Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere - I did a check and I couldn't find anything. I noticed in a few of the other threads other Civ players have mentioned using new 'high-res' units. What are these, and where can I get them from?
No announcement yet.
What are 'high-res' units?
Thanks for making the referral, Smash!
By the way, I think we are now only a few days from HiRes version 2. I finished the final revisions over the weekend and wrote the README. I'm in the middle of one last game start-to-finish to insure everything looks and acts correctly.
Stay tuned!
- mindseye aka Tim Smith
The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu
Originally posted by mindseye on 04-10-2000 09:17 PM
By the way, I think we are now only a few days from HiRes version 2
I just downloaded the existing version yesterday and was going to install it tonight. I guess I'll wait for the new one.
What's involved in the installation?
Tim: I just got done playing my first game with the HiRes v.1 graphics and have these comments. I really love the units, but playing zoomed in a little (per your suggestion), it makes the terrain graphics quite chunky. Also, I could not for the life of me see the difference between a mountain, gold and iron. The squares by themselves are somewhat distinguishable, but tiled together on a map, the differences get lost. After a few turns, I switched back to the standard terrain but kept the great unit graphics.
Hmmm....I think HiRes terrain and units are pretty good.It takes a little getting used to.I love the look of roads on grassland or hills.The "Marlin" is nice also.The modern units are very cool.
thats the beauty of this game.You can change almost anything.I've substituted a couple of my favorite units
Now to see how hard it is to make the whole mod MAC compatibleThe only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu
Neon Deon:
Sorry, no hi-res mutant gator, but for you I am trying to include a crash dummy.
Installation is simple, just copy the files over the existing - after backing up the originals, of course! All is detailed in the accompanying README.
Steve -
(1) Yeah, the terrain is really optimized for "standard" zoom level. I'm hoping you only need to zoom now and then until you are accustomed to the graphics and can recognize them at a glance. I almost never need to zoom beyond "standard" (and I only have a 15" display at 800x600), but then again, I've been staring at these things for hundreds of hours. Let me know how this works out for you with version 2.
(2) Re: Gold & Iron, well... <ahem> on version 1.0 I plain old screwed up. You're right, there is no difference. In version 2, Gold is represented by a gold ingot, Iron is an Iron Age spearhead. It think you will find them easily recognized.
Version 2 is a significant improvement: some of the units are improved, some are new, the mountains, hills, & railroads have been re-done from scratch, the rest of the Microprose terrain has been replaced including coastlines and ocean, new resource icons, dialog box textures, city screen, and my favorite: all-new super-detailed cities.
Included with version 2 are over one hundred alternate units, primarily from the 20th century - hopefully I will have covered some of your favorite alternates! As for the Mac version, I would be very interested in knowing what would need to be done. Is it a simple matter of converting graphics formats?
Thanks all for your comments!
- Tim aka mindseye
[This message has been edited by mindseye (edited April 12, 2000).]
Smash -
2 is almost ready. A busy work week and Steve's suggestion (below) might push it to next weekend. I can save from Photoshop into pict format, but will more than that be needed for a Mac? I don't think the file will have the "resource fork", will it? Maybe I can send you an sample for you to test?
Steve -
I really disliked the original grassland resource, it was too prominent. The grassland tile appears in such abundance that I thought I'd use the grassland resource icon to break up the pattern and give the large grassy expanses more texture. For these reasons, I used a very subtle approach, which I did not change for version 2.
However, your comment makes me wonder if I shouldn't include an alternate symbol for those who prefer something a little more obvious? I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the feedback!
- mindseye
[This message has been edited by mindseye (edited April 13, 2000).]
No.Photoshop doesn't work.You still need to use a conversion utility.At least it didn't work for me.I'm far from a photoshop expert though.But I did try the save as .pict with it and it didn't work.The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu
Is 2 ready?
actually, something like HiRes is not too difficult.
.gif must be converted to .pict
.wav to .aiff
rules.txt are fine as is.
there are programs that do this by the easy "drag and drop" method.
events.txt is another storyThe only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu
Steve -
Do you have an email address? I'm ready to go, but I'm still waiting to hear back from Apolyton (Sven's email address is invalid, Markos hasn't answered yet). In the meantime I made the Grassland Resource a bit more prominent. Drop me a note and I will send you the file - I'd like your feedback.
- Tim aka mindseye