only enjoyment I took from that game was actually WINNING ON DEITY but besides that it was one of my less fun civ games. Plus no-one thought I was dangerous enough to start a war with me (besides those pesky vikings in the beggining). So it was like keeping a low profile during all the game and then suddendly AC


        • #5
          Good work.

          Once you had spaceflight, how did you keep other Civs from stealing the advanced techs and building a spaceship faster than you?

          The only way I've been able to manage that is to conquer them into submission, which makes my AC game seem more like a Bloodlust.


          • #6

            Originally posted by Campo on 02-06-2001 03:43 PM
            Good work.

            Once you had spaceflight, how did you keep other Civs from stealing the advanced techs and building a spaceship faster than you?

            The only way I've been able to manage that is to conquer them into submission, which makes my AC game seem more like a Bloodlust.

            Ah, Campo! Welcome to one of my most worked out strategies

            Since I play perfectionist 80% of the time I have honed these skills of technology guarding to good levels altough there is certaintly no 100% sure way to safeguard your tech in civ.

            When defending your technology take these things under consideration.

            1. Put a Spy on sentry in each and every city you have (nomatter the size) . She will be always inside the city except for emergencies and you should set espionage as a middle level priority in your science search.
            It isn't important if you discover that tech first, or trade it or steal it. The important thing is to implement the «spy in every city» as fast as possible and to place the first wave of spies to the frontier cities of course.

            2. Take under careful consideration (from the early game) the terrain layout. If you have to have more production try to plant forests where you know that the enemy has to pass through. If you are in a mainland with other civs next door, always try to bottleneck them in situations that they have one or two possible ways of reaching you. And guard those ways with units. If not in democracy with two units stacked.

            3. If you are alone on a continent (because you were lucky or -more often- because you have destroyed the neighboors) things are much easier. The most effective way to protect tech. is to be in constant war with every potential thieve and have a strong naval force that will surround your continent and kill everything that tries to pass through. The ships should be accompanied with fighters and very few bombers - (limited attacks).

            I have NEVER lost a spacerace when using these methods. But because civ is a complicated game you have to experiment a little bit with these general guidelines.
            Note that this is ideal if you create a very strong and very «compact» civ. 8 to 10 cities with minimum overlap and all in one continent are always enough to win a spacerace if you have good production (i.e. never built Apolo if you have not solar plant in every city and each city has good production squares).

            If you have that number of cities in the early beggining it might be good to resist the urge to expand to other continents if you have no way of guarding effectively the new frontiers against enemy spies.


            • #7
              If you succesfully guard your tech, the enemy spaceship will look something like this

              edit: the poor celts have sent around 10 transports with spies to my coasts. Perform «the battleship ring» with air support and your civ is as safe as it gets!

              <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by paiktis22 (edited February 07, 2001).]</font>
              [This message has been edited by paiktis22 (edited February 07, 2001).]


              • #8

                Originally posted by Marko_Polo on 02-05-2001 06:06 AM
                Btw, have you tried OCC yet? With Paul's OCC-guide it's a fun and quick game!

                What's that OCC guide ?


                • #9
                  Known affectionately as the 'Paulicy' you will find it here.

                  Scouse Git[1]

                  "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                  "The Great Library must be built!"
                  "A short cut has to be challenging,
                  were it not so it would be 'the way'."
                  - Paul Craven
                  "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                  "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                  • #10
                    how do you want to prevent them from building modules if I may ask?


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by Chaos Warrior on 02-12-2001 05:53 PM
                      how do you want to prevent them from building modules if I may ask?

                      You just prevernt them from getting the tech. The spaceship was just an example of what can happen

