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the ten-shield musketeer trick failed me!

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  • #16
    Any new tech will cause Leo to upgrade units for which you already have the tech that makes the old unit obsolete and the new unit possible. This happens when, for example, you've bribed obsolete units, or you've been able to keep building them as I've described. You learn bridgebuilding, for example, and any leftover settlers and archers upgrade to engineers and musketeers because you already have explosives and gunpowder. But units are only supposed to upgrade if you do have that specific tech.


    • #17
      I thought so, thanks for the update. I've only recently started playing games again that involve Leonardo's Workshop, so I was a bit unclear on the details.

      So you're basically saying that Feudalism (and Gunpowder) are the only techs that make the Warrior unit obsolete? I'd have thought that discoveries like Iron Working would also shift the building orders for Warriors - eventhough one hasn't acquired the two aforementioned.


      • #18
        For each unit that can go obsolete, there's one specific tech that makes it obsolete and allows construction of the successor unit. For warriors and phalanxes, it's feudalism. For pikemen, archers and legions, it's gunpowder. So, until you learn feudalism, you should be able to continue building warriors, even after you learn gunpowder. Not necessarily sensible, but clearly designed, not a bug.


        • #19
          Ah. Then I have no explanation for the confusing build orders update you've experienced. One suggestion would be to try and reconstruct the incident under different circumstances, that may help in narrowing down the possible causes for it. Good luck if you choose to do this...


          • #20
            Debeest is right about it being a design feature. Infantry units follow different tracks until Gunpowder, just as mounted units follow different tracks until Leadership. This was thought thru, however weird it might seem. By this logic, gunpowder SHOULD obsolete all priors even if phalanxes and warriors weren't upgraded by their intermediate, pikemen. Debeest seems to remember building warriors after Gunpowder but without Feudalism in cities where an order for warriors was in place prior to Gunpowder discovery. Sounds weird, but not completely illogical. A neat cheat!
            No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
            "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


            • #21
              New game, built Leo's, no feudalism, and it works like it always had before; I can keep building warriors wherever I was building them before, as long as I don't click the "change" button. The built warriors upgrade to musketeer whenever I get any new tech, but I can still build warriors wherever I haven't changed build orders.

              I can't figure out why in my last game the build orders got upgraded without my intervention or feudalism, and I really can't figure out why so many other folks playing 2.42 seem never to have had the option to stick with what they're building in the first place.

