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Limit on luxury?

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  • Limit on luxury?

    I remember reading here somewhere that the amount of luxury a city can actually use to make its people happy is limited by its size, but I can't find that particular thread anymore. Could any of you experts please shed some light on this? Thanks in advance.

    [This message has been edited by Jing (edited December 28, 2000).]

  • #2
    I think the limitation is based on level - at Deity level, only half (rounded down) of a city's pop can be made happy. Makes it hard to celebrate "we love you" in cities whose size is an odd number.

    I think this is only at Deity, but it's been so long since I played any other level, I'm not sure.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. But there has to be more to this, because if that is strictly true, there will be no way to WLTxD in a odd-sized city.


      • #4
        Please, anyone know exactly how it works?


        • #5
          sorry I can't give a specific... but I know when your city reaches size 35 or 37 or something like that, enertainers no longer make your people happy. They are just there as a population point. You can't change them to Taxmen or Scientists, either.


          • #6
            What I've read here, which has exactly corresponded with my experience since I learned this useful knowledge, is that any luxuries beyond (2 * CitySize) have no effect. That's why you have to have Hanging Gardens or Cure for Cancer or democracy courthouses or some such enhancement in order for your (odd-sized? even-sized? I can never remember) cities to grow by means of WLT_D.

            I don't know whether game level matters or not.


            • #7
              Thanks debeest. It makes much more sense now. It should not cause too much of a problem if you have at least one citizen in your city starting out as content, because you need only 2 luxuries to convert him to happy, and the 2*(n-1) left over can still take care of half of the rest -- 2*(n-1)/4 = (n-1)/2, so you can still make more than half of the citizens happy even if n is an odd number. This also explains why it seems to only affect Deity because you are most likely to have at least one content citizen to start with on the easier levels.
              [This message has been edited by Jing (edited December 29, 2000).]


              • #8
                Just to clarify SandMonkey's post - you can only have up to 16 active specialists - any more appear to be Elvi, but have no effect. Thus any city of size greater than 36 has at least one inneffectual specialist.

                This effect is also relevant if you are Xinning large cities in order to get a science or cash boost - only the first 16 specialists count!!

                Good civin'

                Scouse Git[1]

                "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                "The Great Library must be built!"
                "A short cut has to be challenging,
                were it not so it would be 'the way'."
                - Paul Craven
                "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                • #9
                  Thanks a lot, SG. That must be a game balancing measure against super cities. But it is pretty much irrelevant in Freeciv because it is strictly ICS country, at least for now. I am not sure if I will ever see a size 37 city in Freeciv...


                  • #10
                    In OCC games we have noticed that when a city is larger than size 20 you can no longer celebrate WLTxD in that city unless you have HG, CfC or (in democracy) a courthouse or palace. If a city is smaller than 20 you can have WLTxD if the population is an odd-number, even if you don't have a wonder or building that adds happy citizens.


                    • #11
                      I guess in this case the effect of population must have made the single content citizen unhappy, and that will still be consistent with the rules.


                      • #12

                        I regularly celebrate cities over size 30 with only 30% luxeries.

                        Odd number cities allow half the pop + 1 to be happy and even number just allow half the number to be happy.

                        The luxeries can still make additional citizens content, but they won't make them happy. what stops we love the king day, is the riot factor, and lack of stock exchanges, cathedrals, or similar improvements.

                        Read my super growth strat
                        Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
                        and kill them!

