EST inspired the start of this topic with this quote :
Think about this for a second.....what makes the howitzers so dangerous besides the obvious (their immense attack strength)????
It is their means of travel of course. It is the railroad that makes them un-stoppable! In MP, you shouldn't build any railroads that your enemy can use to their advantage at all, because they will take advantage of them for sure! I am not proposing that you not build railroads at all, but if you cant defend them, don't build them. If you anticipate attack, sever your rail system from the enemy and their howitzers movement will be severely cut down. Scatter a few air bases in the outskirts and use cruise missiles and fighters to patrol the enemy advance.....they won't be able to move quickly enough to get by such a barrier if you set it up right......of course they will eventually catch on, but no strategy works forever in mp.
There are holes to this strategy of course, and a lot of what ifs, but that goes with the territory right?
The last strategy I posted was proven to be holy as cheese....hopefully this will hold more merit in the eyes of the great warriors who responded to that post...
I have many other ideas on how to stop the howitzer, but I'll wait to see what people think of this first.
*Of course if you are heavily outclassed by your enemy, it doesn't matter what your strategy is at all....bottomless pockets will lead to an un-stoppable army. If your superior foes technology has reached robotics you can probably kiss it goodbye.....
quote: Howies are too strong. How do players defend against them in MP (assuming any MP game gets that far)? |
Think about this for a second.....what makes the howitzers so dangerous besides the obvious (their immense attack strength)????
It is their means of travel of course. It is the railroad that makes them un-stoppable! In MP, you shouldn't build any railroads that your enemy can use to their advantage at all, because they will take advantage of them for sure! I am not proposing that you not build railroads at all, but if you cant defend them, don't build them. If you anticipate attack, sever your rail system from the enemy and their howitzers movement will be severely cut down. Scatter a few air bases in the outskirts and use cruise missiles and fighters to patrol the enemy advance.....they won't be able to move quickly enough to get by such a barrier if you set it up right......of course they will eventually catch on, but no strategy works forever in mp.
There are holes to this strategy of course, and a lot of what ifs, but that goes with the territory right?
The last strategy I posted was proven to be holy as cheese....hopefully this will hold more merit in the eyes of the great warriors who responded to that post...
I have many other ideas on how to stop the howitzer, but I'll wait to see what people think of this first.
*Of course if you are heavily outclassed by your enemy, it doesn't matter what your strategy is at all....bottomless pockets will lead to an un-stoppable army. If your superior foes technology has reached robotics you can probably kiss it goodbye.....