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Humble Beginnings

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  • #16
    Thanx a lt for that. Now I know how to build a good SSC.

    By the way, it always seems like you get a higher caravan bonus if you trade with another civ. Is this true?

    I dunno why, but it seems that no matter how much science my SSC pumps out, I still get a tech every 3 or 4 turns.
    *grumbles about work*


    • #17
      The caravan bonus (and the subsequent per turn increase in trade) is cut in half if the trade route is set up between two of your own cities.


      • #18

        I dunno why, but it seems that no matter how much science my SSC pumps out, I still get a tech every 3 or 4 turns.

        Shadow, do you mean you get a tech "only" after 3 or 4 turns as opposed to 2 turns? If so, then I would suggest WLTxD. Build Shakespeare's Theater, make sure you have ample surplus food, and bump your luxuries to the max. With the appropriate improvements/governments, i.e., Aqueduct/Sanitation, Republic/Democracy, you'll have a population growth that will explode your research, either by working prime city squares or by extra population that you can convert to scientists.

        The best I've been able to do so far is one advancement every two years by some time in the 1700s.
        Frodo lives!

        Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.

        [This message has been edited by kcbob (edited August 22, 2000).]
        Frodo lives!


        • #19
          Well, then I looks like my next research goals are Sanitation and Democracy, my SSC is at size 12 due to WLTxDs. They're still kind of new to me, but its amazing what you can do with them!
          *grumbles about work*


          • #20
            Yikes! Did I forget to mention that I was talking in terms of OCC? Be careful about happiness in your non-SSCs when you celebrate. But then, MC will help with that.

            Frodo lives!

            Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.
            Frodo lives!


            • #21

              Originally posted by kcbob on 08-22-2000 08:51 PM
              Shadow, do you mean you get a tech "only" after 3 or 4 turns as opposed to 2 turns? If so, then I would suggest WLTxD. Build Shakespeare's Theater, make sure you have ample surplus food, and bump your luxuries to the max.


              Originally posted by kcbob on 08-22-2000 01:03 PM
              Yikes! Did I forget to mention that I was talking in terms of OCC?

              In OCC terms, unless you haven't built the colossus and a marketplace or temple yet, max luxuries is a bit of overkill. Any more than 2 goblets per population number is wasted, just like extra food when growing naturally or extra shields when building something, or extra beakers when discovering a new tech. Obviously, OCCing is all about micromanagement
              Insert witty phrase here

