I have a size 1 city on plains, only defender is a warrior (have a horsie two squares away, though).
After one of my turns a barb archer suddenly pops up out of unexplored black territory south of the city. He's three squares away from the city. The terrain between city and archer is hills.
Since the city is a size one on plains and only is defended by a fortified warrior, I decide to move it out when my turn comes to meet the archer. Meanwhile I rush a second warrior (4 or 5 shields I think).
My turn comes, I move one of the warriors out and I also move the horsie into the city. The second warrior is fortified in the city.
The barb archer moves one step closer, I fortify my warrior on hills between the archer and the city square.
The archer attacks my fortified warrior, wins and is in the yellow. I rush a third warrior, my turn comes and I decide to move out the second warrior although I will not have time to fortify it.
Archer attacks the second, unfortified warrior and wins. He is now in the red. I move my third warrior out and decide to wait with rushing a new warrior, as my opponent moves before me and I have time to rush during his turn should my warrior lose. Archer attacks and wins
I rush yet another warrior (from three shields I think) which I move out when my turn comes...
Archer attacks and loses, phew!
End result: three killed warriors, no barb king though so the rushbuilding has taken a heavy toll on my treasury. City unharmed and because it is very early in the game (only have 4 cities), that was very important.
Question: Any other (better!) way to deal with this? Should I have saved one of the warriors, let the archer move up next to the city (on hills) and attack it with my horse?
FYI, there are no diplo's running around yet.
Edited part: Had to get the rushing sequence right!
[This message has been edited by Carolus Rex (edited May 31, 2000).]
After one of my turns a barb archer suddenly pops up out of unexplored black territory south of the city. He's three squares away from the city. The terrain between city and archer is hills.
Since the city is a size one on plains and only is defended by a fortified warrior, I decide to move it out when my turn comes to meet the archer. Meanwhile I rush a second warrior (4 or 5 shields I think).
My turn comes, I move one of the warriors out and I also move the horsie into the city. The second warrior is fortified in the city.
The barb archer moves one step closer, I fortify my warrior on hills between the archer and the city square.
The archer attacks my fortified warrior, wins and is in the yellow. I rush a third warrior, my turn comes and I decide to move out the second warrior although I will not have time to fortify it.
Archer attacks the second, unfortified warrior and wins. He is now in the red. I move my third warrior out and decide to wait with rushing a new warrior, as my opponent moves before me and I have time to rush during his turn should my warrior lose. Archer attacks and wins
I rush yet another warrior (from three shields I think) which I move out when my turn comes...
Archer attacks and loses, phew!
End result: three killed warriors, no barb king though so the rushbuilding has taken a heavy toll on my treasury. City unharmed and because it is very early in the game (only have 4 cities), that was very important.
Question: Any other (better!) way to deal with this? Should I have saved one of the warriors, let the archer move up next to the city (on hills) and attack it with my horse?
FYI, there are no diplo's running around yet.
Edited part: Had to get the rushing sequence right!
[This message has been edited by Carolus Rex (edited May 31, 2000).]