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Free cities

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  • #16
    DaveV, i didn't know you could do that

    I view anything but the dreaded Warrior Code and barbarians as a plus from huts, but there is no doubt in my mind that random cities are often poorly placed.
    Disbanding hopefully far enough away from my empire to have "none" status is ideal and then BAM! put the city where it would normally be placed.

    I think this is done to guide you into making contact with other civs sooner than perhaps one normally would. Some games i do not pick up Horseback Riding until late, somewhat hampering my exploration if i don't get enough fast units or any for that matter

    Do you wish to trade blows or goods? I offer both.


    • #17

      Originally posted by Ming on 09-18-2000 11:19 AM
      As pointed out, it's amazing how a free city ALWAYS seems to just miss the key special resources

      It's not amazing, it's mathematics. The pattern of resource and the pattern of huts are designed in a way that makes in impossible to have more than 2 resources in the radius of a hut.
      Nothing to do about it.

      Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


      • #18
        Yeah, it's amazing how that advanced civ is just one or two squares away from the prefect spot. Anyway, I disband it too and build another where I wish it had been. What gets hard is when it's got the bunch of improvements somebody mentioned - sell them or make do with the bad location? And I think even worse, you continue exploring and discover new units attached to the city you're in the process of disbanding - again, keep it and make do, hustle 'em back and disband, or just watch them disappear? ... Oh, well ....


        • #19

          Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida on 09-19-2000 05:08 PM
          Yes you are right. Advance Tribes are only founded on plains and grassland.
          And so, Nomad Tribes are only discovered in other type of terrains. Mainly (I think) ice and forest.

          I have several times found Advanced Tribes on Islands or Seacoasts. They are always, as has been noted, just a little off from taking proper advantage of all the nearby specials.

          Jim W


          • #20

            If the city´s location is OK for starting a colonization of the area you´ve found the city, sell everything you don´t need. (I often find size three cities with e.g. granary, temple and marketplace.)
            Otherwise, sell everything. That way, you can by off that disbanding settler for that money and you even get a surplus.


            • #21
              Beyond the chances of getting a free city in a hut, I've always wondered what the chances are of getting a more "developed" city. Sometimes it seems that early in the game you might get a city with a temple and marketplace, and later in the game--when you're hitting the last of the huts--you get one with more improvements. I think I've hit a couple--mind you, out of hundreds of games--where the city had a library or the city was building an aqueduct. I might be wrong about that. Has anybody gotten a lot of improvements in a free city, or strange combinations of improvements?


              • #22

                Originally posted by Longfistking on 09-20-2000 09:21 AM
                I might be wrong about that. Has anybody gotten a lot of improvements in a free city, or strange combinations of improvements?

                thought I'd provide this link to a similar discussion -hut knowledge

                late in the game (never did track down the triggering tech), i've gotten cities from size 1 up to size 4 with anywhere between 0 and 4 buildings (temple, granary, marketplace and library)
                Insert witty phrase here


                • #23
                  Yeah SCG, I just read that topic thread you pointed out, thanks. I swear that later in the game--say when I'm into building airports and such--that I've run across a size 6 or 8 city with lots of improvements and a defender in it, at least once in a blue moon. Maybe it's the same programming in the game that causes the AI to keep up with you on techs and wonders. It doesn't happen enough in my games to test it out, but next time I find one I'll report it.


                  • #24
                    is there a basis for cities with improvements? I have received cites with temples , markets and libraries. Never knew why or how, they must have been in awe of my glorious empire


                    • #25

                      <font size=1>Originally posted by Dino the Dinosore on 09-20-2000 12:43 PM</font>
                      The found city is NEVER on a shore, just exactly one sqaure away of it.

                      Not true in my experience. I have gotten a free city on the coast.

                      Well, I didn't know that was possible. I've never even seen a hut on a coastline before, let alone receive an advanced tribe on a coast. Anybody else have this experience?

                      [This message has been edited by Bohlen (edited September 20, 2000).]
                      "Three word posts suck!" - me

                      "...and I never will play the Wild Rover no more..." - Various


                    • #26
                      The hut pattern will only NOT place a hut on the map if the square is an ocean square. It will place them on the coast. (I've seen it millions of times)

                      In addition, as long as the square on the shore is plains or grasslands, you can get an advanced tribe from it (I've seen that thousands of times)
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #27

                        The found city is NEVER on a shore, just exactly one sqaure away of it.

                        Not true in my experience. I have gotten a free city on the coast.


                        • #28
                          I've always kept the free City, producing Settlers until I have more than enough Cites to control the area. I can usually keep the city at size 2 or 3 while doing this, and then I just quick build the last two Settlers from that City disbanding it. With just a little cost every so often to build the settler at just the right time, you can populate a new continent in no time.


                          • #29
                            bpayne1, that is correct. It is a great way to start a new front if your rival is there. Nothing like a chokepoint or defensive barrier to keep the "savages" out whilst you colonize the area and build backwards to connect the homeland ; even if the enemy isn't there, its a good strat though. You can never have too much land.

                            I am surprised that players don't regard far off cities, ie one's on the other side of your continent or ones on another island as signs of a rival civ nearby. Oh well, maybe i am reading WAY TOO much into civ these days

                            Do you wish to trade blows or goods? I offer both.


                            • #30
                              I sometime send a diplomat on a ship to pick of these coast huts. If you get barbs the dip just jump back on the ship with the second turn.


                              • Working...