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WWII- Challange

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  • #46
    I say, good show old chap!

    Yes, this one definitely has to rest for a while before another try! (Did I post above that I'd have another go right after this one? No way! )

    Will finish soon I hope, had to let it go last week.

    Clever, clever (regarding airfields instead of railroad)! Your Swedish heritage does not deny itself!



    • #47
      My hat goes off to you gentlemen, it is possible!
      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


      • #48
        thanks Mao!

        re: air-roading

        in commie or fundy - when you have a decent amount of space to cover and you are not concerned with counter-attacks the best road is actually ICS with airfields between. No ZOC issues, three free support for every way-station, only takes one engineer to build a city, add a barracks and you have a howie hospital. I used that approach in N Africa and Eastern Russia.

        You went to Oslo, I sat hunched over a laptop... I think we both need a drink!
        Be the bid!


        • #49
          I always use air-roading if I'm on a big campaign in a war. I did in Red Front (*pssssst* don't tell Nemo!) and it worked very well. It's great for those great plains.

          *sigh*...not back to my don't even wanna know how I'm going... and I've ready restarted at least half a dozen times, and the best I can isn't even close to a win...
          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


          • #50
            Amen to the drink! What's halfway between San Francisco and Sweden, Iceland (my geography stinks! )? Meet you in Reykjavik, say, tomorrow at 22.00?

            How do the barracks work in this scenario anyway? Do they consider one year a turn or is it (as it should be) for example a change from february to april?


            It's common sense to build airbases on HILLS! Try it and you shall find this challange no more difficult than a walk in the park...



            • #51
              Finally finished the challendge. Got the last city in August 1958, could have finish earlier with better planning and if I had not forgotten a city all the way in china and 1 completly alone in siberia. Last turns are really boring as you are rolling with about 100 howies and take 1 city after another. The early part is really interesting as you struggle to stay alive with the axis sneak attacking you all the time. Building coastal forteress and establishing trade routes with the USA really helps early in the game. Why do you not get a tech after conquering a city? You have to steal instead.


              • #52
                I beat it as the french once... but I guess thats easier than as the spanish...


                • #53
                  Amen on the boredom thing!

                  arii - give my best to StL

                  did you keep an early alliance?

                  did you develope Spain, or just leave those cities small?

                  when did you build the trade routes?

                  did you go fundy?

                  how many times did you move a howie off of the rails by accident and NOT let loose a string of expletives??
                  Be the bid!


                  • #54
                    I think it would be a lot more fun and interesting if instead of taking every single city the goal would be to capture berlin, moscow, london and washington as early as possible. The last few turn are otherwise very boring and take forever.


                    • #55
                      In order I built caravans until trade goods were exhausted, engeneers, coastal forteress, airport in madrid then fighters. Axis sneaked attacked, stole a bunch of techs, including demo. Switch to demo, WLPD the cities until size 12-15. I stayed in demo the rest of the game building military units or spies in every cities.


                      • #56
                        I saw this thread and thought I would give this a try. It is easier to win than I thought. Its now 1959 and while the Russians are pretty much intact, victory is now certain. The Allies and germans have 2 cities each and the neutrals 1. Those 3 CIVS should disappear in about 2 turns as I am loading transports to scoot from England into Norway, Finland and Sweden (all 3 have their last cities up north there). Hope to win it in the early 1960s (not a great score but ok).

                        My Civ was never threatened. I was at peace or allied with pretty much everyone until I could sell off improvements, build coastal fortresses and a military. Once I got Fundy and Robotics the way was clear. An early alliance with the Allies continued (with many gifts of techs)until I broke it (1955) and took about 15 of their cities in the same turn. I was at war with the Russians almost the whole game but their efforts went on the germans and allies. The Allies have twice nuked just-captured cities but thats merely an annoyance(I have SDI in all major centres).

                        Next move is to construct a rail line into the heart of the Russian rail network (sacrificing some engineers). Right now theres an open space were anything from either side gets killed. With a 1 turn sudden rail link its howie blitz time. I have 40 howies with about 20 more next turn. I also have some tanks swinging up out of the mideast to find any isolated cities.

                        It is an interesting challenge to win from such a bad start but it really just depends on the AI. If the allies and French together pressed an attack from the start you would be hard pressed to hold those little cities. Its interesting also that the Allies and Axis became friends in this scenario fairly quickly and stayed friends as they essentially fought the Russians to a stalemate. This allowed the mighty Spanish to grow and prosper HeHe.


                        • #57
                          I, too, am trying this scenario out...

                          I just have one problem, the game own't let me switch governments! The REVOLUTION option is grayed out, so how am i suposed to change governments?? How did you guys change?


                          • #58
                            Changing governments is allowed in v2.42 when you first receive the tech.

                            The bastards fixed this bug in MGE and you can no longer revolt if you get the tech in a trade. Not sure about researching it... haven't played the MGE version far enough to get my first choice, which is Fundy.

                            In MGE I would first ally with the Allies and then cease fire with the Axis. Build around 5 or 6 new cities waiting for the Axis to make peace with the Allies and then sneak attack you. The Allies will declare war on the Axis and they should stay at war then going forward.

                            [This message has been edited by Sten Sture (edited September 18, 2000).]
                            Be the bid!


                            • #59
                              I have MGE and was able to change gouv when I stole the tech. It was funny that in demo I did not have many revolting problems


                              • #60
                                I think the gov switch didn't work in MGE for me when it wasn't the last gift I got... I could swear it worked at least once - thanks for the alert arii.

                                Does anyone what happened to the Ming/Xin MP thread on their team effort? I have looked for it briefly on a couple of occasions and I read the thing originally, but I can't seem to locate it. It has been quite a while so it is probably gone forever...
                                Be the bid!

