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Republic In Peril

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  • Republic In Peril

    I play on king and sometimes emperor level. I usually pursue AC with a little warring in the mix, and can run with the AI pretty well. Before going to democracy, i often have trouble in republic, with happiness food production. I often still have several settlers out improving terrain, and am trying to get my scine notched up.

    When I go from Monarchy to republic, I often have a period of bad round and re-allocation of resources.

    can anyone give me some pointers?

  • #2
    Monarchy to Republic

    1) TIMING

    Unless you have the Statue of Liberty wonder; it is important to time revolutions correctly. Every fourth term (from the very start) is the turn to revolt. You will then be able to form a new government next turn.


    Each unit costs a shield to support. Look at each city. If a city has more units than shields; it can not support all its units under a Republic. You may wish to re-home units to other cities with spare shields or to disband surplus warriors in cities before changing to Republic.


    Under Despotism and Monarchy; each settler eats one food per turn.
    This jumps to 2 foods under a Republic. If a city has 3 settlers then that is an extra 3 food required. Unless a city is particularly food rich (fish, wheat, fruit etc.); I would generally only have one, maybe two settlers but not 3 or more settlers homed to that city, before becoming a Republic.


    Under Monarchy each unit in a city makes one unhappy citizen content.
    This happiness benefit disappears under a representative government.
    It is often a good idea to build temples in larger cities at least and to have researched mysticism and/or alternatively have built the Hanging Gardens
    wonder before switching to Republic. Marketplaces are also useful; but only for cities with lots of trade arrows.


    Set this at 40% (you may get away with 30%; may even need 50%).


    Using Elvis should be a last, not a first, resort only.


    You do not need to worry about units with a 0 attack factor; such as settlers, diplomats, explorers, caravans etc. or about NONE units; those not owned by any city. However having 2 or more other units away from their city and nearby fortresses will result in unhappiness. Prior to building J S Bach's Cathedral wonder; there is not much you can do about this; so you should delay changing to republic until you have reduced the number of units in the field. You can reduce units in the field by moving them to cities; to fortresses within 3 squares of a city or even perhaps by simply disbanding that warrior trapped by another tribe's unit or city in a corner.

    8) SUMMARY

    A) Before Going to Republic:

    a) Build Temples in larger cities and acquire Mysticism
    b) Build Hanging Gardens
    c) Finish grassland Roads (for trade) and maybe irrigation (food).
    d) Re-home units (don't bother about diplomats or caravans).
    e) Move units back to your cities/fortresses.

    B) Just Before Revolution and Going to Republic

    f) Check that your year is a fourth turn year.
    g) Disband obsolete superfluous units in cities.

    c) Upon becoming a republic.

    h) Set that luxury rate at 40%!
    i) Reallocate city workers
    j) Use the occasional Elvis entertainer where helpful.

    I hope that this helps you! Good Luck!

    Edward the really really fat!


    • #3
      I won't switch (generally) to Republic until I can immediately start celebrating.
      This means I want markets and trade routes.Perhaps a happy wonder and banks.Temples and colliseums are a possibilty also.It needs preparation to make the transition smooth and worthwhile.
      Always use oedo years or SoL and always scroll thur your cities just after revolting to avoid disorder.Hire Elvi where needed.Run food deficits if neccessary.
      Always scroll thru cities immediately after a government is established.Check for sheild and food shortages and adjust workers as you see fit.Sometimes a unit or 2 will need to be disbanded in the feild.
      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


      • #4
        Excellent and thorough advice. As always Civ comes down to planning....

        But, I wonder given all the steps that need to be performed...and thus diverting time and resources, is it worth it?

        I there a better path to democracy? I have tried communisn and had decent reults... in the long run is republic worth it for a mostly peaceful AC game? how about for a more warrior time game?


