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Stoopid AI prize revisited

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  • Stoopid AI prize revisited

    I've picked up a goodie hut city on a nearby land mass but before I have had time to provide it with more than one defender the AI lands a single attacker who creams the defender. The ESTians don't go down tamely though so the attacking unit uses up all it's movement points and is sent very red in the face.

    I look into the city; sell the temple my Republican minded citizens had built; note with regret that the next two shields would have made the horseman needed to have saved the outpost; and assure the citizenry that their time under the tyranny of the oppressor will be short.

    But, blow me down, when my next turn comes the city still counts itself on the roster of the empire and is once again proudly flying the flag.

    The new unit of horse which the AI has generously allowed to raise the city's banner now blows away the badly injured attacker.

    Rather than moving into the empty city, the AI has had the inspired idea to rest its badly injured unit outside the empty city , carefully fortifying itself first as a needful precaution!

    Now sending a task force comprising one solitary unit against defenders of unknown strength is standard A1 incompetence. But, having had the luck to win, to sit outside the gates afterwards instead of walking in unopposed takes the biscuit!!

  • #2
    Maybe the ai wasnt ready for you enlightened gov't

    That is weird though. You would think the ai would know that taking the city would restore the health of his troop. Yet another example of how inefficient the ai is


    • #3

      an ai at war with me always takes an undefended city, unless it used a ship to kill my defenders
      Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool


      • #4
        Something I just noticed was even when allied with an AI civ I could transform all the land around the AI city without a warning from the AI.

        I could transform the farmland into forest destroying the food supply. An easy way to wage war... make an alliance and starve them.


        • #5
          Cool notion, MWHC. A tad slow perhaps but maybe it's a sufficiently low and sneaky manoevre as to make that prolong the satisfaction.

          Come to think of it, there are times I want to maintain an alliance but the pesky ally sneaks an irksome city into my midst. Using this would turn the place into a sort of Sleeping Beauty's palace - surrounded by impenetrable forest for a loooong time.

          Doubt it would be a prince Charming that would wake it up though.


          • #6
            I've as is my custom now just tested your unusual scenario and have found that even when the attacking Barb unit is suffering the worst hit points eg 18 to 20 (completely blackened), it would still enter the undefended city.


            Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV on 11-14-2000 08:59 AM
            Something I just noticed was even when allied with an AI civ I could transform all the land around the AI city without a warning from the AI.

            My impression is that allied civs can freely occupy each other's city pattern (as it does not deprived the city of the resources from the occupied square). So I'd say there is no reason for the AI to sense anything amiss from the allied Settler's activity.


            • #7
              The other side of the coin -- in several OCC games I have had the indignity of allied Settlers/Engineers 'helping' me by thoughtfully clearing the forests I had ever so carefully built on my river squares - cunningly reducing my base shield count below the critical 32 and thoroughly scr*wing my game plan!!

              Scouse Git[1]

              "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
              "The Great Library must be built!"
              "A short cut has to be challenging,
              were it not so it would be 'the way'."
              - Paul Craven
              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


              • #8
                Another candidate for the prize.

                In my current game the A1 is getting plenty of the good wonders. One of the nearer civs, the Persians, decide to build Adam Smith's. Nothing stoopid in that, you say!

                But to build it in a small isolated city (almost certainly from tipping a hut) miles from their capital and relatively close to a human opponent who has gone in (not as yet too successfully) for Lighthouse, Magellan's and a ship chain passing not far from the isolated city?

                Just how long do you think it took the diplomatic corps to give the ESTian budget a boost?


                • #9
                  Just a short observation in a recent OCC game when the AI city had a contiguous one-square ocean and the stupid AI built not only one caravel but two onto it!


                  • #10
                    I've seen a couple of cases where the AI city has built a number of ships and sailed them out into a small landlocked lake where they proceed to rot for centuries. Had the ships sailed back into port and then left the city via an alternative seaward exit the world would have become their oyster!

                    All this being said I must acknowledge doing worse against the A1 at sea than I do by land. Lack of terrain to exploit, I suppose.


                    • #11
                      Recently bought a coastal city with FIVE destroyers on a one square lake behind it. My alpine horde had sat next to them on two sides for two full turns and they never responded. [I envision it as the much neglected Celtic lake navy watching and cheering for their salvation -- moi, of course.] They came with the purchase and were a big help right away.
                      No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                      "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV on 11-14-2000 08:59 AM
                        Something I just noticed was even when allied with an AI civ I could transform all the land around the AI city without a warning from the AI.

                        I could transform the farmland into forest destroying the food supply. An easy way to wage war... make an alliance and starve them.

                        And you can also "help" them by building a rail network... leading from the coast to the capital...just before Robotics...

                        Go Redskins!

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