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fighters vs. bombers

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  • fighters vs. bombers

    in each of the following, which would you rather use, a fighter/stealth fighter (f) or a bomber/staelth bomber(b): w/sam but w/o air born defense
    2. defending your city w/ or w/o sam
    3. open feild combat.
    4.aginst a cruise missle attack (1 carrier full) in the open feild.
    5. overall, which do you prefer

    please answer like this
    1.f:1 b:0
    2.f:1 b:0
    3.f:1 b:0
    4.f:1 b:0
    5.f:1 b:0
    "our words are backed by nuclear weapons"
    "oh, yeah. well, our nukes are backed by 100%money back guarantee, so there."

  • #2
    1.f:1 b:0
    2.f:1 b:0
    3.f:1 b:0
    4.f:0 b:1
    5.f:1 b:0

    Never came against situation #4 but maybe I'd use bomber for extra attack points (not minding losing it in the next turn if it was to get rid of all these cruise missiles).

    But yeah, bombers/stealth bombers are useless to me too. I never use them unless the othes don't have flight/stealth and then it's for a small period of time.


    • #3
      1.f:3 b:0
      2.f:3 b:0
      3.f:3 b:0
      4.f:2 b:1
      5.f:2 b:1

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      • #4
        1.f:3 b:1
        2.f:4 b:0
        3.f:4 b:0
        4.f:3 b:1
        5.f:2 b:2

        All of these depend on numbers. I've answered as if I had to choose one of either. If I can use several, then my answer to 3 changes.
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