        • #5
          how about for a more warrior time game?
          last choice depends on how much units you have and the research that still has to be done.

          personally I never go to Republic ,to many drawbacks
          *all units need support---> bye bye a lot of shields
          *unhappiness because of units=>need to divert trade to lux otherwise I could use it for tax or science
          *senate pokking around in your decisions
          *High rate of corruption--> bye bye trade arrows

          only pluspoints
          *more tradearrows(but since you need to use 20->50% as lux the're useless in my oppinion)
          *celebrations(if I'm not mistaken they give extra pop?Never use celebrations except under demo)

          ==> conclusion LONG LIVE COMMUNISM
          *to 80% usage in taxscreen
          *3 units free of support(that's a basic deffence)
          *NO CORRUPTION
          *No senate bugging you
          *No unhappines because your units are out in battle(or am I wrong,I don't pay attention on that)
          {no senate downfall into anarchy when 2 or 3 cities riot(this vs demo)
          *No science-50%(this vs fundy) }

          ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
          "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
          shameless plug to my site:home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)


          • #6
            I am going to try communism, but if I am not mistaken, getting the tech for communism comes much later in the game than republic. That means a much longer moarchy. Maybe that is not big deal??


            • #7
              You can always check how bigg the differences are(personally i never go to republic always skip to Communism and it seems to work for me)
              compare your monarchy to your republic(at the moment of change ofcourse so your empire itself hasn't changed that much)
              *look at your tax screen
              --> if your max income for tax and science barrely changes(because of the lux rate you need to maintain to keep happines) there is no need to go through a revolution
              *look at your productioncapebilities,in monarchy you can build an army of 3x#cities without any shieldsupport=> is that more than you need or do you need a bigger army to survive?

              I think those 2 factors tell you what you use best,In overall Republic and Demo are not that usefull if you have a lot of wars
              => because of the senate and unhappines caused by troops.

              ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
              "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
              shameless plug to my site:home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)


              • #8


                • #9
                  Have you ever used this strategy for an AC game?


                  • #10

                    ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
                    "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
                    shameless plug to my site:home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)


                    • #11
                      Republic is the stepping stone.

                      (assuming deity)
                      Start game.
                      you're only building three things.
                      troops to explore/defend

                      tech goals
                      1. monarchy
                      2. trade
                      3. republic

                      continue just building items 1-3 until you get trade.
                      hopefully by now you have quite a few cities. 11 keeps the happiness problems down, but i like quite a few more.
                      Now 80% of you production should be used building caravans. The rest is finishing your temples, settlers to continue the expansion (mostly from your boarder cities) and a couple of units.

                      move all caravans to your top producing trade city, (usually capital)
                      Build col. there if you want, but not required. Don't deliver caravans. just store them.

                      Keep doing till you get republic. Review your outstanding exploring troops and make sure max one from every city.
                      First oedo year, revolt. Crank lux to celebrate. Once your top trade city has grown.........START DELIVERING THOSE CARAVANS (just enough every turn so you don't waste the extra science beakers) It's nice if it's demanded, but not required. You will start getting a tech every 1 or 2 turns. And if you have stored enough caravans, you can keep this up for 10-15 techs.
                      And your treasury will have big bucks. Rush buy more caravans, and in your core cities, markets, aquaducts.

                      Now the strat splits depending on SP or MP
                      tech goal....MP democracy straighest path.
                      tech goal....SP all democracy prereqs except invention. (keeps the trades bonuses higher, and techs from huts.)

                      Get democracy, build SOL

                      Once you've finished milking wltkds revolt to communism. Crank luxuries up so Core cities will celebrate and get rep/dem trade bonus. Next turn you should be able to crank lux down almost all the way, but the trade bonus from celebrating should keep the cities celebrating even at the reduced lux level.

                      Keep up those caravans.

                      In SP, game over.

                      In MP, big Power Graph showing.
                      Race to gunpowder and metalurgy, and go kick some butt.

                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #12
                        shade, For AC I meant a game in which you landed first on ALpha Centuri as opposed to a bloodlust game..


                        • #13
                          Rah, great plan...can you explain MP, SP and oedo?


                          • #14
                            oh i thought you meant the game alpha centuari(SMAC)
                            ->yes I only play AC games(never bloodlust)
                            for the moment I am in a Diety game racing to AC against the mongols(I let them grow so there would be some opposition,for the moment they cover the entire eurasian continent,and I cover entire America,I really am looking forward to the fight )
                            normally I will win the space race.

                            MP:multiplayer game(more than 1 human player)
                            SP:single player=> standard game you vs all AI
                            oedo year=> every 4th turn since the beginning of the game.

                            ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
                            "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
                            shameless plug to my site:home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)


                            • #15
                              [the moment they cover the entire eurasian continent,and I cover entire America,I really am looking forward to the fight )
                              normally I will win the space race.

                              Build lots of coastal fortresses...good luck

