Picture this. In playing on the world_small map, all I got left are the 5 Zulus cities covering the Western Hemisphere. They keep sending Caravels with Elephants and Legion across the Atlantic to attack my walled cities defended by Riflemen. Pretty pathetic. The only thing I have to worry about is a stack of 29 fortified caravans. They are fairly well protected, I'm just waiting to use them to build a couple more wonders and a bunch of units. I had clobbered all of the other civs under Monarchy and with SoL, I just switched over to Democracy to race up the tree. My goal is to wipe the Zulus out in one turn sometime in the future. I could obviously send a bunch of riflemen and cavalry over now but I think it would be very cool to wait until Advanced Flight and Rocketry and launch an air/ground attack that would annihilate them. BTW, I keep asking for peace just so I could break it but they don't believe in my treacherous ways. Wonder why?